Fan and non-fan encounters, stories, anecdotes, etc. | |||
2016-04-10 21:39:41 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |
Excitable Misunderstood Genius Penelope (Jack) Rockatansky Andy Tuttle Excitable Misunderstood Genius I might have told this story here before, but I was at Comic-Con back when Constantine was coming out in theatres, and this lady who must have been in her 40's, goes up to the mic to ask a question and she's like "Oh my gosh, I love you so much, you're my favorite actor. I know that today is your birthday so I have a gift for you and I was wondering if I could give you a hug" and the crowd, typical for Comic-Con, just start booing her mercilessly and Keanu yells into the mic and stands up, "Yes you can, please come up here, I would be GLAD to give you a hug", just totally debasing the crowd and giving this fan a moment she will always remember. Class. Fucking. Act. Jose Peterson Andy Tuttle Andy Tuttle Jose Peterson Jose Peterson Andy Tuttle Excitable Misunderstood Genius Andy Tuttle scrappybilly Andy Tuttle | ||
2016-04-10 21:40:20 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |
Susan Parrish Marteeny | ||
2016-04-10 21:41:19 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |
I helped Gemma with her first presenting foray, a slot on a small Edinburgh Fringe radio show. I was like her wingwoman. We then blagged press passes and went to cover the O2 Wireless festival. We ended up backstage, seeing Julian Casablancas from the Strokes chatting to Kate Moss, who was draped round David Walliams. They all said no to an interview as it was obvious we were cheeky blaggers, but we hit gold when we spotted Keanu Reeves, who said he'd do an interview with us if we found him a lighter. | ||
2016-04-10 21:43:14 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |
TIL Keanu Reeves didn't actually directly give his earnings to the crew of the Matrix: he put some of his money back into the franchise to ensure that they could continue working on the franchise for the duration of the trilogy. ( submitted 10 hours ago by lapapinton [–]b0bo 0 points 10 hours ago | ||
2016-04-10 21:45:53 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |{%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22}
Debra Langland I was one of the many extras here in Chicago for The Lake House. As we were freezing on Navy Pier for endless hours, Keanu gave up his heat lamps to the extras so we could stay warm. I have to admit I was very impress and thankful. Thank you Keanu for being a human. Love you.
Earlier in the night I received a phone call with some info on the new John Wick film. Keanu was shooting, so after getting Perabo, I headed to the spot in hopes that he would still be on set. He was, and it wasn't too long after he wrapped and exited the restaurant, where he had just finished a fight scene. I had heard mixed things about Keanu over the years, but saw that he had been doing pics earlier in the evening.When he came out and was approached, he agreed to do it though he was clearly exhausted. He didn't say much, but posed with the four people there.I thought the blood and him being fully suited were great additions to my photo. So, for this guy, who had been filming for hours (this was also is second shooting location for the day)and had just finished a brutal fight scene, to come out at 1 in the morning and agree to take a few photos, certainly says a lot about his character. | ||
2016-04-10 21:48:22 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |
Inbal Costo Levy What year was this? Inbal Costo Levy I would say's been a while wink emoticon And I'm holding on to that experience real tight. Considering I'll probably never get to meet him again (live in Israel now)... | ||
2016-04-10 21:49:15 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | by RoyBatty88 Fri Nov 13 2015 10:59:56 IMDb member since February 2008 My friend Met Keanu Reeves said he was one of the most calm and collected celebrities he's ever met. Just very calm, casual but also pretty friendly if you bring up a topic of his interest. He talked to him about Digital vs. Film. My friend is pro digital and Keanu isn't, they had a debate about it, Keanu bought him a drink to keep him talking apparently too because Keanu wanted to convince my friend to move to the other side. lol. In the words of George Takei, Oh My; | ||
2016-04-10 21:49:55 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |
KEANU-REEVES -BLK-&-WHT by Eyster One rainy afternoon , I was in the east Twenties , headed east and I saw this familiar looking guy coming towards me . I smiled , he smiled , then when we were face to face , I realized who this guy was . " So , just walking down the street ? " I managed to say " Just like a regular person ." He said . He was really nice and let me get this shot of him . I don't remember the date but it was between the shooting of "MATRIX" movies .
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2016-04-10 21:53:02 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 |
Anyway, back to my man. The producer of The Matrix, Lorenzo di Boneventura, introduced him first. He talked about how hard it was to get the movie made. That there was nothing else like it at the moment and that everyone involved with it had to really believe in it. And apparently Keanu did as he had turned down a number of movie offers for a year or so while the Wachowski Brothers and the movie producers worked to get the movie picked up. | ||
2016-04-10 21:58:41 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | Any time you share space with him is a good time. Your molecules go into hyperdrive and the dopamine deluge bathes your pysche in a sparkling glow. Everything is goood. Once in a while, the excess can lead to transient behaviour very similar to schizophrenia: hyperexcitability, mania, delusions and hallucinations. (schizophrenia is just a structure in the brain dumping way too much dopamine into the system.)
