Bookworm 's Forum History

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Dr Suess

2013-12-29 01:56

Great rhythem. It feels a bit short though try adding some lines.
any interesting dreams you've had about K?

2013-12-29 01:49

Well I once had a dream with Keanu in it.

One day I was in this big airport. There were bright green and yellow lights everywhere. I saw him and I did not know who he was. I looked at him and he looked
at me. He gave me the warmest smile and I wondered who is he?

I still remember that dream. It was a smile that I will never ever want to forget.

Keanu Sighting (with picture)

2013-12-29 01:30

I guess Keanu was having a ''I want to wear something unique day''. I`m a fan and all but why does Keanu like to dress up like a teenager? Personally I prefer the tux.
Open Letter to Keanu Reeves

2013-12-29 00:40

You guys are pretty cool thanks for replying. I think I like this website. I was expecting mean slurs but I guess there are nice people on the internet.
Open Letter to Keanu Reeves

2013-12-28 17:07

Hey anyone no how you write and send fan mail? Its pretty hard to be a Keanu fan when you live in the oakies and you just happen to be bad at surfing the internet.
By the way Keanu please do your friends in the south a huge favor by giving us a visit. Some of us are technology challenged.
Open Letter to Keanu Reeves

2013-12-28 16:52

There is like a one out of bezilionth chance that he read my fan mail but here goes.

Dear Keanu,

I believe you are one really awsome actor. Personally I`ve never met you but you look like a really kind person. I read your story and I felt simpithy for you wright away. You`ve gone through alot yet you have survived it. I think your pretty awsome. I`ve struggled with a few things myself and I get were your coming from. Life ain`t no crystal stair thats for sure. So I think your really courageous for going through it.

A fan

P.S: I hope I don`t come off sounding creepy. I think its pretty creepy to read someone`s story while there still alive.
P.P.S: I`m sorry if I sound creepy. I`m not nearly this sappy and emotional in my own life.
P.P.S.S: By the way you are very pretty, cute, and handsome.

Hello From The United States!

2013-12-28 15:29

Hey people. Well I first watched Keanu in the Matrix. I thought he looked pretty cool so I watched some more of his stuff and I`ve been hooked ever since. I like his movies and he looks like an al`wright dude so I guess I`m a fan. I think he`s a good actor and this website looked pretty cool so I joined. I guess that`s the end.

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