WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Watching TDA

Watching TDA
Anakin McFly
2008-09-23 11:36:21


Forum Posts: 3076
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lol Kevin.

*pokes with a stick*

EDIT: Finished the film. T'was awesome. 7.5/10 <3 is up with people at its IMDb boards. I thought this was one of The Anu's better performances. D:

How was it "stiff and wooden" in any way?


*resumes poking Kevin with a stick*
2008-09-23 16:47:46

Forum Posts: 4842
Comments: 381
Reviews: 13

How was it "stiff and wooden" in any way? 

compared to Pacino's histrionics, that is

oh my, I dared insult a legend...

Personality_Disorder2008-09-23 23:34:48

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(Anakin McFly @ Sep 23 2008, 11:36 AM)

How was it "stiff and wooden" in any way?รก

It really wasn't.

"Stiff and wooden" is a knee-jerk reaction for Keanu. One of those that he will likely never be rid of, sadly.

Now, if only you can rate it that way at IMDB. *shakes fist at IMDB*

Edited to say "histrionics" is a nice way of putting it. I don't think Pacino was trying to be unlikeable, but he was way too grating to be a "charming devil" that they seemed to be going for. And I really like Pacino in general.
2008-09-23 23:53:56

Forum Posts: 4842
Comments: 381
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And I really like Pacino in general.

me too, that's why I was being nice

Anakin McFly
2008-09-24 10:51:16


Forum Posts: 3076
Comments: 405
Reviews: 1
It's 7.2 on IMDb, though, which isn't that far off.

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