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Love and support
i don't know you, but then again, i'm guessing most everybody posting here doesn't. which makes this an amazing place.
you have succeeded in entertaining countless masses, and from what i've read about you, brought a little happiness and kindness into many others' lives behind the scenes. on top of all that, your existence has created this 'meme,' the first of it's kind that i'm aware of that is so overwhelmingly positive. people care, and are showing it.
no matter how rich or famous a person becomes, they are still a human being like the rest of us, and deserves love, support, and respect. here's mine to you.

Allston, MA

You rock Keanu
All your movies are awesome (My favorite being Bill and Ted's #1). You've inspired me to be a part of bands and continue to be "excellent to others". Feel better dude!


Keep your chin up, good chap!

Jack Howers

Don't Give up...
A great actor and probably the most human among us. I believe in Karma, and i'm gunna send Karma an email to let her know that somebodies happiness/sadness scale needs balancing. It's about time for Keanu to get the break he deserves.


congratulations for being you
I've been kind of a quiet fan for years, and I've probably not even seen a third of your movies, but I'd just like to say you're awesome. All this interwebs love makes me smile and the pictures cause me to lol quite heartily, but I know you probably won't see this, not owning a computer and all. You always come off as a guy who cares about important things and is passionate about his work. Congrats for being a real person.


Thanks, man.
Just wanted to let you know that what you've done is awesome. I didn't know you were such a cool guy. Thanks for everything you've done for those people. Cheers.

Jack Markwell

Thank you Keanu
Thank you for being such a great example to the world. You are a brilliant person and are loved by so many. Congratulations on being excellent!

Adam Lanning

Hello and Thank You From Far, Far Away!
You are a wonderful man, a great actor, and a loving person.
Thank you for all your movies, and may you have a brighter life.
By the way, you have fans in Egypt :D


Thank You
To Keanu Reeves
Plese Cheer up
Im a big fan and have loved your movies for a very long time. Speed is one of my favourate films of all time and i watched it again and it still rocks!


Cheer up, bro, you did great work.
Like in a Scanner Darkly, where you were positively superb. And no other movie makes me giddy with glee like Speed. Thank you for being in those.
Much love, always,


Your movies bring me joy
Thanks Keanu for all of the fun films, they really bring me joy!


Thank You keanu
Keanu Reeves: Heal your soul, I hope we look forward to a great movie. From your fan forever ..


You have a great smile.
Then use it!


Sad Keanu is who we should aspire to be
I'd never have known how gorgeous of a man you are if not for that photo of you enjoying a quiet moment with your sandwich and your own company. It speaks a lot (and the meme itself as funny as it is enlightening).
I think that's what we all need once in a while - a quiet space where we can be ourselves, enjoying a pleasure as simple as eating a sandwich in solitude. Maybe if we all do that, we'd all be a little more like you.
Continue being who you are already - noble and sublime.


When I get older, i want to be like you, u my hero!


Man with greatest spirit
You are my hero, Keanu! You are my hero since I was 11 years old. I wish everything in your life is gonna be as you want it to be! CHEER UP, BRO!


You are my favourite actor and it saddens me when I see that other people mock you.
Your story made my heart warm and I really hope you can pass through life happier from now on :C


Dear Keanu,
Will you marry me?
I hope things get better for you, we all do. You make my day, and you're one of my heroes.


Thank you keanu
We are happy that you stay with us

jiyeon han

Cheer up
Anyone who can cause the Internet to collectively do something NICE is definitely an AWESOME BRO!
Please know that we ALL love and respect you and your awesome deeds! Keep being a cool dude!


more than a meme to me
Thank you for playing the roles you have and for being a good example to others in life. Looking forward to Cowboy Beebop!
Also, I'm sorry everyone says your name wrong. That must be frustrating.

Tom Crampton

Sometimes there are just good people.
And you are certainly one. Cheer up mate because we all have been there are we all support you.

