EmotionallyChallenged's Forum History

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Defending Keanu

2014-09-12 04:49

Fish serve a purpose and are delicious. Axolotl's are a reminder to not drink the water in Mexico.
Defending Keanu

2014-09-06 17:32

Also..."Cool breeze into the mountain" changed my life, and has convinced me I really need to take better care of my own spleen.
Defending Keanu

2014-09-06 17:30

I would like to sincerely apologize for peeing on LucaM. It was a crude and innapropriate action. LucaM, I apologize. Other than tonight, I've only come here while drunk (First post included). While my drunkenness doesn't excuse my actions, it makes me a lot more prone to urinate on others, and I'm sorry. I also find your tonguing of Keanu's asshole a fitting tribute, and I am sorry I mocked you for it. Someone has to do it, and your shouldering of this responsibility is honorable. What have I done for Keanu? Not nearly enough, and certainly not as much as you.

I would also like to apologize if any of you thought I was putting down Mr. Reeves. I was not. What I was trying (and failed) to say, is Keanu Reeves portrays a certain type of man who is more logic than emotion, and I love him for it. I identify with him more than any other actor. Others have put him down for not "being able to act" but in my eyes way too many actors "over-act."

I have especially loved his recent overseas movies. Man of Tai-Chi was AWESOME-truly the best movie I've seen in several years. I've recommended everyone I know to see it. It was superbly paced, and incredibly planned. For his directorial debut, he freaking NAILED it. I also found his fighting in the movie extremely well done and realistic. He didn't overdo it. Too often tall American's try to emulate Asian superstars and throw in moves they really can't pull off and in all honesty are not made for men of a certain height. It would have looked comical if Keanu tried to match the agility of the Asian leading man, but instead he knew what he could do, and he did it strongly, and straight-forward... which is exactly what anyone should do in an actual fight, so I was a fan.

I also have recently watched "a walk in the clouds," where I got to see the softer side of K.R. I was completely convinced that "Here...here was a man in love!" More convinced than most "leading men" in other romance movies would sway me- most seem to give the performance they know women want to see, but really is not the male reality. It was a great movie.

LucaM, I sincerely apologize for peeing on you. It will not happen again. I wish I could go back in time and either stop myself, or at the very least bring you a towel and apologize when I came to my senses. Also: sorry if I seemed disrespectful to K.R.

Defending Keanu

2014-08-17 12:55

P.S.S.S: I of course will be banned from these forums soon. Would like to add that I came back to actually talk about a recent performance of his I really, REALLY enjoyed... but now the point is rather moot.
I would like to point out before I'm banned however, that even though everyone disagreed with me, I really will take allhailkingjack's and anakinmcfly's comment to mind (and heart) because they weren't personal attacks against me, but logical disputes that really made sense. Thank you. good day. And godd bless K.R.

Defending Keanu

2014-08-17 12:44

P.S.S: If luca isn't a female, he certainly acts like a bitch. K thx bye.
Defending Keanu

2014-08-17 12:43

Luca: Please take five minutes to take your lips off of Keanu Reeve's asshole and inhale deeply. Calm the fuck down. This is a forum. K thx bye.

P.S: I've given her a golden shower. It was less than satisfying.

Defending Keanu

2014-07-31 07:58

Now before you take this review to heart I highly suggest you look at my username-emotionally challenged- because honestly that is what I am. I am a male who LOGICALLY reacts to situations immediately, and emotionally reacts to them days later. Think of me as Spock. How many males are emotionally challenged?To behonest I can not accurately answer that question, because I socialize less than the average bear.

But what I can tell you is this: if you told me my father (who i'm estranged from) died, I would thank you for taking the time to tell me... finish cooking my dinner....eat it while watching tv....and sleep peacefully. Then, perhaps a week later, out of nowhere I would break down and CRY about the missed opportunities and how much I miss him.

From my experience, I am more similiar to many males then they'd like to admit. So if you asked me what actor best represents me I would immediately reply "Keanu Reeves." However, I would also contradict that he is not a "skilled actor" because he brings this emotional retardation into every role he plays.
So is Keanu a skilled actor? No. Why not? Because he can not slip into the role and mindset of the majority of characters that a script calls for. He reacts to situations how they make sense TO HIM, not the character. However, as an emotionally-challenged male I will tell you this- every one of Keanu's reactions make logical sense. Emotional sense? no. Logical? Yes. And I would argue that he is a "necessary evil" because he brings people like ME into the media conscience.

P.S: I am a huge fan of Samurai philosophy and because of this I've read "Hagakure" which preaches: Every important decision should be made in the span of three breaths. Following this philosophy, I can see why Keanu reeves is so intrigued by the samurai and eastern martial arts. One must set their mind/logical thoughts first, and their emotions second.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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