sideways from eternity

fanfic > misc crossovers and other fandoms

TDTESS Shakespeare

Written by Anakin McFly

TDTESS '08 IMDb boards:

ed2oh9: They play this sappy music, while the little boy goes from, "He should be killed!", to "Can you help me get back home?".
ckage: Yeah, a kid talking like a kid. Go figure. Why oh why didn't they step up and come up with a inspiring soliloquy, like in the good old days?...

and so this was born.

To be, or not to be: that is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to offer
This alien sweet solace from his foes;
Or to take arms against this unwanted invasion
And by opposing pwn him? To shoot: to kill;
He will bother us no more and leave 
Us free to regain our righteous place
As guardians of this blessed gem in space,
That which we lovingly call our Earth;
Or leave him be, and stand the risk
Of permanent vanquishment; to glimpse beyond
The void: perchance to dream what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil
All of us, yea, every one
For alien destruction doth not distinguish 
The innocent from the guilty; all blood shed alike.

But give us pause to think back on
The careless youth that plagued our race;
The crass negligence of our home
On which we are unfit to live;
We beg you, please, o merciful stranger:
Barada the nikto and spare our lives.
And let us reap the fruit we sowed
Perchance to learn from follies past.

Our fragile forms still hold some good;
We knowest love and how to change
If chance to do so come our way.
I plead with you to save our race
And let us find our voice; we need but
Willing hearts to turn around,
And time to mend our violent ways.

*raises eyebrow*

...Screw you.