Alex Giles

Keep Smiling Keanu!
In case if you read this, I would like to say that we are all here for you when you need us... And you are my inspiration to study hard and my dream is to meet you someday...
I really like your movies and I always smile every time I see you Smile... I just Keep Loving the way you Smile it cheers me up...

Chrissianne (ilove_keanu on Twitter)

Your fans are all behind you, never forget that!




I guess you can say...
...today was the earth stood still.


Chain Reaction of Love
Kindness has the power to activate the love and beauty in all. To know love is to want to give love-- thus kindness in action can precipitate a chain reaction of goodness capable of making this harsh world much more beautiful and fulfilling.
See what you've done?
Thanks. :)


Dear Mr. Reeves,
I stumbled upon this sheerly by accident and wanted to let you know how much I deeply enjoy your acting.
I saw the image of you sitting on a park bench, while eating a sandwich and while it didn't look at lonely to me,(more like you were simply enjoying a good sandwich while thinking about things), my heart tugged somewhat.
I do wish you only the best this world can offer you Mr. Reeves.
You are truly special, wanted and loved by many.
Take care,

Sue M. Swank
Swank Photography

Keanu, I'm sure Brazil loves you. Don't let that moron put you down, your awesome and badass expression is your trademark. Hell, I've never seen an alien most convincing than Klaatu, or a cold lawyer like Kevin. You're on my favorite actors list, beside Nicolas Cage and Bruce Willis, heh. I hope you get fine and go on with your life. Just like when you sent letter through time. This time we sent letters to you. ;)


Pinnacle of humankind
The pinnacle of humankind. You seem to be a genuinely brilliant guy. Thank you Keanu.


I want you to know you kickass, and I want to know, are you really immortal? It seems so.


Thank you so much, Keanu Reeves !!!


Get some smile, Keanu


.....I don't know what to say.
I won't say to you be happy or cheer up, because if it was that easy, the whole world would be radiating happiness.
However, if you just try, that would be more than enough. For a person who has gone through so much shit this world can give, you, Mr. Reeves, are a very noble gentleman.


Jonne from Finland

keanu we love you!
You are an amazing guy keanu!


Merci infiniment Keanu
Depuis presque 20 ans, j'admire l'homme que tu es. La vie ne t'a pas épargné et pourtant tu es toujours tourné vers les autres.
Tu es un exemple à suivre dans ce monde si superficiel et si dur.
Merci à toi Keanu et je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde..


Take care, bro.
Keep it up, bro. We all love you. We'll always love you.


Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum

you are so Loved, Keanu.


You're the best
You are my favorite actor and make great films. Thank you!


The Suit of Armor
In Bill and Ted, Keanu's character claims to just "fall out" of a suit of armor.
When I was a kid, this bugged me so bad, I had many dreams about it.

Just thought you should know,

Ian Allen

Go die
Fuck you, We hate you.


Cheer Up!
I know life isn't always great, and we all go through our light momentary afflictions, but if we push through we will be so much stronger! So keep crankin' it dude!


I admire your strength. Keep going.


Thank you, Sir.
Dear Mr. Keanu Reeves,
Lately, I have heard many stories about your generosity and humility, and I think it is wonderful that a star such as yourself is so giving and kind. I wish you all the best, Mr. Reeves because I think from all the stuff you've done you're a genuinely nice person, and I think that's really, really cool. :D I think you set an excellent example for others. Thank you for just being nice in a world that sometimes seems like it's without niceness. Sincerely,


Much Ado About Keanu
"Love sought is good, but given unsought is better."
Thank you, Mr. Reeves, for giving so much of yourself through your acting.
"For where thou art, there is the world itself, And where thou art not, desolation."
And, thank you for bringing so much happiness to others whether you may know it or not.
"I humbly beseech of your pardon, For too much loving you."
And, most of all, thank you for being a gentleman unparallel. You have the power to bring a smile to millions of faces and we love you for it!


We love you Keanu
Cheer up bro!


