SandyB70's Forum History

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Fish should be ignored

2012-10-30 02:22

Thank you for your reply. I'm glad you didn't take offence at my post. I didn't mean to upset anybody.

I know there are people who make untrue statements about Keanu. One 'fish' said he was an 'Arabian rapist' or something. That's my favourite. Where did that person get that idea from? I understand you feel the need to respond to the person who posted rubbish about him. If that person had bothered to read about Keanu he/she would have found out he was not of Middle Eastern origin although he was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and there was nothing in his bio that said he had raped somebody. This kind of people would make untrue statements about any other actor. They will post rubbish on internet forums with nothing to back up what they say about a celebrity. They don't care if it's true or not. They have no shame. They think it's ok to insult somebody they haven't met and write wrong statements about that person. You're right when you say silence implies consent and makes people think there's nothing wrong with what they're saying. However, I simply ignore them because I don't waste my time arguing with silly, immature people. It's best to ignore them. They go to message boards to taunt fans. If they don't get any replies at all they will get bored and move on. I don't argue with people who say he is a terrible actor either. It's a matter of opinion. As you said, everybody is entitled to their opinion and taste.


2012-10-29 03:23

You're welcome, Anakin.

My work colleague has a son who works in computer graphics in London. His son is working on the next Keanu movie called '47 Ronins'. He has met Keanu and he says he's a very nice man.

Fish should be ignored

2012-10-29 02:54

You have every right to defend Keanu. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm not saying you should close down the website. I understand why you dedicate your time fighting for him.
What I'm saying is you shouldn't take the detractors' comments too seriously or worry too much about what they're going to say about him. I know criticism and personal attacks on a person you admire are upsetting. It's easier to take offence at negative comments than try to ignore them. As I said, what Keanu's detractors say is not fact, so not everybody will agree with them. Whether an actor is ' good', ' average', ' mediocre' or ' bad' comes down to personal opinion. There's no ' true', 'untrue', right' or ' wrong'. It depends on the viewer's reaction to an actor's portrayals. You like an actor's style of acting or you don't. That's why you shouldn't get angry every time somebody says they don't rate him as an actor. I agree he doesn't deserve all the flak he gets. He is not the most talented actor but that shouldn't be a reason to hate him and post childish comments about him on Internet forums. I hope that makes sense. Don't get me wrong. If I offended some of you, it wasn't my intention.
Rebuttals sometimes work. You can change some people's opinions about Keanu only if they are willing to listen to you. I've noticed that most Keanu bashers will stand by what they say about him. They will never take him seriously as an actor whatever argument you use to convince them he is not as bad as he is made out to be.
It's your website. Of course, you can carry on defending him. It's your right. As for me. I would only discuss with non Keanu fans who are willing to debate and would ignore the worst Keanu bashers who will always say: ' Keanu can't act. Period. Enough said.'
What happened to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

2012-10-28 04:30

Thank you.
Fish should be ignored

2012-10-28 04:18

You misunderstood me, Arya. Maybe I didn't use the right word. My English is not very good. I mean, he gets more hateful and insulting comments than any other actor. As Anakin said, there are worse actors than him, and they don't get half the flak he does. That's why I think he is one of the most bashed actors in the history of cinema.

Fish should be ignored

2012-10-28 02:04

I understand the Keanu bashing is upsetting and is still going on. While I acknowledge Keanu is the most trashed Hollywood celebrity who gets more flak than other actors regardless of acting talent, he is not the first actor to be criticised for his style of acting and he won't be the last. I've read negative/stupid comments about my other favourite actors but I don't take them seriously. These detractors always try to state their opinion as fact but what they say is not true. What they say is a personal opinion, not fact. People react differently. Those who like an actor's portrayals will say he's a good actor. Those who don't will say he's a bad or mediocre actor. After all, an actor can't please everybody. You shouldn't get upset and go on and on about the Keanu bashing. If somebody thinks the Keanu-can't-act thing is true it's better to let them believe what they want to believe. I know you want to defend Keanu, and you have every right to do so, but I think it's useless to try to reason with this kind of people who stand by what other people say about Keanu and don't want to debate. They are stupid, immature people who will never bother to do some research about Keanu and will never try to think for themselves.
I've never thought Keanu plays Ted and says 'whoa' in every movie he's in. Of course, his characters are different. You can tell his Jack Traven from his Ted Logan or his Constantine from his Neo. The difference between these characters is obvious. In all honesty, I will not say he is the most talented actor out there, but I agree he's versatile and he has given some good performances. The talent is there but not many people see it in him.
I don't think he's stupid. I've seen his interviews and he has come across as intelligent to me. He's certainly much more intelligent than those people who call him stupid. I have a lot of respect for this man because he loves his profession and has never used it as a means to become famous. He does the best he can. Acting is not as easy as it seems and, of course it's easy for us to judge an actor.

Take it easy. Don't worry too much about what the next silly thing the 'fish' are going to say about him. You can't stop them from saying bad things about a person they don't know personally. There is nothing you can do about this mob mentality.

What happened to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

2012-10-28 00:47

I have one question: a couple of years ago, I heard he was to play Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. What happened to this project?

2012-10-28 00:39

One more thing.

It's a peaceful place here and it was nice to meet other Keanu fans.
I visited the Imdb board for Keanu, and the trolls made that place unpleasant for those who want to have an intelligent, civilised discussion. The fact that the moderators there let them get away with it put me off registering on that website.

I'm a very busy person so I won't post here very often.

Thank you for this wonderful website.


2012-10-28 00:03

Hello Anakin,

Another French fan. I live in England.
I've become a fan since 'Speed'.
I've read your blogs with a lot of interest. I enjoyed reading the 'Database of Fish' and, especially the 'Wall of Shame' ( I didn't take the stupid, childish remarks seriously. I found them so amusing I couldn't keep a straight face when I was reading them. If the people who wrote them are over 18 I feel sorry for them. They seem to have a mental age of 13 ).
I'll be honest with you. I sometimes find him wooden and dull and think he underacts and doesn't express himself a lot. After reading your blogs, I realised that I mistook emoting for real acting like most people. I don't have much knowledge of acting, but I have learned a lot from your blogs. I agree with you. His 'underacting' is called 'subtlety'. It's better than overacting. You see the naturality in an actor's character portrayals. They don't need to make faces to express emotions. You see everything in their eyes. It's true that Keanu can express something through his eyes. Eyes speak more than words. I have noticed he's not the only one to use this kind of acting.
My favourite Keanu movies are 'Point Break', 'A Scanner Darkly', 'The Matrix' and 'The Lake House'.

Great site. Keep up the good work.

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