inkhuldra's Forum History
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Pics 2012-01-20 06:45 |
Yes, Reddit still loves Keanu:
....and cats. |
47 Ronin 2012-01-20 06:43 |
I can imagine Keanu wanting to make it a drama rather than an action movie; an internal rather than external story. I can also imagine Universal being totally opposed to the idea. Ye gads, I hope this movie doesn't end up as a choppy patchwork of action scenes, with a few amputated drama scenes hanging loosely and inexplicably in the air. :-( |
OBLIGATORY SOPA THREAD 2012-01-20 06:32 |
I signed, using a US city and postal code. ;-) |
Precogs of the keanu kind 2012-01-14 16:40 |
Adrianna quoth:
Start with Satyricon. Here's the official video for "King", my numero uno favorite by them: |
Side by Side - a documentary 2012-01-13 15:15 |
Looks like Our Man's hands in this picture, right? :-) |
shops named "Keanu Reeves" 2012-01-11 05:06 |
Those two shops not only uses Keanu's name, but they use the same font, etc. So maybe it's even a chain of "Keanu Reeves" shops? |
Hi, folks! 2012-01-08 10:39 |
Yes, I kind of like his music. At least some of it. It's lighthearted and funny, and he's a nice antidote to all the soul-less pop music that dominates all over the world. I'd like to find more "non-western" pop artists to listen to, but it's difficult unless somebody recommends them. A friend recommended Arash, so that's how I know about him. I particularly like the football song "Iran Iran" - great drums, great rhythm. :-) |
TWEETS OF INTEREST 2012-01-08 10:04 |
Ohmigosh, the shoes. The shoes! I swear, if a homeless man sees him I'm sure the guy will pity Keanu so much that he'll offer him his own shoes. |
Hi, folks! 2012-01-08 10:00 |
Giladora, you're *in* Iran or *from* Iran? Either way, do you like the pop star Arash? :-) |
Hi, folks! 2012-01-07 17:37 |
Ah, another European. We should have a poll to see where we all are in the world. Ani? What do you say? Time for a new poll? |
TWEETS OF INTEREST 2012-01-07 17:36 |
Yeah, looks very cold. Except for one single hot spot in the left half of the picture. Enough to make me feel all warm and fuzzy on this sunny-but-cold winter morning in southern Norway. If I keep looking at the picture I may not even have to light a fire in the fireplace. *Contented sigh* |
Topix 2012-01-06 00:59 |
Considering how busy Our Man is, and how little he cares for the internet, I'd say the chances are slim, bordering on non-existent, that he'd spend any time and effort reading and writing on fan forums. I doubt if even his PR people check in on us or any other fan sites. I mean, why should they? There are no controversial fansites, and the various non-fansite forums are mostly too ridiculous to be taken seriously.
The only thing I can imagine is Keanu spending a leisurely evening at a friend's house, and the friend saying "Hey, I gotta show you something on this fansite/forum/whatevs." There would probably be a few drops of alcohol involved, too, or I think Keanu would just laugh and say "Nah, don't think so." (As for his friends, I'm sure that many of them have checked out various fansites just to see how crazy we are. Maybe one of them is reading this right now. If so: Hi!) |
Man of Tai Chi gets the green light! 2011-12-23 00:42 |
Ghah! She sure is skinny enough! Thanks for the link, rummie! I love the article's Taiwinglish. :-D |
Frustrated 2011-12-23 00:24 |
This has got to be the Quote of the Day:
Hear hear! |
Bits and snippets off the web 2011-12-22 03:01 |
I loved that bio, iamjacksrum! Never seen it before, and there were lots of pics that were new to me. Nice to see Alex Winter, too. |