WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Man of Tai Chi gets the green light!

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Man of Tai Chi gets the green light!
2013-04-20 20:36

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MerylNag- hello, and welcome. And most of all, billion thanks for uploading the trailer. Looks good indeed :D
2013-04-21 01:48

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2013-04-21 03:53

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Thanks, guys!!! :D
Anakin McFly
2013-04-21 08:33


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On a side note: How long does it take to learn Chinese? If KR keeps going to China...? ;-)

well, I spent 13 years studying Chinese and I still need Google translate when translating long articles, so... :|

Text balloon text translations, starting with the vertical strip on the left:
1) "oh, I've dozed off. Let me sleep a while first."
2) "Ah! Famous person has arrived, please ... ? " (the text is tiny and I can barely make it out. I'm guessing it says "famous person is here! wake up!")
3) "So it was because of Keanu's arrival, after all."
4) "Sadly he's not here for me!"
5) "Fine, I'll go back to work."

Second vertical strip (right)
1) "Welcome, welcome!"
2) "Are you watching shrimp(??)" (ok, googling it suggests it's slang for something that isn't shrimp, or a pop culture reference, but I have no idea what it's referencing.)
3) "Wah, Keanu's drinking Coca Cola!"
4) "Remember to keep your expression constant!"
5) "Two ?" Two something, where the something probably means actors/stars/professionals/artists something along those lines.

2013-04-21 15:10

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2013-04-21 15:43

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2013-04-22 00:49

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Thanks alot, Ani, for the translation!
13 years, well, that is something for later then, when I have more time to myself.
2013-04-22 23:53

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Anakin McFly
2013-04-22 23:59


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13 years, well, that is something for later then, when I have more time to myself.

XD nah, you should be able to manage it in less time than that; there are people who learn Chinese in months or a year or two.

2013-04-25 00:01

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Keanu Reeves, star of The Matrix trilogy, takes the helm of his first feature film with Man of Tai Chi – described as a “Chinese-American martial arts film”. With choreography by Yuen Woo Ping – also of The Matrix movies – the action on display in the newly released trailer is spectacular, but what of the plot?

We learn very little from the snippets presented here. Indeed, at first glance, this seems to be a disappointing trailer that does the film no favours. Watch it again, however, and this is actually a trailer brimming with confidence.

Remember the time when trailers were short, snappy and kept you guessing? Back before the current trend of taking every notable shot from the movie and cutting them together – removing all mystery and anticipation? This is a sterling attempt at an old-school trailer. Having seen the trailer, here’s what we know: Keanu Reeves is a bad guy who “wants to see a pure-hearted, good-natured man of Tai Chi become a killer”, in a Kung-Fu movie.

The only other thing we need to know is a release date. Watch this space.

you know... the more I read, the less articulate I become, it seems. it's only an observation...
I usually don't watch movie trailers; find them misleading and/or ruining the surprise element. when I walk into the theater, I want to know in advancewhat the story is about, but not how it's gonna look. That moment when the lights go out and the movie starts rolling (ok, 'playing', in the new language ;), is magic. and it's a magic that I don't want to spoil.
But curiosity getting the best of me, I watched that trailer several times. And until I read this review, didn't understand why it appealed to me so much. Now I know. it's exactly the minimalism and the mystery. the hinting, suggesting, but not in-your-face, beating-over-the-head-with-it look and feel.
Yes, I'm old-fashioned in many aspects, and this is but one of them. Maybe that's why I understood this trailer's language. Maybe in today's world of 'hip' and 'cool', a certain someone is quietly defining a new type of 'cool': a return to the old school clarity.
... 'clarity'? maybe I'm just imagining things. or maybe I've stumbled upon something...
time will tell.

2013-04-25 02:39

Forum Posts: 4842
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the usual fish journalist...

and a fisherman ;)

Mr. Heritage, referring to the Yin-Yang circle as the "Chinesey-looking symbol" reveals a great deal about your capacity to review this film (or anything else, for that matter).

Others, those with a modicum of intellectual curiosity, may initially interpret the symbol as a Chinese instantiation of what Western philosophy refers to as the "Coincidentia Oppositorum", the fundament of existence manifesting as a unity of opposites.

There is an alternative interpretation, however, and this may be the intent of the first illustration following the trailer clip above. The intent of the "Chinesey-looking symbol" is to draw our attention to that which is presumed to separate the two sides of the One.

