fallbreeze's Comment History

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Keanu Reeves' Breeze and Mystery
2014-05-24 23:45:44
You're welcom:)
Keanu Reeves' Breeze and Mystery
2014-05-24 20:12:12
Hey,Ani,I've read the original Chinese article when it came out. You translated it very beautifully,but the title is more like"Keanu Reeves' breeze and mistery",here the Chinese characters of Mistery and Fans are the same pronunciations,but with different shapes.
sidenoteļ¼šI happened to have read a microblog,something like twitter,posted by the assistant of the author who wrote this article when they came back from interviewing Keanu.She said he was very polite but somehow she felt the alienation,so with curiosity,she looked him up afer they were back,and thus knew the life story of him,and then hardly slept that night.
So,at the other side,it also showed how little they had prepared before the interview.

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