Thankfully I only experienced a few symptoms: delusions and excitability. Hallucinating would have been awkward, in such a broad company.There were a lot of folks in black, as I foresaw. I was glad to be in a bright-white formal shirt, and I was glad I had finally paid a pro to color my hair. It allowed me to enjoy the delusion that he was looking at me a lot, looking right at me for half a heartbeat, again and again as he spoke. That's a sweeeeet delusion. But my husband said it wasn't a delusion – that he was looking at me a lot. He was, in fact about fifteen feet in front of us, maybe a tad more. Close enough to make and sustain eye contact for that fractional moment that allows you to really acknowledge a person. Doesn't take long – only a spark's life, but you all know when you've really seen someone and been seen. Even at so mundane a place as the grocery store you can tell when you make contact with a checker or a bagboy. Or with him. A few years ago I met him briefly, after a Becky show – not that I'd think he'd remember me, I looked pretty different then – but I still remember the jolt of meeting his gaze, and seeing/sensing him see me. It is a trip, a trip and a half. He's all there, in his eyes. Even from fifteen feet away. That night was a bit of a mob scene, and the AFI staff wanted the audiences seated by 6:30 or so, to thin the mass around the red carpet for the taped arrivals. It was one of those press frenzies: twenty different mikes and cameras pointed at them, the lights are fryer-hot, and it's a milling mess of people desperate to get a glimpse. Dude ran the gauntlet along with the other high-voltage guests, but we missed it. I hate a crush like that, being pressed and shoved – and it was about a hundred degrees, without the floods overhead. So we were decorously well-behaved and went inside for the A/C and the snacks. You can eat a helluva lot of popcorn waiting for a dozen A-listers to make a sound byte. Finally around 7:30, Lorenzo Di Bonaventura (sp?) came out and gave the boy a really charming intro, affectionate and proud. And then M'sieur Le Bel He spoke briefly - only a few minutes- five?- but it's easy to see he still loves this film, and its totality still awes and amazes him, its intensity still grabs him. I was touched to see it large again, and to think of everything that's changed since – and because – I first saw it: my daughter, my job, my home, my city, my mid-life crisis, my life... All traceable back to the Matrix, and the massive effect it had on me. I'm not a hard-core geek, I don't wear the black vinyl clothes and the slick shades, I don't play VR games or go to cons. But I do have something: a tiny strip of four words in plain print taped to my computer monitor. It helped me keep working when I wanted to quit, it helped me gain a perspective on my goals, it helped me stay focused. There is no spoon. If I could thank him for anything I would thank him for that. (Note: some of the links are old and not working anymore. I kept them though because that was the original source. Even if the forum/site/whatever is gone now. ) | ||
2016-04-10 22:04:00 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | Wyley, here's a few of the AFI reports (they were posted at CK before the thread got deleted)
The first is from luckofthe "Keanu stood no more then a few feet away from me in all his lumberjack gloriousness. Draped in all dark colors, his frame appeared stealth. Much more than I thought. I'm always surprise how thin he is. He face was perfect, (there is no way this guy is a year over 35) even though it obviously hadn't seen a razor in a while. He was handsome, confident, and dare I say witty. He delivered his obviously pre-rehearsed speech with the refinement of a much older, much more secure Theodor Logan. He smiled a final time, thanked us all for coming, and introduce the masterpiece that is The Matrix. He seemed genially excited to see it again. It was to be the first time in 10 years he would be watching it on a big scene. He took his seat and the movie began. " He stayed for the whole thing, but left before the lights came up. I must say it was weird watching the Matrix with Keanu Reeves At one point when he says "Whoa" in the movie, everyone laughed. But then again, so did he. I wonder what he was thinking." This was newyorker1's post (though she means red pill and not blue pill or pillow). I was proud to witness Keanu Reeves at the AFI feat, and it was a special night. When Keanu took to the podium, there was thunderous applauds. Keanu was eloquent, he told the funnies stories, (very charming, and very entertaining), and he was very much Keanu. He told of a special moment when he arrived to Australia for the filming of "THE MATRIX", he said that in his hotel room, on his pillow, the Warshowski brothers and put a little black box on his pillow. A gift of sorts! He was touched! Well low and behold, Keanu opened the box, and a "BLUE PILLOW" was inside! LOL!!!! What a laugh! This is the type of thing thats was said by him, and he explained the Matrix had elements of all sorts of things in it! A little something for everyone! I really wish that there was a transcript of the speech that Mr. Reeves made. I cannot remember it all, he talked for a quite a few minutes. I have to say, that as a fan, I was PROUD of Keanu last night! We never get to see him in this light before , and once again, the audience loved him! He was amongst his peers last night, carrying his own. What an honor! p.s. (and I love this part), at one point, before Mr. Reeves was about to enter the theatre, a buzz went around the auditorium, and about 10 females left their seats with various pieces of papers and pens, running out of the theatre with smiles on their faces. Whats wrong with loving Keanu? Nothing. " (this was the first WINM forum :) ) | ||
