.s's Forum History
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Weird coincidence or one of you? 2010-07-22 14:28 |
I googled that too. But who from San Diego/Cali would want to contact me? I'm starting to think the whole thing is just weird coincidence and nothing more. |
Weird coincidence or one of you? 2010-07-10 02:05 |
This is a rather weird topic, but let's go ahead since I've got nothing to lose.
I ended up contributing (and pouring my heart out) to the Thank you, Keanu Reeves -website under the title "PROCRASTINATING". I signed the note with ".s". Few days back I was in Twitter, and for the fun of it, searched again if KR would've showed up with his own account. Instead I found that someone going by the name "keanu reeves .s" had created a user profile "04426862020". Now I felt a bit creeped out by the coincidence and still am. Is it targeted towards me or am I just being paranoid? Is the number a phone number? If so, where? I don't live in the US, so I'm not gonna start international call operations simply because. Is it one of KR fans trying to get connected? What's up? Any of you know anything about that particular Twitter account? .s PS. Yeah, and feel free to tell if you think I'm seeing ghosts in places there is none. |
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