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Woman Hoping Some Of Her Kids Are Keanu's
2009-06-28 03:58:24
Watch out ever since you mentioned wanting to be married and have children.Every Babies Momma!is going to come out of the wood-work.I pray;you keep it wraped up tight like Fort-knowx.You cann't make a whoe a house-wife.Didn't any one tell you leave the whoe streetside?
Woman Hoping Some Of Her Kids Are Keanu's
2009-06-28 03:40:00
There's alway's going to be someone looking to get Keanu Reeves to be the father of thier kid's.Ruuuuun;Keanu,Ruuuuun.Watch out for those Babies Daddies!thier like Hawk's on a mongusse.
Keanu puts us in the picture
2009-06-25 17:23:33
I refuse to take my 8 year old god-daughter to the cinema to see movies anymore because, like the writers friend Claire, she has a bad habit of talking during the film and ruining the experience not only for me but for others sitting near us in the theater. Nobody needs to listen to a know it all give a commentary good or bad while trying to watch a movie
Barrie woman seeks child support from Keanu Reeves
2009-06-22 19:11:30
heeeheee this woman is completely off her rocker! She's acting as her own lawyer? Could that be because no actual lawyer wanted to touch this ludicrous case? Her friend is obviously just as nuts as she is.

I for one would love to see the kid that resembles him. Pity he'll be full of some of those crazy genes...

2009-06-22 17:23:09
It's happened about 12 times. I feel like a young pubic hair -- you know, I keep getting checked out and played with sometimes.


Goodbye Matrix, Now Keanu is an Alien. "But I really believe in UFOs ..."
2009-06-19 08:13:56
i love you ......................................... taina
Woman Hoping Some Of Her Kids Are Keanu's
2009-06-18 19:01:34
I kind of feel sorry for this lady, not a great deal mind you, more so for her children.I think there is some mental issues here.

If there is any truth to her allegations than one would presume that a lawyer would at the very least be representing her sorry a$$ in court.She wants a cool 3 million per month for spousal support from someone she claims to have had a affair with many years ago(classy girl).No marriage just some good ol sack action.That's a phenomenal amount of money,and what would she even do with all that cash if she had it in her hot little hands anyway? Why has there been no word from the ex husband regarding her claims that at least one of his children may not be his own? Has he been DNA tested yet?

Surely if she has known keanu from such a tender age then there would be people backing this up.Her story is just that...A story...

You best be believing that if keanu was the father of one of my children that it would not take twenty years to bring the matter to light.In my opinion, and money aside keanu seems like the kind of man that would want to play a big part in raising a child,if it were his own no matter what the circumstances were.

This is just a small price he pays for being famous and unfortunately anyone is entitled to make tiresome accusations against whomever they choose.My guess is keanu needs no luck with this one, she has already loaded the gun and shot herself in the foot!


Ian rejects offer from Keanu Reeves
2009-06-15 17:25:01
I don't believe Keanu can't do a British yorkshire accent.He's the greatest actor. Come on Keanu prove Newton wrong. You are great.
Woman Hoping Some Of Her Kids Are Keanu's
2009-06-13 18:14:23
Cant imagine having photos with Keanu n losing them if he was my kids dad!Who does that!She had over two decades 2 act & didnt so it doz seem sus.Let the bloke live in peace &give him his privacy
Psst - this snitch is going places in 'River'
2009-06-12 18:21:00
"If I'm not acting, I bounce off walls. My teachers thought it was sugar, but they were wrong."
Cute and funny, I can just imagine

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