MmeRenard's Comment History

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In defence of Keanu: humanity’s gentle emissary, who never claimed to be a great actor
2021-09-12 17:24:19
Right. Keanu doesn’t need “defending” by anyone. He’s perfectly self-sustaining and an adult, unlike some “journalists.” This article smacks hard of “he played Ted = he IS Ted.” No good or great actor would claim to be good or great. Al Pacino wouldn’t. James Franco probably would. ????

The bottom line is that, short of making obvious mistakes, the judgment of who is or isn’t a good or great actor is almost entirely subjective. I think that Nicholas Cage is unwatchably terrible. Many people disagree, and that’s ok.

For what it’s worth, I happen to think that Keanu is a wonderful actor. “River’s Edge”? Come on. He’s brilliant. What he does is often subtle enough that those not paying attention miss it. To me, that’s good acting.

But aren’t we all SO tired of these “Keanu is mediocre” tropes?

Remember how Peter Travers of Rolling Stone relentlessly yammered about how awful he is - until Side By Side, when he became a fawning sycophant. Hard to argue, I guess, with the droves of great directors and cinematographers who showed great respect for Keanu.

Sigh. But critics and journalists don’t matter - WE matter.

Keanu Reeves is Not on Social Media
2020-10-30 15:58:23
This is not a difficult concept. It’s been stated very emphatically by Alex Winter, Ed Solomon and Keanu’s sister Karina. Probably others, but those are the ones I follow on Twitter.

He’s not on social media. He doesn’t and wouldn’t contact fans to ask for shit. Wishful thinking is tempting, but it’s a fantasy and can cause harm - still, anyone who chooses to believe this nonsense in the face of all evidence to the contrary has been warned and behaviors result in consequences.

Furthermore, it is in no way whatsoever Keanu’s responsibility or that of anyone truly representing him to protect people from their own bad instincts.

I’m not sure how many times, in how many ways, by how many people, this needs to be said.

And for those saying “well, he should get on social media and tell us himself” - dude, you have issues. Please get some help. I say that with all compassion.

Keanu Sets the Record Straight
2018-12-30 06:59:14

A better response "whatever"

Keanu Reeves is Not on Social Media
2018-09-22 00:35:12
..."on the other end"
Destination Wedding: Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder have a love-fest on screen and off
2018-09-22 00:25:44
I've seen it and it's delicious. They have wonderful, snappy, sweet chemistry. I hope they'll do more. The "destination wedding" is long overdue for a takedown as the ridiculous sappy Event that it is, and this film delivers.
Gee Malik Linton - Daughter of God Reddit AMA
2018-05-01 10:20:52
...AND I sent a DM to GML on Twitter and got a nice reply saying that Keanu was very supportive throughout and absolutely wanted to make a film about abuse and its effects. Do watch the directors cut, it's excellent. The Lionsgate version is a middling procedural story. The directors cut is an allegory. (Duplicate post deleted by me)
Entertainment Weekly's Cast Reunions: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
2018-04-24 06:41:31
Gosh, somebody's got to say it "OMG!!! Squeeee!"
Gee Malik Linton - Daughter of God Reddit AMA
2018-04-24 06:40:41
I was just going to suggest that you add this. Thank you. It really clarifies what happened and how Keanu most definitely was NOT responsible for Lionsgate's edit (which I found wildly unlikely at the time, both with what we know of Keanu's personality and the foolish idea that a lead actor gets editorial control)
Keanu Reeves is Not on Social Media
2018-03-14 02:11:44
and yes, I'm totally his mother. and you probably believe that. wow.

(I'm NOT his mother)
Keanu Reeves is Not on Social Media
2018-03-14 01:57:16
I came, I saw, I kicked its ass!

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Keanu Reeves

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