Keanu, I love you.
Cheer up bro.:) we love you so much. can you imagine, i bought all of your movies and watched them all in one day. yes, that's how much i love you. You're an awesome guy, kind and generous. God will take care of you. HUGS!


While I've enjoyed a majority of your films, I never indeed knew of your philanthropic nature until recently. I'd really love for you to cheer up and look on the brighter side of life. I know things look tough for you now, but hopefully they will get better!

Have a good life, and shine on!

Eshaan Gupta

Thanks, Keanu!
Keanu, thanks for being the man.


Keep you head up Keanu!
You might be feeling very lonely, I don't really know since I'm not in your shoes. I hope we are no making a big deal out of this but in any case cheer up hun I'm sure you will find your way in this world. You seem like an excellent person and I've admired you since I was a child, YOU are a really charismatic and humble person. Keep it up! THOUSANDS OF WARM HUGS TO YOU!


There are millions of people in this world that would love to eat sandwiches with you. Don't spend your life eating sandwiches by yourself.


I loved every movie you were in!
Even the movie "Thumbsucker".
Cheer up dude. You are the coolest guy I know.
Go Neo on that Cancer's ass.


Smile and Be Happy!
Hey Keanu,
Just wanted to tell you that you are one of my favorite actors ever. Continue to work hard and be happy always. Even if there is nothing to smile about, just remember that people will always smile for you and be there to support you.
I know that life has dealt with you harshly, don't be sad, keep on living it well and to the fullest!


Keanu! <3
Aw, c'mon man. We understand how much you have suffered, but RIGHT NOW, you have pretty much everything to be happy! Yur sis's alive, you're healthy, and have a crapload of fans. Who knows, you might even find someone to fall in love with or something.
Dude, what I'm trying to tell you, is that even though you amy feel life sucks, you're clearly not alone. *hugs* n_n Cheer up, Neo!


Sweet Guy
It is rare and wonderful when the perception and reality of a person are the same thing: Keanu Reeves is a sweet guy.


Love from Canada, Québec
Thanks for everything you do! You're a great actor and inspiration. Keep your heads up, you're not alone :)


You can do this man.
I really loved your work. And I hope for you to get better.
There is an old poem here in Argentina, from Almafuerte (Strong soul) that says "no te des por vencido ni aun vencido" (don't give up even if you have lost). It's a beautiful poem and it can give you strenght to go on.

Francisco Nemiña



Hey Keanu!
You're a great guy, amazing really. And Canadian like me! So that's awesome. Just keep your chin up and keep being fantastic, everyone's thinking about you!


Kitties love you
You are a special person. Bill & Ted have brought me much joy over the years, and you are a totally awesome guy.


You rock, dude

That's how awesome you are. There's a cat in a wig on your lap.

Cat in Wig

You should come to the Philippines!
We know how to cheer people up and make for excellent friends!


I hope you see the love and i wish you'll embrace it. We love you. Take care my friend.


I appreciate you! I mean it, I really do. So few people, celebrity or not, are as genuine as you are.
Hope you get all our love. Keep it real.


Thanks for being awesome
I love you.


I never stop /b/itching about my own life, yet I somehow endure it and move on. But, once I read about your life, I understood I have no right to be all emo. Keanu, man, you too have pretty much everything at this point to find happiness. You're not alone as you can clearly see. And for being a martyr, I KNOW kharma will benevolently backfire you.
I seriously pray for you to be able to truly smile. I hope you can find peace, man. We love you. Thanks for being such an inspiration.


Shhh! I can't hear Keanu!
Keanu, you affect so many people in so many ways. The little things you do or the big things you do matter to all of us, and it breaks our hearts to see you so sad. I hope you have the chance to stumble across this site and all of the others to see how many of us are behind you. I know things are tough, but please know that we have you in our hearts and our minds. Keep your chin up.


good ol' keanu
Keanu, you are my favorite actor ever. On top of that, you are a great person and role model.
Best of luck in your future!

Jesse Hamel

I so admire the way you stay humble and grounded after the success you've had and not fall into some dark path after the struggles you've faced.
We love your work, Keanu!!!