In a famous legend about the introduction of Buddhism to China it is said that Bodhidharma sat gazing at a wall for years. The facile interpretation has him doing just that. A deeper insight suggest a contemplation of the nature of the "wall" said to separate the two sides of the One. Those who realize the illusory nature of the "wall", whether Daoist (Taoist) or Buddhist, are no longer beset by the dualism said by the Abrahamic religions (for example) to represent "the human condition". While the latter commit themselves to the absolute truth of the perceived, the "Chinesey-looking symbol" suggests the object of perception is subject to interpretation.

Lastly, those who have even a modicum of intellectual curiosity regarding Chinese "internal" martial arts may be aware there has always been a contention regarding the efficacy of said arts in combat. Those without extended exposure to the physical philosophy underlying such arts never appreciate how the "internal" arts enable the practitioner to meld with his or her opposite, thus eliminating the ostensible "wall" that separates them.

Further, the philosophy of motion denies the attacker a firm foundation, a "root", from which any power might be generated. And it is through the establishment of this "root" by the Taiji (Tai Chi) practitioner (for example; there are numerous "internal" arts) that permits a relaxed transmission of devastating power to those who would do you harm. While kicks look good on the silver screen, individuals possessing such power have no need to rely upon the legs to dominate an encounter.

I have no idea whether Reeves is a competent director, but the ability of Heritage to assess his competence is evident.

God bless intelligent British sarcasm ;)
also, that one image of a character staring at a wall being interpreted as above... I think I'm gonna love to watch and analyze this movie to pieces.
and that I just might have a new favorite movie director ;)

2013-04-25 06:10

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2013-04-25 06:12

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There is an 18:37 minute interview over at that covers a lot of ground.
Go see it!
When pressed he claims he has a good sense of humor,is convivial, and artsy. :)
2013-05-14 02:47

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2013-05-10 作者:记者◎李东然 来源: 三联生活周刊v2











里维斯所说的创作,2012年担当制作人和出镜主持的纪录片《肩并肩》(Side by Side)不能不算其中之一。这是当年全美年度最热门纪录片之一。里维斯说,纪录片缘起2006年,他开始越来越困惑于数码技术使自己工作状态发生的转变,后来比如富士胶卷正式停产的消息,一方面使他作为一个电影人感到忧伤,另一方面也加剧了他要记录这场变革的迫切心情。难以置信的是,大卫·林奇、乔治·卢卡斯、詹姆斯·卡梅隆、大卫·芬奇、克里斯托弗·诺兰、马丁·西科塞斯和史蒂文·索德伯格在内的好莱坞领袖们悉数接受了里维斯的访问,留下了他们面对此时此刻的感受。而年轻一代如热播电视剧《女孩们》的作者及导演莉娜·杜汉姆也被里维斯相邀而来,他们的话题早从银幕影像延伸到婴儿们在iPad上观看《尼克》动画片的日常现象。"起初是我热爱电影,我认为目前这个阶段,也就是百多年的胶片拍摄技术被逐渐取代的时刻,我愿意琢磨琢磨它。后来我发现,我关心的不是数码技术本身,也不只是如何革命了整个电影行业,其实它已经革新了人类传述故事方式。我想在这一刻记录这一切,是很有必要的,故事的传统和未来,这是每个人面对的大事件。”



反而常常是那些拍得拖泥带水、精疲力竭的独立小制作影片,轻而易举就请到了里维斯这样的超级明星主演,《捍卫机密》(Johnny Mnemonic)中平淡无奇的电脑资料员、《爱上明尼苏达》(Feeling Minnesota)中无名却挣扎的作家,还有《魔鬼代言人》(The Devil's Advocate)中纠结痛苦的小律师等等。"钱不是问题,我不为钱而工作很久了,因为我很早就发觉,我赚的钱其实够我自己生活好几个世纪了。”



基努·里维斯自己也常常会写下这样一些句子:"我洗了一个温暖悲伤的澡/在绝望的房间/一支可怜的蜡烛在燃着。”再后来,这些忧伤满满的句子结成了一本带插图的小册子,这诗集却被里维斯起名为《幸福颂歌》(Songs of happiness)。


2013-05-14 03:49

Forum Posts: 93
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what is that last thing you just posted??

2013-05-14 08:24

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It was in chinese and I thought I could cut and paste it. Guess not.

