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UPLIFTING QUOTES for our day to day 2021-03-24 13:26:08 |
“It’s not about deserve, it’s about what you believe. And I believe in love.” “You can either do nothing, or you can do something, and I already tried doing nothing.” - Wonder Woman (2017) |
REPLICAS 2020-08-23 09:34:24 |
Just found this in a discount bin today.. about to give it a watch! Hopefully it’s as cool as it looks! |
Scammers alert 2019-02-09 02:40:28 |
I completely forget how to add pictures, but y’all know those fake Ellen profiles on Facebook that are like “click and win money!! Cars!! Houses!!” well I just got approached by a Keanu one.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014443450665 |
UPLIFTING QUOTES for our day to day 2017-10-25 10:00:04 |
"Even when the dark comes crashing through, when you need a friend to carry you, when you're broken on the ground, you will be found. So let the sun come streaming in, cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again, lift your head and look around, you will be found." - You Will Be Found, Dear Evan Hansen (a musical which I highly highly recommend if musicals are your thing) |
High School. . .Dahhh. . . 2016-07-23 11:35:15 |
I'm baaaaaaaack! ![]() Hello everyone! Not too much to tell here, but I haven't been on in awhile so might as well. It's quickly approaching two years since I joined, and I've hit a lag with my availability of unseen Keanu movies So, where to start, where to start. Had a mutual breakup with the dude I was dating not too long after it started, wasn't really feeling it (not surprising). The guys all graduated and have gone off to school which kinda sucks as I'm now back to having no social life on the weekends. I do however now have a truly wonderful, words alone cannot describe, girlfriend. Back in June 2015 in one of these i mentioned discovering I had a "Virginian counterpart". Well, after over a year of us both being chickens, we are officially official (though it's a secret from most). I am incapable of expressing how happy I am, just, yeah. Star Wars has moved itself into my brain and seems to have settled down for a couple drinks and a new fandom. Also, Mark hamill is awesome, pure fact. (Also, why does everyone hate the prequels?? It's like how most people don't like the matrix sequels. I don't get it.) My friend will be housing exchange students soon, which is cool and I nice opportunity to make more friends. I'm starting Junior year in less than a month (and trying for piccolo in band). Where does the time go?? Anyway, hope you all are doing well and continue to do well |
UPLIFTING QUOTES for our day to day 2016-02-01 11:17:57 |
"It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." - not sure but I heard it on Racing Xtinction |
High School. . .Dahhh. . . 2015-12-31 07:42:12 |
I seem to be due in for one of those life updates younger me began doing. Apologies if it annoys anyone, just comment if it does and I'll take my random rambles elsewhere.
So let's see, where to begin. 2015 was some year. British dude and I stopped talking. Wasn't any sort of falling out or anything, just sort of stopped speaking one day. Hurt at first, but as this was in the summer I'm officially over it now. Started sophomore year, going well so far. Taking AP European History and all honors classes (besides math, I'll stick to basics and triangles, thank you very much scheduling). All A's so far, but I've really got to get better at studying for euro exams. Actually felt prepared for band camp this year, got moved up to flute 1 alongside a junior and senior. Played Beatles marching show. Was very happy. skip if different sexualities aren't your thing figured myself out, homoromantic asexual, out to a few friends most of the internet and no family Befriended a group of seniors. The piccolo of the band, who is also in my euro class, tried to set me up with one of her friends supposedly due to our shared interest in wholock but in reality because she wanted him to stop chasing after her. Needless to say I try to avoid the drama of the group. Got a boyfriend. Yes, after realizing I'm gay, no it's not the guy she tried to set me up with. It's another guy in our group, who is more of a best friend to me than anything else (yes it's complicated yes I'm working it out yes he's aware I'm gay). Got a speaking role in the fall play, Charlotte's Web. Nothing big, I was one of Charlotte's children, Nellie. But still. The spring musical is going to be Honk, a modern retelling of the ugly duckling, and I've got goals. Saw the new Star Wars movie with the guys (aka the five senior dudes I'm now friends with) and all I have to say is SOLO YOU IDIOT WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! Am extremely happy I met and became friends with these awesome people, going to miss them when they go to college next year. Still working on those same roleplays. Haven't updated any of my fanfics for over a year now, feel like a slightly horrible person for it (but not horrible enough to update apparently). Actually started writing a book series, which I've said I was going to do before but never really got around to starting until now. Awesome new phone compatible with my prepay plan \o/ Applying to my state's Governer's School for the Arts (GSA) which is a three week summer camp type thing. Had a surprise sweet sixteen about a month before my birthday. Still amazed none of my friends let slip in advance. Had a pretty successful Christmas as well, Xbox One, rockband 4, laptop (which I'm using to write said book series) Digital Cinematography book, and a whole lot of Doctor Who merch. Spent so long typing this I forgot what I actually intended to say. But yeah, been a fantastic 2015. Happy slightly early New year, and I wish an even more fantastic 2016 to you all! Oh yeah, and SHERLOCK SPECIAL ON THE FIRST. YAAAAASSSSSS. (That reminds me of the cardboard Benedict Cumberbatch standing in my room... heh..) |
Advice on colleges? 2015-12-31 06:38:32 |
Long time no post, but I got the Digital Cinematography book for Christmas, and I've found some colleges I've taken a liking to as well. Did you ever get it Mme? |
UPLIFTING QUOTES for our day to day 2015-08-16 02:57:24 |
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who will do the things that no one can imagine. -The Imitation Game |
Advice on colleges? 2015-06-22 08:54:33 |
Thank you SO so much Mme and bicto22!! I've wanted to go into the movie making industry for years now, and those are really the first words of encouragement I've heard (well, read).