Your awesom!!
I first saw you in Speed. You are an amazing actor and an amazing person.!!


You're the man Keanu!
Love you Keanu, cheer up soon!


Dear Keanu,
You are My Own Private Buddha, Enlightened one, the One that shows me the right path, through your work and existence. And not just only for me, but for many others,too I believe.
Thank you!


much love to you!
keanu i think you are just wonderful!

A Legend of a Man
You are a great great person, not just a great actor, I hope you realize how much we all appreciate all your efforts and character towards cancer research and being a great role model for anyone, absolutely ANYONE!

Greg Lyell

You are truly the best there is.
You inspire me to become a better person and to be as kind as I possibly can. You are probably the sanest person in Hollywood with the biggest heart as well. I hope the rest of your life is filled with blessings and nothing but pure joy and happiness.
Continue to be excellent, good sir. You are the shining star in the entertainment business.
Much love,


Thanks Keanu
Just doing my part to try and make your day a little bit better. I hope you have a great one Keanu, you really deserve better. Some of your movies changed my life for the better. You're a great actor and an unsung hero of Hollywood.
I hope today burns brighter than any other you've had in a while.

Andrew Groom

A Simple Thanks
Although we shall never cross paths, you have inspired me more than 99% of the people I know with your kindness, generosity, and humility.
Thank you.


Thanks Keanu.
As a child my absolute favourite movie in the world was The Matrix. The movie blew my mind, and brought me many years of enjoyment, as I rewatched it frequently.
If this thankyou message is ever read by you, I want you to know that you contributed to my childhood happiness, and for this I cherish you Keanu.


Sorry about the email, but thanks
You're the best, man. Thanks for being the most relate-able man in Hollywood, cheer up, man; you have the whole internet behind you.
thanks for being a bro, dawg


Cheers Keanu!
Dear Keanu
Your work has meant a great deal to me. You have performed your roles perfectly. I will enjoy watching your performances in the future, and most of hope to see you lead Cowboy Bebop! That would make my year. Thank you for all you have done on and off screen.

Your sincerely


Have a good day!
I know things have been really hard as of late, but I think you're a great actor and a man who's tough, and has seen his share of hard times. You are loved! You're amazing! Keep on rocking!


More Like You
We need more down to earth,good natured celebrities like Keanu.

Thank You Keanu!


Cheer up brah! <3


Kia Kaha Bro-
Best wishes my friend. You are loved, and inspire great affection even in those who haven't personally met you.
Even people having a laugh with the picture are doing so because there's something in there that everyone relates to deep down.
We all love you dude- hugs


vaya con dios, brah

Chris X

How you've changed my life Keanu Reeves
Hello Mr. Reeves I really hope you get this. I wanted to send a letter but I'm in Australia and all. I just wanna let you know I really think you're not only a great actor, but also a great man. You know one of the most life changing moments in my life was when I somehow obtained the Nickname "Keanu Groves", I think it was when I was filming some high school thing and I had to act real cool and sly. Anyway, after that people started to pay more attention to me. Everything was all "Keanuu Groves you sick kid". That continued for a while and now I have more friends and lots of people like me, and everyone I! know loves you and your work. You really helped me and I hope this email/letter helps you. I heard you've been having some trouble lately. I've been there (not to that extent really), but for you to be still standing, I really admire you. -thanks so much for reading

Steve Groves

You are the One, I believe in you!
You've been making my life more excellent since 1989. Ted was my first crush when I was 3 years old. The Matrix was my favorite movie when I was older. You're a great person for donating so much of your money to charity and the crew of your movies. You have lived a most excellent life.


Hold your head high
with the knowledge that you've retained a level head and garnered respect for your work and good nature which differs so vastly in the sea of inflated egos and misplaced manners in Hollywood. For that, mad props to you, Mr. Reeves.

Keeping you and your sister in my prayers. God bless.


