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2010-01-30 11:19:52

Hi....I spoke to you a while back?! I was just starting to write \"Kismet\". A script for Keanu Reeves and Company films. Well..., I'm still trying to get the script to him(Slow going)...I was trying to find the script called,\"Henry's Crime\"? Also....
I was studying the \"Passengers\" script...I found a Flaw! A glitch! I wanted to tell them about it before it becomes a film...but..again, they never pick up the phone at Company films. Thanks,

2010-01-15 11:25:13

I just found Casting Our Whoas Aside.

BHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA@!!!!! Thanks, I needed that! SO Funny!

Have a good one!



2010-01-12 13:43:55

This is my new fave Ke site and I *so* agree with you about Johnny Mnemonic. It is my *least* fave Ke movie and yet, so many people (including himself) claims it's one of their faves. I don't get it. Anyway, thanks for the site and I will def be back!

2010-01-07 16:06:18

hats off to the whole swat team. i believe i'm a convert. this quasi-fish has left the water. i may not ever pledge undying love to your dear mr. reeves, but i've certainly been nudged from apathy to like.

i do love your snarky attitude about the whole shebang. the h2g2 references made my day. i'll be coming back to this site - to read more of your fish behavior analyses.

more power. klaatu barada nikto, and a bottle of rum!


2009-11-02 14:07:20

great website....

2009-10-22 12:59:31

Hi Anakin! I love feeding the fishes. That is so cool!

2009-10-18 22:52:47

A good site.The contents are rich and varied.I'm glad that I have one more reason to study English well.

2009-07-15 04:56:09

Anakin, ckage, everyone else who is or was involved - fantastic job.
Couldn't stop laughing at your rebuttals and Wall of Shame. Genius.

2009-07-13 06:34:19

This site ROCKS! I love everything here. Great job!! *claps*
Marian L. Yazzie

2009-06-18 03:00:05

I really want to have one of Keanu Reeves photo as a wallpaper for my cell phone is there a way I can get some information on how to get his picture, and an address where I can send e-mail, because I'm a hard-core fan of Keanu Reeave, and my dream is that to meet him one of these days, just to get a picture of me and him, and show the everyone in my family that I was that determined in achieving my goal in meeting him. Thanks

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