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I didn't know where to put this so it's here
2010-08-24 23:09

Forum Posts: 385
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...has anyone mispelled Keanu's name "Piano Reeves"? or "Kiwi Actor"?
...because someone just did. :/
2010-08-25 00:29

Forum Posts: 424
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Piano Reeves . . . plays uniquely honest and soft, brooding tunes of a sensual and sometimes somber nature, but always easy on the ears . . . lol.
2010-08-25 00:30

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Wait "kiwi actor"? What??? lol
2010-08-25 12:20

Forum Posts: 385
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We're both fruits :D ... except I'm highly allergic to kiwi in real life. D:

As for "actor"-- it's probably because he's an actor, or they thought his last name was "arctor" (as in Bob Arctor") and mispelled/misread it.

2010-08-25 12:23

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I don't quite follow . . . who's a fruit? Kiwi? Huh?
2010-08-25 12:25

Forum Posts: 385
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I have no idea.
2010-08-25 12:28

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*Gives The Tangerine a very blank, confused look*
2010-08-25 12:36

Forum Posts: 385
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Your life is the sum of the remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. However, you are not beyond a measure of control, which has led you, inexorably... here.
2010-08-25 12:55

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I feel intellectually wounded now :( I don't know exactly why, but I do:D Am I just umbrageous, or have I been Matrix served, or something?
2010-08-25 16:09

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I've heard/read "Canoe Reeves" a few times
2010-08-26 08:03

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*smacks Tangerine* Leave Adrianna alone!
2010-08-26 08:36

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Awe, thank you ShadowSpark :) . . .*still recuperating after being Matrix served* lol
2010-08-28 03:55

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Not a problem. I can deal with it. *drags Tangerine away by the stem* And it's Spark. ShadowSpark is for formal stuff, not for friends.
2010-08-28 13:39

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lmao, spark lmfao . . . I <3 this site :)
2010-10-21 04:37

Forum Posts: 385
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Does Adrianna have matrixphobia? *grins evilly* I can recite almost every quote from memory. And all of the Architect's ramblings.
2010-10-21 10:52

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*glares at Tangerine and holds up juicer threateningly* Well?
2010-10-21 20:14

Forum Posts: 424
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:D lol

The matrix was awesome - my second favorite movie, no phobia yet but if you want to give me a phobia, that sounds like it could be fun :)

2010-10-22 08:14

Forum Posts: 385
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@spark I'm a cannibalistic citrus fruit? *smacks lips* juice sounds good.
2010-10-22 08:32

Forum Posts: 541
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*blinks* That's a strange thought.
2010-10-22 10:25

Forum Posts: 385
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Reviews: 2
heh :) I really like orange juice.

@Adrianna-- the Matrix Trilogy are my favorite of Keanu's movies. I've watched them like a million times and memorized mostly everything. They completely flip-flopped my life-- every aspect of the movie did. For one, I've never been involved in fandom (or even posted on a forum) in my whole life until I saw the Keanu in the Matrix Reloaded. It also put a name to what I've always enjoyed, philosophy and psychology (but never really recognized it) and heightened my interest. Also, I started to notice the soundtrack and it added a new face to the music theory I knew. One of the tracks also got me to learn Sanskrit (Neodammerung).

So, I owe Keanu everyhing. If I didn't notice the bait that is his amazingness in the Matrix Reloaded I never would have bothered to finish the movie as it played on TV, and I would never be where I am today. :D

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