sideways from eternity

fanfic > misc crossovers and other fandoms

The Cinnamon Bun

Written by Anakin McFly

"Hi everybody! Meet me! My name is Rose the Cinnamon Bun. I was born at the Cinnabon! Ooh, that rhymes!

I used to be just a little lump of dough, but then one day someone scooped me up, mixed me with some cinnamon powder, and dumped me into an oven! I started sweating cinnamon sweat. There were more buns inside with me! I talked to them. We became friends. It was real fun.

Suddenly, someone opened the oven and took me out! I smelt so delicious! I wanted to eat myself, but then I remembered this horror story about another cinnamon bun who tried to do that. It was gross. And scary. So I just sat there on the tray, doing nothing.

I was going to try eat one of the other buns, but then someone else picked me up and put me on another tray. I could see so many things! It was so exciting! There was another cinnamon bun next to me. His name was Jack. We became friends too, and decided to get married someday and have lots of little cinnamon buns.

The person put us down on a table. There were two people looking at us.

"Hi!" I said, wanting to make friends. They didn't hear me, so I talked to Jack instead.

Then, this boy walked up to us. He was saying something that sounded like, "Buns! Bun-zuh! Buns!"

"Hi!" I said again. He didn't reply, but grabbed me and Jack! We screamed in excitement. This was so fun! I saw the guy's mouth come closer. I saw teeth! Suddenly, I was scared. I clung onto Jack. He was scared to, and told me to hold on.

"I'll never let go, Jack!" I yelled. "I'll never let go!"

The teeth came down on me!

I let go! I felt so sad! I had broken my promise to hold on. Suddenly, I was in many tiny pieces. I felt myself going down, down, down... I was in the gullet. I learnt about it in cinnamon bun school. Then I was in the guy's stomach! It stank. I said hi to the other food in there. They didn't say anything. I thought they were being rude.

I couldn't find Jack! I couldn't find him! Now I was very scared. The stomach swirled me around. The place was dark. I'm scared of the dark, so I panicked and freaked out.

"AAAAAH!" I screamed, as I went down into the small intestine where all my nutrients were passed into the blood stream. Then, I went into the large intestine where the water was absorbed. I just stayed there, when suddenly I felt the place moving! The place was changing! I was even more scared.

"JACK!" I screamed, but no one heard me. My surroundings continued changing shape!


- Transmission Ended –

The cinnamon bun Controller mentally clicked on the remote, ending the tape. Nearby, more Controllers watched and waited.


"According to the last part, it appears that the bun's consumer started morphing."

"Andalite," one of the other cinnamon bun Controllers sneered.

The rest nodded in silent agreement.

"Find it," said their leader, "and kill it."

And the meeting ended.
