Anakin McFly's Comment History

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Keanu Is Keeping His Money, Thanks Very Much
2017-05-10 06:59:52
He's already established his career and cemented his place in Hollywood history; networking is important for people who are just starting out in the business, because that's how other people know they exist, whereas people already know who Keanu is. He's already made a name for himself, and that frees him from doing the 'silly' things. :)

I don't think this is a matter of being careful - I have nowhere near even one million dollars and am still doing fine, financially. Keanu could give away 95% of his wealth and still lead a much more luxurious lifestyle than most people, and given how he spent most of his life living out of a single suitcase, he seems the sort of person who would get by okay even if he was straddling the poverty line. While extremely rich people can still end up in terrible financial straits due to poor judgement - usually by splurging their money on things they can't afford, entering bad investments and so on, I wouldn't put charity in that same category at all, because the motivation and thus the risks are different.

Keanu Is Keeping His Money, Thanks Very Much
2017-05-09 10:42:03

Apparently it was his upfront salary that he put back into the movies, so he still got all of his cut from the box office - which was a lot, since this was The Matrix. He's done similar things with other films, like taking a 90% pay cut on The Replacements so they could afford to hire Gene Hackman. He's rich enough that money isn't really a concern, which lets him do the films he wants rather than what will pay the bills, and he's a regular supporter of a few charities, though not very publicized.

Keanu Is Keeping His Money, Thanks Very Much
2017-05-09 08:07:10
It's true, but I'm curious why you would consider it a lack of judgement on Keanu's part; this would have been a fraction of his entire fortune. He has hundreds of millions in the bank, which is far more than enough to live an extremely comfortable life several times over, and sharing some of that with others would be commendable, not insane.

The actual amount he gave (to the special effects and costume departments, not the people) was also US $38 million, not 82. Numbers got mixed up when the story crossed countries and currencies.

Exclusive LRM Interview: Keanu Reeves for JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2
2017-05-03 09:15:12
No comment on the rest, but TV is where it's at, now.
"Women are superior to me"
2017-04-07 09:43:29
Here's the original:

I'm not sure how you mistook it for a completely different interview with a different title, source and publication date, or assumed we had the time or desire to bother making up things about Keanu (there's more than enough of that out there), but thanks for that article, regardless.

"Women are superior to me"
2017-04-07 07:51:01
What do you mean? That isn't even the same interview. I just edited the translation I was given. I didn't add anything. I'll dig up the original if you want; didn't add it because it would be more work to format it, and LucaM's sister knows German so I figured the translation would be accurate enough.
Keanu Reeves on a lifetime of iconic badassery, why he eats steak before big fight scenes, and staying fit into his 50s
2017-03-15 09:31:24
Not sure what happened with the comments, but I've changed a bit of code and hopefully that would help.

Regarding your question - that's a good question. I have no idea what he's referring to.

Keanu Reeves: 'I Worry That People Won't Like What I Do'
2017-02-09 08:45:38
Keanu, and the anguish over his new film's whitewashing uproar
2016-11-01 16:34:49
haha, thanks! :P

Luca got some help from a translator who did the Japanese to Romanian, but some lines were unclear and I thought it might preserve more nuances if first translating from Japanese to Chinese, since the languages are more similar and I at least understand some Chinese (vs no Japanese). Some of the meaning still came down to guesswork, though. It was an interesting translation exercise.

Drug Addict Keanu
2016-09-19 11:35:05
Don't feed the spambot; I think they're attracted to any webpage that mentions the ill*m*n*ti. I'll edit the earlier posts to remove the references and see if it helps.

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