I was raised, in a way, believing college to be more of just further mandatory schooling than optional education for a career. I do have a few different cameras I've been looking into trying to get over time, which will undoubtedly end up being digital, despite my love for traditional film, digital is more convenient. Lately I've just been trying to balance out what I want to do with what is expected of me, not always the easiest thing. |
High School. . .Dahhh. . . 2015-06-10 08:00:35 |
This seems to have become more of an online journal than a high school survival discussion, but oh well. Manure Occureth. It has evolved.
So my last day of freshman year is tomorrow. Just... Wow. It just went so so fast, and I feel like I've changed so much since first joining this site in early August of last year. If anyone does actually read this though, I'd like to thank you for your existence, as strange as that probably sounds. And a huge thanks to Keanu for existing as well, or none of this would've come to be. So.. Random updates on life. I seem to have found my Virginian Counterpart. She is really just like an.. Updated version of me. It's great. The Washington DC trip was fun. We saw Wicked in Baltimore the day the really intense rioting broke out - in the morning luckily. Saw all the monuments and memorials and everything. Flipped out when I saw double decker buses. Also flipped out because a Circle K was right across from our hotel.. :D Been moved to Flute 1 for next years season *is ecstatic*. Our marching show is Beatle Mania!! Should be taking my permit test soon. Dunno when. The big camping trip is in just a few days. Should be interesting. I GOT A DOG!!! We adopted five year old snuggles from a shelter barely a week ago, and he's already a huge part of the family for such a little guy. I've started writing a novel. A trilogy actually. I have a plot, an outline, a crap ton of free time over the summer, and huge goals. Hmm.. That's about it for now. Have a most excellent day Lovelies |
Advice on colleges? 2015-06-10 07:40:16 |
I would love to shadow someone in the field. I do find myself writing out the occasional outline of bits and pieces of screenplay ideas I have, and I just recently began to seriously work on a trilogy I've thought up, novelization first and screenplay adaptation second, mostly because I hope to have it published when completed (and edited countless times).
Of course the "realistic" and "practical" outcome of all of this that I have mostly for my family's sake is to be a mortician. Not really related in any way, but it gives me something to base my high school courses along, as well as a beautiful setting for anything in the horror category |
Latest Keanu Purchase - So What'd You Get? 2015-06-10 07:31:15 |
I FOUND CONSTANTINE IN A FIVE DOLLAR MOVIE BIN AT WALMART A FEW WEEKS AGO and I just completely spazzed out in the middle of the store when I saw it like I was just strolling through Walmart in the middle of a conversation with my mom and just gasped, grabbed it, and squealed and started walking again without any explanation.
Then just a few days ago my history teacher said if I found Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure on DVD we could watch it in class so I went into Walmart with a goal and you know what I left feeling accomplished and we're now watching Bill & Ted in history class. |
virtual WINM party 2015-06-09 03:27:55 |
I've got the movies and the fudge cake! |
Advice on colleges? 2015-06-08 21:24:30 |
Thanks silver & misty! See what I really want (and have every intention of achieving.. I'm both stubborn and persistent) to be is a film director, but I'm not really getting much support there from familial sources. Most local schools don't offer many majors related to the arts, and as far as finances go, it's most likely going to be just taking out loans and paying them back for the rest of my life, although I could probably get some scholarships for various things. I really want to do an exchange program in between high school and college though since I'm not allowed to now. |