Anakin McFly's Comment History

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Keanu Reeves is Not on Social Media
2018-01-14 09:34:49
The edit/delete function is only available if you have an account and are signed in, because otherwise anyone could edit or delete it for you.

There’s no word limit but it looks like your comment got cut off after an emoticon; I’ll see what went wrong and fixed that. In the meantime I got your full comment when you submitted it, so I’ll put it in for you!

What’s the username of the fake twitter account, by the way?
Keanu Reeves is Not on Social Media
2018-01-11 11:04:01
1. Yep, them.

2. No idea.

Keanu Reeves is Not on Social Media
2018-01-08 11:23:01
I'm glad to help. <3
Keanu Goes International
2018-01-08 11:22:33
Oh hey, thanks for the info! :) That makes sense.
Keanu finally comes clean
2017-12-05 20:21:28
Nah, don’t sell yourself short (or us). A good number of us are fans of both his characters and the guy who gave them life.
Wishful rumoring
2017-10-17 11:28:39
Thanks! Will add the snipped parts back in, since it's just a couple paragraphs.
Keanu Reeves - Teen Idol's Excellent Adventure
2017-10-16 10:26:32
Thanks! I wonder what she's up to now.
Keanu Reeves
2017-10-15 10:28:34
If it were a single interview, maybe, but after reading pretty much every interview Keanu has done since 1986, I like to think I have at least a vague approximation of who he is.

Also, we’re talking about Keanu Reeves, not celebrities in general, and I’m curious what makes you think all those generalizations apply to him as well; or, for that matter, what motivated you to read through the entirety of a very long interview that you yourself thought was boring, only so you could express your opinion that we’re all a bunch of deluded sheep starstruck by the fantasy of Keanu as... something you don’t even specify, but (jokes about immortality aside) I don’t know any of us who believe that he’s not just a human with a job that happens to put him in the public eye.

Neither do I know why you seem to consider merely being human a bad thing, or something that should make us cease to care about him. Most of my favourite people are human. We all have our roles in life to play, and I see no reason to bear grudges against anyone who gets more attention and love than I do, even if I consider it undeserved - and how many among us actually get what we deserve? I don’t envy the lives of celebrities, either, but that’s also because privacy is something I enjoy very much.

I’m happy for Keanu, and I do think that he’s one of the few celebrities who deserve that. There’s a reason I’m a fan of him specifically and not of every celebrity who ends up in the limelight, most of whom I know little about nor care to know about. (I certainly can’t be bothered to read long boring interviews from them.) And I’m glad that there are decent people in the world who get the chance to be famous and touch the lives of so many people for the better, as Keanu has certainly done for many of us. I’m glad that he’s been able to use his fame and wealth to help so many people, when most in that position don’t do as much. But there’s also no shortage of bad people who have had the same positive effect on fans who were unaware of what they were truly like; and if Keanu turns out to be the same, so be it. It wouldn’t change how he’s inspired me and countless others and changed our lives for the better.

Keanu Reeves: The love I still do not know
2017-10-09 12:25:50
thanks. :)
Keanu Reeves: The love I still do not know
2017-10-05 23:37:02
@SaneSun - hahaha yes. Thanks for the reminder! :D I'll get to that... eventually.

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