sideways from eternity

fanfic > misc crossovers and other fandoms

Bottle vs. Pie

Written by Anakin McFly

Bottle stood sadly in the arena and regarded his opponent. So it had come to this: being saved from the circle of recyclement only to be made to fight for his Chris: his true love, his soulmate, his pinetree. Bottle had thought he would never abandon him. For Bottle had never forgotten Chris; nay, not once while lying in the depths of the recycling bin surrounded by uncivilised scraps of plastic giggling over the latest thing that Quinto guy had tweeted.

But Chris... Bottle's steadfast, unfailing bottled love hadn't been good enough for Chris. Bottle let out an inward sigh. Chris wanted him to fight some young punk of a pie for his affections. He had thought he'd meant more than that. After all they had been through...

A single tear of water dripped down Bottle's interior.
