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2011-08-01 10:02

My problem is what Nicholson represents in this film: the worst aspects of patriarchy: cheating, lying, patronizing and total self-centredness. By contrast, Keanu/Julian appears a healing force: mending her self-esteem, stimulating her sexually and boosting her creativity + showing genuine interest in her (whereas at no point the Nicholson character seems sincere). That's why the end feels so wrong and anti-feminist: she chooses the guy who deceives, uses and hurts her over the guy empowering and fulfilling her. And just because of age???????? And all that written by a woman? I know it's supposed to be a light comedy (not something to ponder) but still the morality of it is entirely depressing to me.

2011-07-30 13:11

Thanks Arya! This seems to be an awesome site. So many articles and info and the list of the fish categories is hilarious. I had the time of my life reading it (+ last night I read the entire "thank you" section. Loved all the comments). I's really nice Keanu has such an excellent site about him. Whoa :D
The Last Time I Committed Suicide

2011-07-30 12:30

The "vomiting scene", exactly! That's the one I was referring to. I'm glad even Keanu is satisfied with that one (I know he's hard to please :o)

2011-07-30 12:19

1- My Own Private Idaho
2- A Scanner Darkly
3- Sweet November
4- The Private Lives of Pippa Lee
5- Parenthood
6- Tune in Tomorrow
7- Henry's crime
8- The Devil's Advocate
9- The Prince of Pennsylvania
10-Little Buddha

I like Dangerous Liaisons but I didn't put it in there because his part was so tiny in it. I think my #11 would be Constantine (not my type of film but Keanu seems to be born for the part, it's a complete osmosis- although TBH it could be said in general that Keanu IS his characters rather than just ACT them, he is much more "essence" than "performance" which is part of his genius imo, the other part is conveying a lot of emotional intensity and nuances with minimum effort. Some people criticize this (the lame "plank" jokes) but I've always thought it is immensely superior to convey a lot with little gesticulation than the opposite, which is why Keanu is such a captivating actor).
A film that I didn't like very much but in which I LOVE Keanu: Something's Gotta Give (Keanu at his sexiest but the film crashes hard at the end. Erica's choice is wrong in so many ways they would be too long to list!). + funniest perf of the entire movie in I love you to Death. My favorite line is: "is it legal?... To have sex with kangaroos?" :D

The Last Time I Committed Suicide

2011-07-30 10:48

Nothing personal against Thomas Jane but I thought he lacked the charisma to carry his- very iconic- character (major influence of Kerouac), especially since the back up cast is so strong: both Keanu and Adrien Brody OWN the screen in this. Keanu's long (drunk) bar scene trying to make Jane see he doesn't really want to give up the "wild stuff" is my favorite scene in the film. Keanu plays against type there (I think he put on a lot of weight for this part, he plays a loser who has a hard time getting girls interested in him) and he does it superbly. This scene should be required viewing for anyone criticizing his acting technique. If that one doesn't sway them, nothing ever will...

2011-07-30 10:18

Hi everyone,
this is my first post here :)
I'm not a big fan of sports movies either but this one is worth a watch if only for the wonderful chemistry between Keanu and Diane Lane. Diane said in an interview that Keanu was 1 of the most handsome men that walked the earth! Their scenes are fantastic, you can feel the "sparks" between them. Also I highly recommend the DVD because the director and writer's commentary of the film is chock-full of little personal anecdotes about Keanu that are quite cool + it includes a deleted scene with Diane that is excellent (bar scene).

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