WINM Forums :: The Reeves Report :: International Cheer Up Keanu / Thank You Keanu Day, June 15

International Cheer Up Keanu / Thank You Keanu Day, June 15
2015-06-15 04:54:59

Forum Posts: 1101
Comments: 48
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Just reminding everyone that June 15 is Cheer Up Keanu / Thank You Keanu Day - please take the appropriate actions wherever appropriate.

Disclaimer: Writer does not claim or even suggest the Keanu is discontent. Keanu may well be happy as a lark, deliriously ecstatic, pleased as punch, self-congratulatory (did you catch that?), feeling peachy-keen et cetera. Writer merely wishes Keanu much happiness on this and all days.

And thank you, man, for being Keanu. It would suck if there weren'

2015-06-19 04:37:41

Forum Posts: 1101
Comments: 48
Reviews: 0
Well, that didn't fly, so "is there anything preventing me from declaring every day 'Thank You, Keanu' Day?" Nope. "Then I so declare it." Extra points for anyone who knows the historical reference.

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