ChicFoo's Forum History

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2013-10-21 08:20

Yeah, thanks for the head's up on this one. It was cool that he took time out of his day to hang out and talk about everything from directing to cupcakes! Awesome that you guys got your questions answered. :)
At last, my people!

2013-10-16 08:12

Just a little airport comedy. Thank heavens it is all fiction. (PS Did you catch the Madagascar reference?)

2013-10-15 10:01

Here are some of my favs:

1. Angel-A

-Shot in Paris in one month. In French. Done by one of my fav directors, Luc Besson. (I think I love every film he's ever made.) A semi-comedy about a guy who owes a lot of money to the french version of the mob and is preparing to jump off of a bridge to kill himself. A ridiculously tall, gorgeous woman appears on the bridge with him and says she'll jump when he jumps. He then tries to talk her out of jumping...

2. Dreams--Akira Kurosawa. Amazing.

3. Paris, Je T'aime

-This movie is a series of vignettes by different directors, each assigned to one of the arrondissements (neighborhoods) in Paris. I especially like the story that features a middle-aged woman who takes beginning French course and then bravely travels to Paris alone. Each vignette has its own flavor--very entertaining.

At last, my people!

2013-10-15 07:30

Adrift. I"ve clearly been adrift. Or in a coma. (See, now you can't make fun of me because I might have been in a coma!) (I wasn't.) (Maybe.)

In still more gratitude, I will now list 5 things NOT to do if you meet Keanu Reeves in an airport:

1. Stand in front of him, mouth agape, unable to speak, blocking him from getting on his plane and thus forcing him to remain in Speck, WY longer than absolutely necessary.

2. Say "Hey, are you that famous guy?"

3. Say "Are you married? Really? Does she love you? Because I love you. I love you so much it's like she hates you compared to how much I love you!" (SECURITY!!!!)

4. Throw your panties at him. (Note: this is far, FAR less dramatic than it might seem, especially in an airport in Speck, Wyoming, with fluorescent lighting and senior citizens present in equal measure. Also to be considered is the level of personal mortification you will experience when you fling your panties, and they fill with air and float gently to the ground like a giant, flesh-colored jellyfish. Nobody wants to see that. Nobody.) (Note to Self: Do not wear granny panties when you travel.)

5. Sidle (yes, people do still sidle) up to him with catlike grace and slip him an ever so slightly-damp bar napkin with your number on it. Super tacky and uncreative. I'm sure that no one in the history of the world has ever thought of that brilliant plan for meeting an A-Lister. **Hi, my name is Kiki and even though I can't drive yet, I do have a Learner's Permit and I think you're extra HO-double-T!! Call me!** (Or, more likely, in Wyoming-- Hi, the name's Rusty. I'd like to ride you like a pony. Call me.)

(Secret Message to Keanu: My number is 42. Call me!)

Keanu wearing a Wedding band?

2013-10-15 06:46

What?! There's a bell? Does everyone have one or just Keanu? Does the one on my bicycle count?

PS Just for a little audio/visual fun...Imagine if everyone DID have a bell...then imagine walking into a college dorm at midnight on Saturday.

At last, my people!

2013-10-14 12:39


In gratitude, I will list 5 things that are as lovely as finding like-minded people:

1. Well-broken in, incredibly soft leather
2. Coming in from the snow and standing in front of a fire
3. gelato
4. eating a huge plate of shrimp and rice after surfing all day

and finally

5. Knowing that there is at least one Big Time, A-List, Red Carpet, Gen-U-Wine Movie Star who works, not for the money, the press, the influence, the chicks, the cars, the clothes, the Gift Bags (ok, maybe a little for the Gift Bags--those things are awesome! And free!), but because he likes doing it. Imagine that.

At last, my people!

2013-10-14 02:13

After years, years I tell you, of wading through all of the love-professing, panty-throwing fan websites boasting grainy, "this-could-be-Keanu-at-Mini-Mart-at-midnight-on-Christmas-Eve-in-Speck, Wyoming-but-(more likely)-it-is-actually-the-guy-who-works-there" photos, after years of being bombarded with the above-mentioned totally fake Keanu pics via email, facebook, twitter, tweeter and whatever other allegedly-legitimate social media platforms exist--I have found you!

Thus, dabbing at a tear with my trusty towel, I bid you hello!

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