WINM Forums :: Off-Topic Chat :: Over the River and Through the Woods......

Over the River and Through the Woods......
2010-12-20 09:49

Forum Posts: 541
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....To my Grandma's house, I go!

To be more precise, I'm leaving tomorrow for California to visit my family for about two weeks - and to go to the ElecTRONica attraction. Now, I'm bringing my laptop along, but my Grandma has no internet. Last time I was there, one of her neighbors had an unlocked wireless network that I could access, but that was two years ago. I don't know what the status will be this time, so if I don't show up here for the next two weeks, that is why. I'll post pics when I get back. ;D

2010-12-20 10:06

Forum Posts: 491
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Have a nice holiday! We'll miss your pics;)
And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
2010-12-20 20:40

Forum Posts: 264
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In August at the seaside I had not internet for two weeks.That set my mind free!:D
I am waiting for new pics.:)
2010-12-21 01:08

Forum Posts: 424
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Enjoy your holiday at grandma's :) Watch out for that big, bad wolf in the woods, though :D
2010-12-21 02:12

Forum Posts: 4842
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Reviews: 13

Watch out for that big, bad wolf in the woods, though :D

ahem. ;) :D

@Spark - have a nice holiday , and bring back pics. lots of pics :)

2010-12-21 06:12

Forum Posts: 385
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Have a great break, Spark! We'll just sit around playing Robot Unicorn Attack while you're gone. :)
2010-12-21 10:20

Forum Posts: 102
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Have a wonderful holiday Spark.

But as a trustee of my local library board and a library supporter in general, feel free to visit the public library in your grandma's hometown and I am sure you will be able to find a free internet connection. That way you won't have to "borrow" from the unsuspecting neighbors.

2010-12-21 22:29

Forum Posts: 424
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@Luca - what? It's good advice ;)
2010-12-22 00:58

Forum Posts: 4842
Comments: 381
Reviews: 13
yes it is ;) :D
2011-01-02 06:17

Forum Posts: 541
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Well, I'm back. I've been off the grid for two weeks; well actually, I've been ON the Grid for two weeks. I went to ElecTRONica! TWICE! I also saw Tron Legacy in IMAX 3D twice too! *melts into puddle* There is NO comparison. I'm really down about the fact that I only get 2D for the rest of it. Pictures of my journey into the world of Tron will be posted soon. I have to blur my face out of them. Can't have pics of me out on the net. All in all, this has been the BEST birthday experience, EVER! Spark is a very happy program.

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