sideways from eternity

fanfic > star wars


Written by Anakin McFly

R2-D2 trundled along happily into the dark cave, whistling the Star Wars theme song as he looked for C-3PO. He went further and further in, but still found no trace of the golden droid. Suddenly, something came at him in the darkness. Artoo squealed in terror, and a moment later was being crushed between the teeth of a rancor that recoiled slightly at the taste of metal. However, it was hungry, and that was all that mattered.

Luke Skywalker ventured into the cave, wondering what had become of his two droid companions. Sensing a disturbance in the Force, he activated his lightsabre, illuminating his surroundings.

"Where are you, Artoo?"

Lurking in the safety of the shadows, the rancor burped, as it prepared to devour its newfound prey...
