inkhuldra's Comment History

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Why I Hid From the World
2010-07-09 00:26:39
This interview seems a bit weird. Or unusual. I dunno what to call it. Definitely very candid and personal, with details that I can't recall reading/hearing before. Could it be part of a longer profile interview?
I'm non-sticking with you!
2010-06-20 14:02:15
Everything's back to normal at Twitter, too. Same crap, including someone lamenting about Keanu always playing Bill. Yes, Bill. *shrugs*
I'm non-sticking with you!
2010-06-17 01:38:24
After all the love that the Interwebs have showered upon Our Man's seemingly sad head lately, it's almost shocking to read this dribble. A fish, indeed. A rotten one.
Keanu Reeves Day Is On Its Way
2010-06-09 04:08:39
Tried connecting to but got an error message of sorts. Where'd it go?
Keanu Reeves populates 'Passengers'
2010-05-18 14:43:17
I must admit I didn't finish reading the script. Didn't want to spoil the movie. I read all of Henry's Crime, but I generally don't like to know the plot.

On another note, I just read an interview with Noomi Rapace, who plays Lisbeth Salander in "The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo". I started wondering whether she might be a good choice to play Aurora against Keanu's Jim in "Passengers". She'd be brilliant, and she's got an intensity that would be great for the scenes where she realizes that Jim has condemned her to death on a sleeping spaceship.

On Set Reports
2010-05-11 04:21:55
I can relate to the boredom of watching the same scene get shot over and over again. I was in Chicago when they made Chain Reaction, and got to watch a scene (Keanu-less, unfortunately) where a bad guy is blown backwards by an explosion. Entirely green-screen, with the guy being pulled back by a wire. I watched them shoot it over and over, but left when it got too boring. Heard later that they shot it 30+ times!
Grand Prix celebrities, drivers visit young hospital patients
2010-04-17 05:39:34
This YouTube poster has several video clips of Keanu at the Toyota race track today:
Grand Prix celebrities, drivers visit young hospital patients
2010-04-17 02:14:36
Here are a couple of links to sites of interest to those who wan't to follow the Toyota Pro/Celeb Race in LA tomorrow:!/toyotaracing

Edit: a tiny but funny Keanu related quote by Toyota P/C Race competitor Tanner Foust:

I may make more edits to this comment post if I find more mention-worthy links.

Stars Come Out For Shakespeare
2010-04-14 04:02:36
Stars Come Out For Shakespeare
2010-04-13 22:41:55
I get an error message when I try to watch this videoclip from the MAAN performance: [url][/url] Apparently non-US residents aren't found worthy of seeing it. Does anyone know a way to get around that little snag?

Edit: Dunno if this is the same clip, but I could at least watch it. Very little Keanu content, though: [url][/url]

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