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Hi Everyone!

2021-07-10 20:52:55

Stupid? So called PI?
Your obviously quite ignorant yourself if you are completely over looking such a crime in the name of Keanu Reeves

What are your intentions with this site? To help people or to just place useless information on the web here?

Hi Everyone!

2021-07-10 11:49:36

Will The Real Keanu Reeves Stand Up ?
Hey All,
I am an avid fan of Keanu and besides that a business owner, artist, creator..
My reasoning for entering and becoming a member.. I am sadly disheartened with all the scams going on in the name of Keanu Reeves ..
I want to share my personal story that is honestly still going on and I’m not sure if anyone has experienced such.?

Here’s my story.. given this began over a month a go and reached this scam in this past Tuesday so you can tell it’s still raw, seeing Keanu Reeves on my tv not just makes my stomach churn and I’m wondering if the aftermath of these scum bags creating these scams realize or have any real concern for the Real Keanu Reeves? Or is this a publicity stunt of all stunts? You be the judge but I’m out to seek justice and feel the need to talk directly to Mr Reeves because I’m sure he has not any idea of how his name within some of his fans circles is becoming a stigma with some being so upset and distressed that result after these con artists drag his name through the mud…

At times like this that one sits and thinks “ oh now that was stupid”
“Oh I should have seen that coming”

Well I’m sharing because I think it’s important to own things that happen to us sometimes and to highlight an opportunity to hopefully save someone from the same headache..

Not just to highlight it but in this case to protect everyone concerned, the 5 plus million of us on this planet, I say 5 plus million, because the rest are the fuckers, the ones that make up the actual 6 million people of this earth are the ones creating these situations in about to tell you and to make poor unsuspecting folks like us all fall for their shit…

Along with the Covid making life difficult , the current situation with the dark wide world web is at a pandemic within itself.. the Internet if your not aware or don’t have this holy than thou attitude that makes you think that it will never or it could never happen to me.... IS sadly out to get you, making it so much easier for those f ers , I call them to get to you…

Please .. realize YOU ARE NOT SAFE not safe at all, the misconception that your information, details, privacy is secure, well forget it .. seriously nothing you place on the Internet is safe, your pictures, your quotes , your kids, your email, your bank apps, your door opening apps, your phone door bell apps , absolutely nothing is safe , everything is hackable and jack-able…given them access to you and to use those details to target you..

One case im referencing to is my own recently.. I’ll call it “ I love you BAM ????
In the name of Keanu Reeves “

Due to the severity of the case in question and the interaction with current involvement within with Federal/International/IC3 directives I’ve being asked not to discuss an ongoing case as regards to suspects names , but it may be that you very well could be reading about it very soon..

Over the last month plus I have been “swooned love bombed” I think people call it.. completely out of the blue and unexpectedly.. targeted..

The conversations back and forth, the amount of phone calls, the video calls all present to verify, the attention to detail so much so that every fact checked out.. the reverse phone number, the reserse email address, the photos reverse check all checked out..

The research into the person’s identity for all in tense and purposes All checked out..I had even talked with the person in a group chat live and with others in the group chat and privately as well as received voice mails..
I did what it thought as my due diligence without hurting feelings and treading on toes.. my gut feeling at times told me check this out, check that out for those that know me, I’m a seasoned Private Investigator of some years, I used to catch people like this, expected people like this..

However, with the greatest embarrassment this one slipped under my radar, like I said out of the blue and it all checked out..

The discussion at the beginning of all this communication was had, “ dude if you try to get money out of me you will be sadly mistaken, you may as well piss right off now and quit while your ahead “
After that resulting a laugh and a “I would never” passed and the feeling of being secure set in place the pursuit began..

A month plus ordeal of Chats,? Talks , calls took place, the above and beyond that people do when they are concerned and caring about the others well being, daily life discussions, nothing remotely of money crossed lips..
The fine details are seriously astounding me…not one time in the communication did I really consider this to be not real, as every time I did have a niggly gut feelings I did my utmost to research and prove it wrong.. he was that good..
After all I’d seen him in video chat and group chat, talked to him, every question was answered and backed up, every box checked and every detail confirmed..

Let’s now jump ahead…

One morning I received an email suddenly in my inbox asking for 200K GBP?? , not from person concerned but from a connection, that he claims is unknown to him with a request for myself to take a trip back to the UK to obtain forms fill them out and a refund of money spent..

To that also attached A Bitcoin/ crypto currency letter attached demanding a fee resulting from an early withdrawal that was made within the 5 years contract time frame..
Also A log in attached to a web site, fully functional with a password that was provided to go check the stocks of the Bitcoin/ crypto currency.. and the amount of profit sitting in the account to a total of 23 million GBP no less, evidently earned in profit from a 500,000 GBP deposit back in 2017….. because of the early withdrawal the finance company holding the Bitcoin/crypto currency’s charge a fee and freeze the account for 12 months as a penalty for that early withdrawal of payment is not made…

A call to the person concerned resulted in Omgosh this is not right who did this? Let’s log in and see what’s happening.. right I thought..
Was also told that the agent for said person was bribing said person with a drug related video obtained at said persons house and was now suggesting charging double the fees.. or said video be released to press.. to that suddenly my brain does a drop kick, kicks in with my PI brain, emotional side freezes and I said, well your under contract right? Then it’s breach of contract and hell let them sue you, they don’t have a leg to stand on so..
Aftershock silence ..Well that didn’t work did it, thankfully she’s not that stupid..

