inkhuldra's Comment History

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Muccino in talks to direct 'Passengers'
2010-02-03 00:44:23
I too think a solid dose of medicine is in order for the "Guest" poster. Something to calm the nerves and alleviate testiness, perhaps.
I Hope Dad Dies in Jail
2010-01-27 19:21:26
Nah, considering the rest of the article I suspect that it's mostly invented by the writer. If he'd been arrested three times the tabloid media would've mentioned it. Especially if he'd really fought with the arresting officers.
I Hope Dad Dies in Jail
2010-01-27 06:03:25
"In the past few years he's been arrested three times while driving with a suspended license, and in May 1993 he was charged with drink driving and fighting with the arresting police."

Is this correct? I thought he was arrested once and had his driver's licence revoked because he was caught driving under the influence.

Fans wait for autographs from Keanu
2009-12-22 15:19:17
So cool that the Twitter poster who called herself Blaufuss1 wrote this article! I tweeted a little with her, and many others did as well. She's the one who took these photos:


Reeves hits deck - many times - before filming shifts to the falls
2009-12-19 23:22:53
Incidently, I was just out in the chicken coop to collect eggs. They were all frozen solid. No heat in there, and -15 degrees C outside. The chickens go in and out as they please, and they actually spend a lot of the day outside. I had one chicken who insisted on roosting outdoors every night through last winter, with temperatures below what you find in a deep freezer. Unfortunately, a pair of feral minks killed her.

That was totally off topic. Here's something on topic: I hope Keanu and his crew all make it to NYC despite the awful storm that's hitting the East Coast. I doubt if Our Man will fly to LA for Christmas and then to NYC to continue filming HC. Then again, maybe the snowstorm will convince him that palmtrees are preferrable to snow drifts, even for Christmas.

Reeves hits deck - many times - before filming shifts to the falls
2009-12-19 22:50:17 the words of Shane Falco: "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever." Wise man, that one too. ;-D
Buffalo Businesses Cashing-In On Keanu Reeves Movie
2009-12-18 18:09:22
I think the only WINM representative who's eaten there is Our Man himself. :-)
Keanu Reeves Visits Greenpoint Reformed Church Soup Kitchen
2009-12-07 21:25:02
OK, Thanksgiving is over, but for some strange reason I all of a sudden thought of turkeys and stuffings. There's just something about big, stupid, dead, stuffed birds that puts a smile on my face. Dunno why.

I like to pluck the meat off the neck (after breaking it in multiple places to make sure I get everything), and then I mix the meat with breadcrums, prunes, apricots, and a little celery.

Then I shove the stuffing up the turkey's ass and put it in the oven, where it gets to cook until it's very well done.

And: Voila! We've turned a mindbogglingly stupid bird into something worth having for dinner (all carved up and served on a platter), although all that stuffing may cause some gas. ;-)

Keanu Reeves Visits Greenpoint Reformed Church Soup Kitchen
2009-11-27 04:38:38
I dunno if Keanu should be let anywhere near sharp things such as knives, considering how poor his cooking skills are (according to himself). Wouldn't want him to cut himself while trying to peel an onion with that big knife. His eyes would tear up and then he'd undoubtedly cut himself.

The apron looks real nice on him, though. ;-)

PS: I do hope the little denizens of Keanu's ex-beard had enough time to migrate to the top of his head before the hairdresser went to work on him.

Movie production will detour NFTA rail
2009-11-25 02:48:27
Well, Keanu may not yet be able to move mountains, but he ovbiously has enough superhuman strength to stop trains! LOL

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