Anakin McFly
2013-05-14 12:05


Forum Posts: 3074
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It depends on the computer/browser settings; the Chinese is showing up for me here, but it didn't on my phone.

Is someone else from another site likely to translate it, or should I?

2013-05-15 03:49

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2013-05-15 10:05

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google translate

See Reeves noon, uninterrupted interview from the morning has apparently made him tired, he proposed to leave to go smoke a cigarette, his staff around a joke, said: "do not ask one eighth of Chinese descent The problem, he said hundreds of times, say estimated crash, as well as Chinese food thing, we listen tired of hearing it. "

"Yes, I often come to see friends, and sometimes for my movies, sometimes." Reeves, began to answer questions.

Thick black beard covered his face hole, also the black hair is like using only finger comb twice as messy and random. Reeves said, except for a few with the film when a star is nothing troubled for him, wandering life with the comfortable. "I always think it is to do my own, which is actually very important, is not it?"

In fact, Keanu Reeves The purpose of this trip is very clear, Chinese kung fu film directed by him "Tai Chi Man" China and the United States will soon be landing screen, this is also the first film directed by him. "Spend a little long time, before and after seven years, a single script on a whim five years, tell a story, we must first understand what you want to say, and then the author to write it down, so learn something from it, know from which direction should continue to write down, or which part of the need to re-examine, but stop here only in draft form. then necessary to modify the draft, which in turn is constantly undergoing repeated a process. now I understand the story did not appear to so simple, perhaps precisely in order to make everything seems to come in handy, behind the effort but need to be double. "

Reeves said, "Tai Chi Man" script there were 134 films is five hours long, therefore the most difficult trade-offs, until condensed to only 90, Reeves said, but the story really plump together. "For example, I always learn how to focus on the fragmented story focused on two masters who: the symbol of the Masters of Light meditation, think twice, a clear understanding of what people want to be; dark master tells you to boldly go forward to enjoy the release of your passion, so you enjoy doing their own constitute a pair of conflict is not difficult, but such as master how to speak, how he would treat the students into the actual details of the plot is really difficult for me at martial arts and kung fu master, are foreigners, I know that in addition to with the heart, but also unite people around the wisdom to cope with so many problems. "

Reeves said bluntly the most attractive or action part: "good kung fu action films, fighting lens, the picture itself is beautiful, it makes me feel like dancing! Role in these kung-fu very good very deep heart, I love kung fu. "

Keanu Reeves is famous by martial arts and action, he starred in the low-cost action movie "Speed" (Speed) at the box office of $ 121 million to create the first peak of his career. "The Matrix" trilogy make extensive use of Chinese martial arts and traditional American action movie fighting shoot-out, so the disruptive digital sci-fi plot to fill the gap complements the action scenes, so far is insurmountable classic.

"Unfortunately, I have not learned the real Chinese Kung Fu, just try to be martial arts, kung fu movies accumulation understanding, but this two after all, there is a difference, for example, I have to do is effort, I will be performances his train hard, but I did not take the time to pursue the real Chinese Kung Fu very early age learned fur, but unfortunately stopped very early, but then, I already know how true martial arts philosophy of I real effort to maintain a deep respect. "

Or "Tai Chi Man" Reeves as the male lead role of Tai Chi master to 30 years experience in kung fu movies guidance Chen Hu, featuring only appeared in one operating underground Fighting games villains. Reeves fancy Chen Hu origin Yuanjiazao classes and martial arts since childhood lay a solid foundation. Chen Hu, majoring in tai chi, but the movie, the karate, Tang hand and said, drunk sword, whip, broadsword, cudgel, etc., almost swordsmen. He earlier had career in Hollywood, when Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Jet Li, Cheng Pei Pei and Stephen Chow et al substitute, he knows martial arts know how to film.

Keanu Reeves is mentioned Chen Hu, described themselves as brothers. "In 1997, when we met because of the" Matrix "feelings of ten years, he starred in the best, however, not to mention, he is my brother and I think martial arts is really a very emotional kind of art, also the truth in life, love and justice are the most beautiful manifestation of the martial arts. Chen Hu is my respected teacher, I always learn from him seriously. "

Behind the scenes for their own transformation, Reeves has never denied those such as "has-been", "crisis" like the rumors. "Oh, midlife crisis? Maybe, but I really have always wanted to create, which allows to continue my art career."

