sideways from eternity

Back to the Future

"Roads? Where we're going, we don't... need... roads."

Back to the Future is my favourite movie of all time: it changed my life, was my first major fandom, and introduced me to Michael J. Fox - who remains my favourite actor to this day. For this gifset, I played around with saturated but faded colours, as they seem to work best for animations.

:: 31 May 2012 ::

The Adventure Continues

:: 11 July 2012 ::

Back in Time

This was inspired by a wave of photo edits on Tumblr done in a similar style — in particular, I liked the aged textured look some of them had, and the use of large ellipses as layer masks. So this was my attempt at doing something like that. The text comes from the song 'Back in Time' by Huey Lewis and the News, which was written for and featured in the first Back to the Future film.

:: 18 October 2011 ::

Get Back, Marty

Text from a revised poem I wrote ages ago.

:: 11 July 2012 ::

I Didn't Build a Time Machine to Travel Through Time

Because Mean Girls quotes are relevant to everything.

:: 16 April 2012 ::

The Frighteners

This photo-edit is one of my personal favourites, again inspired by similar styles I'd seen on Tumblr.

:: 27 September 2011 ::