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It can always get worse...

2012-05-21 06:11

Thank you, Anakin; yes, I agree, it is very important to mainitain some sense of perspective. However, sometimes it is very difficult.

I am an atheist, and that is one of the things that helps me stay sane: I realise that whatever I do happens now and here, and there is no tomorrow, unless I let that tomorrow happen. But... oh well... :)
And thank you for being around!

P.S. My personal pickmeupper is The Cure, really.. and Deep Purple... and Rainbow... and Nightwish... and Rammstein ...


2012-05-18 07:28

You know, guys... It is great to read each other postings and compare notes but, more often than not, we will be talking past each other.

What I mean is, at different stages in our lives we need to see and experience different things in very different ways. Films are like lacmus/litmus papers, and it is not that *we* find the films we need, but, rather, the films we need to see somehow manage to find us.

I don't mean to hijack the thread but there are so many films that have "grown up" with us (or on us); and when we watch them again as time passes, we discover different things in them and in ourselves. Kinda, watching a familiar movie, in time we walk through a different gallery of distorted mirrors, only to discover new aspects and novel perspectives.

I love the way the magic works. What about you? Do you step into the same (film)river twice?

It can always get worse...

2012-05-18 07:17

Posting here cos, even though it is a quote from the book, the repercussions got way out of hand.
(I think) I am not the kind of person who needs sorrow baths, or any kind of pampering. But... I am currently going through a kind of a personal rollercoaster, have been, actually, coping with it for the past 15 years. And it has taken its toll. It sometimes feels like there are two ME's - one who is functioning the way she is expected, covering all bases, supplying what is necessary, and then there's the other one, that is glued in a hole, trapped, suffocated, if you wish, because there are no resources left. Don't get me wrong, I am not shunning responsibilities, and not trying to escape from them. It is just that sometimes it gets a bit too much to bear.
I put that picture, from the book, with the black hole, on my desktop and it helps. It does help. Sometimes I laugh when I look at it; sometimes... it makes me reconsider the options I have.
What have your experiences been?
Keanu's Interview in Moscow, 2008

2012-04-09 05:20

I am happy you enjoyed it, guys! :))))))

Thanks for the welcome, glad I discovered this site!


2012-04-09 05:19

Depends on the mood, really; I mostly go for directors, rather than genres or actors. In no particular order:
* anything Hitchcock and David Lynch (still trying to wrap my head around Erasorhead); almost everything Almodovar (Strawberries and Chocolate, All About My Mother)
* anything dystopian Brazil, Oh Lucky Man, especially if based on Philip Dick (Blade Runner, anyone? high time to make a remake and put Keanu in it)
* lots of Russians, I see Luca mentioned Tarkovsky - try Solaris and Stalker (I think Keanu would be great in the latter); not sure how easy it is to find Russian films with English subtitles;
* the Italians oh even began studying Italian but didn't get far enough and how many foreign languages can one learn in such a short lifetime? On my personal enigma list: Le Bal (Ettore Scola, early 80's, couldn't understand it then, still haunting me, need to see again if I can find it)
This weekend's picks (no new films, needed these as pick-me-ups): Life of Brian and The Road to Wellville; if I don't climb out of the sorrow bath, will continue with the Monty Python Collection. :)
Keanu's Interview in Moscow, 2008

2012-04-08 04:22

Here's a 40-minute interview (a compilation of interviews, rather) from Keanu's 2008's visit to Moscow as part of the The Day The Earth Stood Still tour.

Some bits are lost in translation but it is interesting to watch.

Apologies if the link has already been published; I tried searching the forum, and, as far as I could check, it hasn't been posted yet.

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