The Reeves said creation in 2012 as producer and appearance chaired documentary "shoulder to shoulder" (Side by Side) can not is not one of them. This was one of the nation's most popular annual documentary. Reeves said the documentary origin in 2006, he began getting confused own state shift to digital technology, and later formally discontinued such as Fuji Photo Film news, on the one hand, as a filmmaker, he was grieved, on the other hand, also aggravated his eagerness record of this revolution. Incredibly, David Lynch, George Lucas, James Cameron, David Fincher, Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese and Steven Soderbergh in within the Hollywood leaders to accept in full visit to Reeves, leaving them to face at this moment feel. Author and director of the younger generation such as the hit TV series "Girls" Lena Dunham Reeves nearby from their topic back from the screen image extends to the babies watch "Nick" animation on the iPad tablets daily phenomenon. "At first I love movies, I think at this stage, that is, a hundred years of shooting on film technology is gradually replacing time, I am willing to pondering it before I found out, I is not concerned with digital technology, not just how revolution in the entire film industry, in fact, it has revolutionized human narrated the story, I think at this moment recording, it is necessary, the tradition and the future of the story, each face event. "

Discussion does not lose any one aggressively drama film documentary "shoulder to shoulder" in the "New York Times", "The New Yorker and other major mainstream media reports, in addition to the debate on human visual story of revolution, people said, the base efforts Reeves transformation has been a beautiful beginning. In general, from the front of the stage to behind the scenes, so the transition for a Hollywood superstar, is often considered to be an important strategy to maintain influence, rather unusual is that too few people turned to look at Keanu Reeves in his , whims and more meaningful.

This people like to enumerate some examples of, Reeves very fond of Shakespeare's plays, dreams of one day play's characters, because not find this opportunity to perform in the United States, he had starred in the stage play all the way to Canada Venice businessman. " He also own band "Sirius" concert that stop acting more than a year, even if it was just a little-known third-rate band. Even in Hollywood, he picky famous rejected Oliver Stone classic early as 1986 for the role of the protagonist in "Platoon" Taylor, because he did not like the violent scenes in the script; he even refused to have The fame "Speed" sequel solicitation.

, Perversely, often those went for dragging its feet, exhausted independent small films, easy to go to the Reeves starring superstar, "Johnny Mnemonic" (Johnny Mnemonic), bland computer information officer, "fell in love with Minnesota (Feeling Minnesota) the nameless but struggling writer, as well as "Devil's Advocate" (The Devil's Advocate) tangled painful lawyers, and so on. "Money is not a problem, I do not for the money and work for a long time, because I have long found that, in fact, money enough of my own life for centuries."

Reeves, of course, also quite a lot of time to contribute to the pleasures of life, such as the band, he has sounded regret, told often will miss the wanton play on stage dripping fun. Or motorcycle, you can always familiar to repeat once again those who own collection, Harley 750, Suzuki 1100, or by his nickname "GuzziMoto Goose motorcycle and likes the factory in 1974, Norton 850, he said:" This is my the most beautiful one. "

Star image is indeed far less than the importance of the pursuit of fun. Reeves keen drag racing in the middle of the night, and out of the hospital for this often, sometimes started on the first day wearing a neck guard, or on crutches to see the director. The most serious one out in a car accident in 1988, breaking a good several ribs, and leave permanent scars on the stomach, Reeves said, the rescue team had to carry him on a stretcher, but he fell down, "So I want to smile, but unfortunately I did not breathe.

Keanu Reeves himself often wrote this sentence: "I wash a warm and sad bath / in despair rooms / one poor candle burning." And then later, sad and full of sentences form a booklet with illustrations, this collection of poems he was Reeves named "happiness Carol" (Songs of happiness).

"This is the poetry, the opposites together, things become more complex, richer Of course, this is the humor of poetry, it expresses a certain pursuit, sad sentences like pay homage to this pursuit For me, writing is often spontaneous thing, In fact, in a very young age, I began to write something, and sometimes write a lot, and sometimes forget the things I like conflict and discord, such as very sad sentences, and well-being carol's name, I will see it as a children's book for adults, if you are willing to find some of the real thing from the book, then eventually you will be because of this book and a smile. "Reeves said. ■

2013-05-15 10:12

Forum Posts: 2836
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Thank you tini4. Donaka is very frightening. And exciting...

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