The email also contained a log in with password.. again Of course my PI head said don’t log in with your email open any files or use your computer without heightening the security and better still use a computer that has nothing on it regards to files that can be stolen or hacked..

So log in was started and there sat the active web site all showing all the details, profit, initial deposit, name and details of the account owner the contract assigned and details of deposit for trade with 3 signatures, the owner of the account, witness and the financial advisor for said web site financial services..

The account has the name of the person concerned and all the details one would expect with such a transaction

The documents also attached in theory all checked out from what I saw without holding them physically in my hands and with all the fine details checked out as legit.. right down to the stamps for authenticity.. the comment LLC formed to purchase the initial coin for deposit… of course I then obtained a quick silent screen shot and details of every thing I was looking at and log in to maintain details for later..

I was then asked to download an app called coin to purchase and place my hard earned cash that I don’t have, into the account, to then turn around to purchase the crypto currency and then use that to pay for the early withdrawal fee once arriving in London with the bank, to then in turn have them release the remaining funds to me .. I even got offered my money back and a 5% extra incentive for my time.. and inconvenience..
My tickets for the UK sent to me with a reference E ticket number.. no questions asked..

All the While I’m being harassed by the person concerned, in the phone, then love bombed again when I finally began to get a little pissed and then harassed again, fine details of our conversations used against me to make one believe well Shazz you just don’t care and you won’t help me??

Of course your all thinking OMG she handed over 200K GBP right?

Well anger in short.. Fuck NO in did not but I did have a quick thought, a suddenly brain wave .. don’t get mad.. the get even came over me..

Act normal make an excuse as to why this transaction can’t just happen just like that and use every trick in the book to keep this fucker engaged just long enough to get every pieces of detail I can over to the feds and who ever else needed to get it.. and meanwhile safe guard everything i have…

I even was sent an email of explanation of how to set up the coin account because I acted dump and I a hard time following instructions NOT , but this was a lucky break given after IP traced on that address it back to NY and not the location said person has claimed to be for the last 1.5 months

In short I do still have the fucker engaged, endless texts asking if i have made it home yet to check my computer and complete transaction.. right!

The games are still en-suite..
“Love Bomb ???? drop “ is tomorrow given I’ve collected endless data that will assist in this rings demise..

The moral to this story is …it doesn’t matter how careful you are, how well you think you know, even if you think you know you don’t..

Doesn’t matter how guarded and how diligent you are, they will if they wish get in and fracture everything..

One things evident, they don’t care what lengths they go to even if it means talking to you for weeks, keeping up appearances, timing and carefully watching all communication to make sure of no slip ups or second guessing happens.. meanwhile sucking you in..

Was I at error? Maybe, maybe it’s unsafe to even think your ok when you’re seeing things with your own eyes?
Your checking things and it all seems legit?

Many will say this won’t happen to me.. but.. as the old saying goes always check your 6 and always watch your back, yes sadly act paranoid , don’t trust anything that’s not physically in the flesh in front of you..
Even then check the fine details..

It’s sad that this world and this place of mass useful information places such at our fingertips is the same dark mass ready to creep and Swallow you whole..

I had second thoughts of putting all this out there but you know ENOUGH, for may people who has things like this happen they don’t want to talk about it, Just let it go thinking oh I’ll look stupid and nothing will change..

But I’m here to tell you it all HAS to change, think about the poor mother, father, child sitting one side of the computer or phone dealing with this..?
I know many would have bitten the bullet, handed it over, lost everything and still not said a thing about it because of sadness and ego of what People might say or think about them....

I say FUCK THAT , Dam right I’m speaking up, if I save 1 person who’s in this type of communication or about to be targeted .. let’s get this stopped ✋????
Or at least bringing attention to it..

I’m not stopping to bring attention to this with all the right channels, even directing it to the person that this person was acting as..

Internet Fraud
“ If prosecuted as a felony, defendant faces up to three years in state prison (most likely to be served in county jail), plus fines up to $5,000 and restitution to the victim, if any. If convicted of misdemeanor identity theft, the maximum time in custody is one year in county jail and a fine of $1,000.”

“Any person who is found guilty of fraud shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six (06) months but which may extend to ten (10) years and shall also be liable to fine which shall not be less than the amount involved in the fraud, but which may extend to three (03) times the amount “...

I have contacted his agency, called the police and also the FBI, what worries me is the amount of time and effort there connection artists have out into this scam makes one believe it’s making a ton of money or they wouldn’t be doing it..

It has to be stopped and I’m working on the how

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