Anakin McFly's Comment History

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Keanu Reeves: The love I still do not know
2017-09-21 08:28:52
I usually try not to get angry, but given that this is the second time someone has accused me of making up translations:

Translating these articles takes a lot of time and effort out of our already busy lives. Most of the time, none of us are native speakers and have to do the best we can with some help from Google Translate. Where possible, we try to find the original English sources. There was one for this, and so I replaced all the translated answers with Keanu's original English answers where those were available. Our objective is to always stay as close to the original text as much as we can discern it. If we just made it up it would take a hell lot less time and then I could go play Skyrim instead of slogging it out with online Italian dictionaries trying to figure out what a phrase meant. We spend hours trying to get this right.

LucaM is not a native English speaker, and she usually gives me her translations to revise for grammar and sentence structure so it flows better in English. That's the editing I do. I change things like "do not" to "don't". I never edit the meaning of the translation itself.

What motive could I possibly have? I don't always agree with everything Keanu says, but when he says those things I put them in anyway, because those are his words and my job is to get those words out as close to their original form as I can. If you think he didn't say those things, take it up with the interviewer and original translator.

Both LucaM and I spend a lot of time fighting against fake quotes from Keanu, reporting his fake social media pages and getting them removed; I was responsible for why Snopes now has a page clarifying that Keanu did not say some of the dubious things he's been accused of saying just because someone claiming to be him posted them on Facebook.

Making up fake quotes myself would go completely against what I personally stand for. I deplore dishonesty more than anything else. I hate that "alternative facts" now exist. I spend a chunk of my life as an activist specifically researching and debunking falsehoods and being angry that people keep inventing or twisting facts to serve an agenda. I would never do that myself. That isn't to say that I'm any sort of saint, but I've been accused before of being "pathologically honest", even when it hurts me, and I'm more likely to murder a puppy than to claim Keanu said something that to my knowledge he didn't.

I have no interest in what Keanu does in his love life and even less interest in making him seem more or less eager to get married than he actually is. I'm less of a romantic than he is. I'm a fan of Keanu, not of who I want Keanu to be. If you were the person who also commented on that other translated article ("Women are superior to me") with the same accusation, it was a tough one to translate precisely because a lot of those answers didn't sit well with me, but I was determined to do justice to the original text; so to then be accused of fabricating those answers because it made me happy or something was an added insult.

That said, if you're good with Italian, we always more than welcome extra translators on board.

First-Hand: My biriyani with Keanu (and how I paid the bill): Monique Roffey on a disappointing dinner with a dreamboat
2017-08-24 22:44:59
We don't know the full details of what happened, so it's hard to speculate; most likely there was some miscommunication going on.
First-Hand: My biriyani with Keanu (and how I paid the bill): Monique Roffey on a disappointing dinner with a dreamboat
2017-08-18 17:54:44
You're welcome!

On further thought, if she'd wanted to reveal it was Keanu and he was fine with it, she would have just come out and say it; there'd be nothing stopping her. Whereas if it was really Keanu and he wanted to keep it private, she wouldn't have described the father in such a way that was evidently meant to make people think of him, since it would defeat the purpose of not naming him specifically; it would also have been a fairly mean thing to do to a close friend if he wasn't willing to have it publicly known.

Such that the scenario which fits best here would be if Keanu wasn't the father, but she wanted people to think so for the scandal of it, while maintaining plausible deniability and not betraying anyone's trust.

First-Hand: My biriyani with Keanu (and how I paid the bill): Monique Roffey on a disappointing dinner with a dreamboat
2017-08-18 10:12:31
Just looked it up. It certainly seems that she's trying to suggest it was his, but whether or not it was is a different matter. Both of them have always said they were just very close friends:


Amanda: "Well, I do know Keanu. He's been a friend of mine for about six years and I'm very close to him. But you can't get away with that, you know? Certain sections of the press ask me if we're lovers and if I say 'We're just friends,' they make out we're lovers. Yet if I say 'Yes, we're lovers!', they'll make up some other ridiculous nonsense."

She ascribes the engaged rumours to both of them being seen with wedding rings, which were due to the roles they were playing at the time.


Q: After the rumour that had you 'married' to movie mogul David Geffen, Hollywood gossips are now saying that you and Amanda de Cadenet are engaged. Is anything happening with you, romantically speaking?

Reeves: No, nothing going on there. I'm still looking for love, hopefully not in all the wrong places.

Q: But it is true that you and Amanda sometimes live together?

Reeves: We're great friends. I love Amanda very dearly. In Hollywood it is very important to have a friendship and it is great we can share things.

In 2001:

a spokeswoman for Keanu dismissed the rumours, saying “They’re completely false. They’re not engaged. They’re friends.”


"They have recently been snapped strolling through a park arm in arm and she flew all the way to Australia to be at her ex-fiancé's side when he was shooting the latest in the Matrix movie trilogy.

"Things may not have worked out for them romantically, but she has always pledged her love for Keanu," says a friend of Keanu's. "And they have always kept in contact with each other."

"But she has always loved, Keanu. And her love for him is very special. Even if they don't get back together as a couple she will always have that warm affection for him," says the friend.

Other than the 'get back together', it would tally with Amanda's claims that she pursued him relentlessly for years but he wasn't interested. It seems they eventually settled into a close friendship. Whether or not there was sex, who knows.

Earlier interviews suggest that the father was her then-boyfriend Nick Kamen's, but again not conclusively.

Make of that what you will.

Keanu Reeves opens up, from ‘John Wick’ to ‘Swedish Dicks’
2017-07-02 07:48:39
He has already succeeded.

TV isn't a downgrade; not any more, at least. It's becoming more of an upgrade. All the talent has been moving to TV, and it's where all the exciting things are happening right now, especially creatively, since they have much more freedom in telling the stories they want and building up a world and characters that can't be done justice to in just two hours.

Keanu Reeves did not give long speech attributed to him online, publicist says
2017-06-15 15:02:58
"In world like this, this so-called Fake Acc are normal & expected."

It shouldn't be. And while this particular issue may be small, it's a symptom of a far larger problem, where other sorts of fake news have serious repercussions.

Keanu Reeves: "Siberia is one of the most mysterious places on Earth"
2017-05-21 23:19:37
Do you have a link to where the Russian fansite says so?
Keanu Reeves: "Siberia is one of the most mysterious places on Earth"
2017-05-19 21:49:12
I'm curious - what makes you think so? (If it's the speaking style, that's down to it being a translation.)
Keanu Reeves: 'I love action films and I love being part of them, but they have got to have a story'
2017-05-13 17:03:47
Are you talking about the first film or the sequel? The first movie was released in China; the second one not yet, but then again it only came out in Australia and - as you mentioned - is slated for a Japan release only in July, so they seem to be still staggering the releases and finding distributors. It's very unlikely that violence is a reason though.
Keanu finally comes clean
2017-05-13 09:18:06
Assuming you're not a troll trying to bait people into sending hateful or dangerous phone calls to that number: Firstly, as far as I know, Keanu does not read this site. Secondly, I'll be removing your phone number for your own safety because how on earth is it a good idea to put this much private information out there where thousands of strangers might see it? There are bad people out there, including those who might call you pretending to be Keanu and end up scamming you out of money or worse; because that's happened to people in this fandom. Thirdly, while Keanu is probably straight, he's also very much in support of the people you call 'crooked', and I doubt that line made him any more enamoured of you.

- Sincerely, a ~crooked~ Christian man who loves sunsets and is grateful to God for the way he made me.

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