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- in Indirect contact
by Elemental8 58 days ago - in Indirect contact
by Anakin McFly 67 days ago - in Indirect contact
by Elemental8 67 days ago - in Anyone have a copy of Providence (1991)?
by Anakin McFly 196 days ago - in Anyone have a copy of Providence (1991)?
by eagle1 196 days ago
It's been 8 years since the last dinosaur, so let's make up for it with a really cool one! This is the psittacosaurus. (It is not to be confused with a pistachiosaurus, which is a dinosaur made up of pistachio nuts.) The psittacosaurus was a Early Cretaceous herbivorous dinosaur originating in Asia. It had a beak, and quills on its tail, and possibly looked like a giant parrot with legs. It was roughly 2m in length.
There are 12 known species of psittacosaurus, the highest for any non-avian dinosaur so far. Hundreds of fossils have been discovered across China, Russia, Mongolia and Thailand – many of them complete skeletons from all stages of life.
Psittacosaurus had a small but advanced brain. It is estimated to have had a high EQ, suggesting nest-building and parental care behaviours and possibly good companionship for any lost time travellers. (Notably, however, the T-rex also had a high EQ, and that did not stop it from happily eating people in the scientific documentary that is Jurassic Park. Do always take caution when going on excellent adventures through time.)
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- Just 'Johnny'
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by Misty - Don John
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