LucaM's Comment History

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Keanu Reeves - An A-list slacker grows up
2009-07-03 18:32:56
... "I am Chris and Chris is me" ?
tsk, tsk, Mr.Reeves ... ;) :D
How The Matrix Changed The Rules for Action Movies
2009-07-03 18:30:06
fishes, you reading this ? ;) :D
Speed, the hit adrenalin-rush action film, comes to DVD as special edition
2009-06-30 00:01:34
so we're back where we started from, huh?
Speed, the hit adrenalin-rush action film, comes to DVD as special edition
2009-06-29 19:07:42
yeah, that was it.
so maybe what you have in the archive IS the original script, after all?

later edit : ok, I stand corrected. what you have in the archive might be the original script, if only because Wheldon's name is not mentioned on the front page ;)
but also because good parts of the dialogue have been re-written in the final version.
and a few continuity problems have been solved in the meantime.
so...I guess that IS the original script.
and I'm glad they did the re-writing ;)

Keanu puts us in the picture
2009-06-29 18:49:19
*bites fingers*
... err... better leave this one alone ;)
Speed, the hit adrenalin-rush action film, comes to DVD as special edition
2009-06-29 18:27:32
in the final cut. those two scenes mentioned, I mean. but IMO Yost is right, the movie works better without them. I mean, if they would have gone deeper 'in detail' with the characters, yes, there was a point to those scenes. but in the overall silliness of the plot... they weren't needed.
and somehow I don't think that version of the script is the 'original' one. seems more like the shooting script. from what I've read here and there mainly in some E.Stoff interviews, K had them re-write Jack Traven a bit. wanted him to sound less like the Last Boy Scout and more like a genuine, enthusiastic SWAT team cop. can't find the source for those quotes, though ; but the articles must be somewhere in the archive. or maybe that was just my interpretation of what I've read ? *shrugs*

anyway... the movie is silly, outrageous, but I've watched it one too many times and heck, it still works. even today, in the CGI era. the catch is, it only works ONCE.

later edit : too bad the part with " and that's what real people don't understand about cops / that we're psychotic" didn't make it in the final cut, though.

Keanu puts us in the picture
2009-06-25 20:57:11
<< Is there anything that Keanu can't manage?>>

a clean desk ? ;) :))

Robin: Keanu is a gentle giant
2009-06-21 21:13:19
well, I could point an exception to this rule... a Romanian director/screenwriter/translator/sci-fi writer/movie critic
who usually knows what he's talking about.
but in the end, all opinions are subjective.
and since he'd blasted to pieces the Matrix sequels, I'm not taking anything he writes for granted. but most of the times my own opinion about movies matches his reviews. and then, I always keep in mind that perceptions DO differ ;)
also keep in mind that being an acknowledged critic is a tricky job. it depends on who does the acknowledging. but you already knew that ;)
one thing I will give Romanian movie critics is that they're -usually- not afraid to speak their minds and most of them don't pay attention to the trends. which doesn't make them right; just loud ;)
The Asian Conundrum
2009-06-17 03:07:42
... she makes a lot of good points, but then, this is the movie industry, and equal opportunities policy won't apply. sometimes for the better... it all revolves around the story.
<< Is there any role taken by James McAvoy that Takeshi Kaneshiro couldn’t handle? >>
yeah. just watch "Wanted".or "Atonement" ;)
and SGG's ending had nothing to do with any actor's ethnicity.
if she wants to see good movies with great Asian actors... there are many around. 2046. In the Mood For Love. and so on...
it's not only Hollyweird wearing blinders.
there are a lot of movies out there. and watching movies with subtitles did not kill anyone. yet.

as for Keanu's ability to act as a blank page and become any character... it's already been discussed. in the WINM blog ;)

Psst - this snitch is going places in 'River'
2009-06-13 18:18:07
"My agents tell me this movie is going to do wonderful things for me. But I don't know. I did a very kicked-back performance. Some people think it's just boring. 'You didn't do anything, Keanu, you just stood around and smoked pot.'"

... and that's when it all started ;) :))

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