Keanu Reeves Articles and Interviews Archive

keanu reeves articles and interviews archive

Number of articles: 3450

(Mobile users – to access the archive, tap 'Articles' on the drop-down menu.)

This private archive is the result of the combined efforts of Keanu fans through the ages: from the Gardeners at the Garden of Keanadu in the early 1990s, to Reeves Drive, then bought over by Club Keanu, then rebuilt here at WINM when CK crashed in 2008. The footprints of those previous archivers still remain in small notes or comments scattered amongst the articles, a testament to the decades-spanning teamwork in this community.

After 15 years, we made the decision in May 2023 to close the archive and make it members-only due to copyright concerns and out of respect for the writers whose work is included. This move also brings the archive closer to its original roots of a private collection shared among fans in a closed online community. Membership is free, but we ask that you refrain from publicly reposting articles anywhere else on the internet.

This archive now includes over 3,000 articles, outlining the legacy of the breathtaking life and career of Keanu Charles Reeves. There is something inherently epic about following a life over a period of about 40 years; it is a great tale of angst and whoa about the Canadian kid from the broken family who rose to fame through sheer determination and perseverance, surviving personal tragedies and the relentless barrage of critics to emerge and become immortalised as one of Hollywood's – and the internet's – most reluctant and beloved stars.

The articles here are a window not only into Keanu's journey but also the evolution of media and celebrity journalism from the 1980s. Not everything here can be taken as fact. Many tabloid pieces especially are poorly researched, highly sensationalised, report unsubstantiated rumours as fact or are outright fabricated, but have been included for their historical impact on Keanu's public image. (Keanu did not marry David Geffen, Alan Cumming, Autumn Mackintosh or Jennifer Syme. He did not frolic naked in a swimming pool with Sharon Stone (though he later said he wished that were true). He did not say that Hollywood elites drink the blood of babies to get high. His parents' names are Patricia Taylor and Samuel Reeves Jr., not 'Patricia Cholmondley' and 'Milo'.)

Happy reading!

DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views expressed in these articles belong to that of their respective authors. They are not in any way representative of those held by WINM or any of the archive's previous curators.


1) The original Club-Keanu articles archive, without which this would not exist; the discontinued fan sites KeanuWeb, Keanu A-Z and; the 999 Squares Keanu archive.

2) All the writers and journalists who collectively charted the course of Keanu's life and career. Should you have writing here that you would like taken down, please email me at admin(at) and I will do so at once.

3) Fiercelyred and LucaM, who contributed to the bulk of the originally salvaged articles, as well as everyone else who sent me articles I did not yet have.

4) Everyone who helped with translations, especially keanugirl76 for Italian and Spanish, Fiercelyred for German and Dutch, Sephonae for Spanish and LucaM for Romanian. If you were responsible for one of the translations or transcriptions in this archive and would like to be credited, feel free to e-mail me.

5) Keanu Reeves. For existing, and continuing to inspire us: Thank you.