ARYA's Review History

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Side by Side (2012) – 2012-12-28 08:10:44
my impression of Side By Side

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity of viewing this at Tribeca Film Festival 2012. The theater was packed on a Friday afternoon. There was so much movie making royalty in this documentary I wont even drop any names excepting for Keanu Reeves' who is the interviewer and who's most often the voice over for lots of technical information on the transitioning from film to digital. Somehow he made the technical journey understandable and enjoyable and without judgment about which is better. I am betting this documentary will be a staple in film schools. The clips of the movies alone make it hard to take your eyes off the screen lest you miss something. I look forward to having it on DVD. And just for the record, I want a lot of extras like deleted scenes and out takes. :)

Little Buddha (1993) – 2012-12-28 08:05:19
How I see Little Buddha

I have been viewing this movie on DVD for 7 years now and I still find it uplifting and enlightening. The story/myth Bertolucci & the script writers wrote mixed the old and the new very effectively. The movie is visually exquisite as is the sound track and score. It is rare to get so much spiritual and philosophical information in a Hollywood movie. I recommend Little Buddha for anyone who is interested in cultural ideas and spirituality. A wonderful family movie. Keanu Reeves makes it a draw and to see him in such a historical role makes it all the more watchable for everyone, not just those interested in Buddhism, Bertolucci, or Keanu Reeves. :)
generation Um... (2012) – 2012-12-28 03:50:09
Gen Um

I can believe that this movie wont be released at your local multiplex
but it is an interesting account of 24 hours in the life of sex workers
in NYC. Not an X rated movie by any stretch but more of a personal
exploration of people that wind up in this situation and how their day
goes. There are some edgy scenes of a sexual nature and when that
includes one with Keanu Reeves that is a real attention getter. He is
so achingly damaged and sweet in this role. Through his curiosity, and
his sincerity, and his stolen movie camera, he is able to reveal some
of himself and be a real friend for the 2 young women sex workers,
without judging them. Not a feel good film. More about gritty pathos on
the seamy side of NYC. I dug it.
Feeling Minnesota (1996) – 2011-09-04 23:55:14
Wonderful summary of FM. Thank you!

December 22, 2003
Summary A tale of transformation.
This is a remarkable movie, not only in it's unusual and very funny way of making the points that it does, but in that it is written from a point of view that is almost never seen from the all-too-privileged aristocracy to which most of the movie industry's writers and directors belong. This movie is almost painfully insightful into the mental state of hopelessness which traps people into sordid lives, particularly those who are raised in that sort of life and have never experienced anything else. The characters Jjaks and Freddie not only manage to envision a way out, together they fight their way to some measure of freedom in the end. They do so using the only tools and behaviors they know, which means that it is all very sordid indeed, but their goals are so much more noble than anything that could be expected from that environment, that it is very close to a miracle that they exist at all. It should be noted that those characters who have chosen to embrace the sordid life instead of resist it are relatively thriving at the beginning of the film (Sam, Ben Costikyan, etc.) Jjaks, who has been to prison before, may once have been like them, but if so, something must have happened to change him (before the story in the movie?). The movie shows Jjaks' transformation, opening his capacity for compassion and love for another, and finally gaining the courage to hope. Keanu Reeves really nails his character admirably, playing someone who feels more than is really safe to feel in his environment, and has developed a deeply engrained habit of hiding his feelings. Look carefully for the use of color to symbolize the different stages in his transformation, and the meaning of the dog too.

from here

Sweet November (2001) – 2011-05-19 02:42:14
extra info

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