chukonekochu's Forum History

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Latest Keanu Purchase - So What'd You Get?

2016-04-29 06:24:21

Yeah, I asked ayako, maybe she had the wrong info.. but I'm really sure it's a dub, my ears function perfectly :'D I can recognize different voices lol
Also, bit off topic, but I LOVED the quantum chess video, jesus christ it was awesome! I wish keanu would consider selling audio books or anything like that, his voice is magic~
Latest Keanu Purchase - So What'd You Get?

2016-04-24 06:05:22

I think I'm REALLY the only one who enjoyed knock knock.. I actually watched it several times, and I would watch it again. I mean of course certain parts are very cringe worthy, but at least it wasn't boring.
In my opinion nothing is worse than a boring movie.. People call Seven (starring brad pitt) a "classic" while I would like to have the time I wasted watching it back.
Call me crazy, but that's how weird (?) my taste is.

Back to the actual topic~ Recent purchases..
Shadows (aka when art makes you cry) and the 47 Ronin DVD from japan, which disappointed me. Na, don't judge too early! I'm not saying I didn't like the movie, I was disappointed because it was a usual dub and not the actual actors' voice in japanese. I thought that they recorded the movie in english AND japanese, and that's why I went on a hunt for a japanese copy, but turns out I am stupid af or expected too much from the film industry or both.

Latest Keanu Purchase - So What'd You Get?

2015-12-16 06:33:39

You mean @okka_nyan on twitter, right?
She would probably know the answer, thanks :P
Latest Keanu Purchase - So What'd You Get?

2015-12-16 04:06:57

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but can anyone confirm if the Japanese audio on a "47 ronin" DVD is the actual actors talking Japanese??
Because I want to order one from japan and I really wonder 'bout the whole movie in Japanese (because it is apparently confirmed that they've been recording everything in English AND Japanese)
you get my point, right? I hope it makes sense and I don't sound like an idiot..
any interesting dreams you've had about K?

2015-12-16 03:54:17

I had this pretty realistic dream some weeks ago (I think?)
He was at my place, totally casual, and we were talking about stuff (don't remember much) and hanging around on my couch in my living room, but we were not alone.. there was this other guy.. probably a friend of his? he was kinda the third wheel 'cause keanu and I were a couple I think..?
I rarely have cutesy dreams where I recognize the faces I've seen, I actually always have nightmares, or I don't remember what I've been dreaming..
It was very refreshing, it was just so cute and harmless, I want more dreams like that :/
This Site is almost as gorgeous as keanu himself

2015-12-10 19:44:32

Thank you :)
This Site is almost as gorgeous as keanu himself

2015-12-10 14:41:24

I'm a very lazy forum user (if you could call me one at all) but I seriously think this website is beautiful..
I see disgusting sh*t everyday on the internet, but this cute little space actually cheers me up.
I think I always enjoyed Keanu movies before actually looking up any information online, but now I'm definitely more on the "obsessed" side.
I kinda understand his stalkers, but that doesn't mean I would ever break into his house, I wouldn't want to bother him and end up in jail, lol

I THINK my first keanu movie was Speed.. I probably saw it in Iran as a child..
Later on I fell in love with the matrix and started to watch other keanu movies.
Currently I'm trying to catch up with finishing my watchlist,
Last keanu movie I've watched: knock knock
I also can't wait for Spear aka john wick 2 and Rain!

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