AdriannaM.'s Comment History

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There's Nothing Wrong With Keanu Reeves, You Jackasses
2010-08-21 14:21:15
I don't know, I think he looks neither fat nor happy but I do feel that he is certainly entitled to a break from fitting into people's fantasies. I've seen a lot of internet jokes about Keanu and his alleged "sadness", and I think it's really messed up. It saddens me to see him appear unhappy because he's been such a source of inspiration to me, but really it's none of my business. He's going through his own personal journey in life and those who are uninvolved should really mind there own business. To those being hurtful to him, I implore you to please stop :(
Oh, that thing he does!
2010-08-19 23:40:24
Nice article, thank you :) I really don't think he's wooden though . . . a very finely incised white stone or quartz, maybe but . . . lol. . .j/k. Anyway, next time I watch one of his movies, I should most assuredly be watching wide-eyed and with steadfast expectation for t.t. he does w.h.h.
There's Nothing Wrong With Keanu Reeves, You Jackasses
2010-08-16 13:31:36
I mean really - why don't they just leave him alone? Does he really need to look stunning all the time? He was probably just trying to blend in on the street so that he could actually walk down the street in peace for once without people geeking out all around him.
2010-08-16 13:19:07
I'm new here, but I most certainly smell a fish. I don't understand - is all this hate doing anything for you? It also sounds like you are quite picky about movies - I mean what do you expect? They're movies. Stories are the artistic visions of one or more individuals, they will not necessarily be tailored specifically to your personal likes and dislikes. I'll be honest here, though, I'm not quite as well versed in KR's movies as you are, but I feel I've seen enough to know that he is a very gifted actor. I haven't seen movies like the Lakehouse because I do hate romances - and I freely admit that I HATED A Walk in the Clouds, but seriously - it doesn't sound like there is any pleasing some people.

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