Dandan0902's Comment History

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Whoa, Dude!
2022-03-10 23:22:51
as well as performing in four made-for-TV films.

Babes in Toyland
Life under Water
Under the Influence

The Key to Keanu
2022-03-10 23:10:51
But I kind of like to suffer. People don't respect artists who don't suffer.
Keanu Reeves: Career Kickoff with 30 Dollars!
2022-03-10 23:01:30
4000 dollars not 30 hahaha
Keanu's just a happy hippy
2022-03-10 22:58:36
"I don't want to become a Hollywood product machine. I'm not interested in being the main guy on the screen - I love playing little parts. All I need to do is support myself. I've been supporting myself from acting since I was 18. Of course, I only earned $4000 one year, so that wasn't much fun. But it was life, right?"
Kabuki Keanu
2022-03-10 12:35:29
Keanu would like us to think that he's just another excellent dude, yet the roles he picks prove otherwise - whether he's batting his eyelashes as Danceny in Dangerous Liaisons or playing battleship with the Grim Reaper in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey.
Bourgeois White Boy
2022-03-10 12:33:03
To me, the most important question in life is how you exist, what you do.

"I don't want to live a stupid life. I'm going to, I know I'm doomed, I'm just a dog. But I'm trying to shake the dog, y' know? The flesh and the spirit, right?"

Party on, dude
2022-03-10 03:54:29
What’s the point of this article?
It didn’t offer anything useful or interesting
The Dream Machine - Keanu Reeves
2022-03-05 10:57:03
So it was like a bourgeois existence with pretensions to more -but with less.
Typecasting? Bogus! Keanu Reeves likes Ted but prefers a character change
2022-03-04 10:44:25
As an actor, typecasting is death - unless you want to support the ranch that you own and the small plane that you want to buy. Then, I guess it works because people are buying the gig. But myself, I'd like to do a lot of different things. That's the challenge, the test, the scary part and, also, the interesting aspect of acting."
Nothing bogus about this species
2022-02-23 10:27:24
So it's huge back then.

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