The internet loves you, Keanu!
You are awesome and an all-around wonderful guy. We will all continue to support you and wish you the very best. Keep on keepin' on. <3


Live Forever
Stay gold, Keanu. Stay gold.


cheer up man, you know you are a good person, hang in there


Hey Keanu!
You're a champ :D


Keanu is the best.
Keanu Reeves is a fantastic actor and a good person. In honor of him today I will be watching the Matrix and any other films staring Mr. Reeves that I can find.


Smile, Keanu, the internet loves you.
If that's not reason to be happy...


You're the man.
Seriously. You're the man, Keanu.

Andrew M.

A message for a great man.
Keanu Reeves is one of the great under-appreciated actors of our time. In honor of him, I will be watching the Matrix and any other films he has been in all day today!
Take care Mr. Reeves and don't ever give up on yourself!


You're a beautiful human being Keanu
Most of the heroes in our world today are in movies, which you are also in. You've done amazing things and you should be happy. You are truly a real life hero.
You're a good guy and I respect you and everything you've done.


Thanks, Keanu!
You are the man, and are appreciated!


Be happy Keanu
Youre one of the few genuinely nice guys left out there. Thanks Keanu! You are the best. Cheer up! You deserve happiness the most. :)


We love u bro
u're example for all


Cheer up bro
Remember all those times I said your acting was like looking at a plank. Well I was just lying so I could fit in with the cool people. Sorry about that.
I hope you feel better.


I hope you see this some day
And it brings you even a little piece of the happiness you\'ve brought me. You've always seemed like such a *nice* guy, and I don't mean that in the "hey, he knows how not to be a dick" kind of way. All these stories get around about your kindness and your unselfishness, and I think you're pretty awesome. Thanks for being the kind of guy who sends that kind of energy out into the world. May it come back on you a billion times over. <3




Thanks Keanu!
Love to you :)


Hey bro
You're a truly chill dude, Keanu. Always look on the bright side of life :D


A god among bros
I know the Cowboy Bebop movie is going to turn out great with you as spike. Keep up the great work!


Be strong, be brave, be you
Stay true to the great man you are and please take care of yourself.
I hope soon happiness will find you again and this time stay forever.
All the love that I can possibly give.


Stand up guy
Keanu, thanks for being in Hollywood _and not being a douche_. It's nice to see that real, down-to-earth people still exist, and I'm definitely a fan.


Chin up
Thank you for being an inspiration to me and to many others. Hearing what you\'ve gone through has made me realise a lot of things. I know this doesn\'t seem like much but time IS a healer. You just have to remember the good times and know that there are people everywhere for you. Chin up, bro.
We love you Keanu! x


Go go Keanu go!
You're an awesome guy, don't ever think otherwise!


You're awesome Keanu
Thank you for being awesome Keanu. You're a role model to us all.

Joseph McKee

A fine role model
I've been a fan of your acting ever since I was 7 or 8. You made the matrix such an amazing film trilogy, you we totally excellent in bill and ted's excellent adventure, and I won't go on about any more of your movies because I'm sure you've read every possible combination of compliments+movie since they're all so amazing. You are such an amazing role model. So humble and generous. The world needs more people like you.


cheer up
Thank you for everything! You are everything, that Hollywood should be. And cheer up, really.


cheer up bro
CHEER UP BRO~! from The Philippines

Blake Cobb

Because you are great.



Keep on being an all around awesome guy. What you have done for others in your lifetime is incredible, and it's so gratifying to see a celebrity who is willing to give back as much as you have.


You're a great guy Keanu and I've always been a fan of your films! You're sexy as hell too, lol. I've lost many family members to cancer and I've battled cervical cancer myself, so thank you for your advocacy.

We love you!


Thanks Keanu

Echo Gray

Keanu be happy!
You are amazing in everything you do


Cheer up
Hey man cheer up, I'd send you pictures of cats but I can't. A true inspiration to everyone, no only in hollywood, but whole celebrity land


Much Luv
Luv ya bro... Happy thoughts..



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