2016-04-10 22:04:46 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | I cannot seem to get onto this site yet. Just wanted to share a very nice "moment". I was working in Downtown Jacksonville, FL. I went for a lunch walk and happened upon a throng of people at a coffee-shop. Me, being completely nosey, simply had to find out what was going on. I stood and looked through the window, and was told that Mr. Reeves was there. I think he was doing research for "Devil's Advocate." Anyway, I kept straining to see. Saw him for a moment signing autographs and chatting with people. Somehow, I did manage to catch his eye for a millesecond, and all I could think of was a "thumbs up!" Yikes. Anyway, he gave that brilliant smile, and shrugged as if, "no problem!" His smile really does simply light up wherever he happens to be. | ||
2016-04-10 22:07:34 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | This is referring to the picture of him with the flowers behind his head. I am very close by. He would have been sitting directly in front of me if they had not changed the blocking at the last minute. They had a stage set up right in front of me. I could have reached out and touched his leg . DANG NAB IT!!! I was there that day at Rock Plaza. Was the first one there at 3:45AM. He looked awesome, and I got the pick of standing spots. He was beautiful. Well worth the effort. Saw him 2x that day( almost lost my brand new patent leather Cole Haan booties)..briefly but it let ,me know that I was not drooling for nothing. No smoke and mirrors! He IS incredibly handsome. MY FAVORITE!! Whenever I wear those shoes I think of that day! If you have a chance to go see it. I had never bothered but I am glad that i did, and will do it again, Would like to get a picture with him and kiss his cheek. PAPS WERE OUT OF CONTROL the last time. I almost got knocked to the ground. I was right next to him. He was in an SVU with the window rolled down. I feel for people that are under that sort of scrutiny constantly.
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2016-04-10 22:08:44 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | by davsny1 3 days ago (Fri Nov 7 2008 01:00:50) I met Keanu, twice actually two days in a row. Now how is that for awesome and bizzare. We were in LA right after Dracula, so I guess it was winter of 92 or so, can't remember, been out there too many times. It was so funny b/c we were walking on Melrose Avenue after lunch checking out all of the cool stores and we looked over and saw a very handsome, well-dressed guy who looked like Cary Elwes. Upon closer look we established that it was Cary Elwes. We went over and talked to him, told him we were huge fans of his, how we just saw and loved hime in Dracula. He was too nice. I mean it was amazing how nice he was. A true gentlemen. He talked to us for almost an hour, signed authographs for all of us and took pictures with all of us. A few hours later we were walking on the opposite side of the street and saw a suave looking guy in a orange jacket and jeans getting onto a nice bike (a Harley or BMW I think). We looked again and said, "Wow, its Keanu Reeves!" We went over to him and politely approached him for an autograph. He was super nice and signed one for both myself and my sister and took pictures with us. He shook and slapped my and my dad's hands. We told him about just seeing Cary and he was like, "Yah man, Cary is totally nice as can be, we had so much fun making Dracula." We asked hime about Point Break and the jump scenes and he told us that they did most of their owns stunts and that he and Patrick Swazye actually jumped from low altitudes in water. He called it, "Crazy, scary but amazing fun." We talked for a while and then let him go. The next day, after breakfeast, we went to a very famous bookstore in LA called the Samuel French Bookstore. We went up to him and at first he didn't remember us, but then he did. Talked again for a while, still really sweet and left. So, he was, at least at that time a very nice, pleasant, down-to-earth guy. He wasn't a huge star but pretty successful, so I assume that he's still cool OMG. The single actor that I've always had a crush on. The one actor I meet. /swoon. Entirely too handsome in person. I'm still shaking. Here's the story: After security checkpoint, I was putting my shoes back on, and he sat next to me to do the same. I looked up and almost passed out. We talked for a wee bit - he was putting his watch, belt, shoes back on and I asked "they make you take off your belt"? He answered with I don't even know what as I couldn't even think straight. I asked if he wouldn't mind if I got a photo, and he was very nice about it - he said "let's get dressed first" (dear me...). I was soooo shaking! I asked where he was going, and he said to New York - as it turns out, we were getting on the same redeye flight from LAX to JFK together, so I can validly say I spent the night with Keanu Reeves. LOL!
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2016-04-10 22:13:36 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | MY ADVENTURES OF SEEING KEANU
I was ready to be on line at 5:00AM to be sure to get in. I didn't have a ticket. Bt as life has it my family comes first and I didn't make the show. I never got the "chance" really to be disappointed because I was focused on the issue at hand. Much later in the day (I took off work to go to show) I realized the light bulb went on and I was going to get a chance to see him that night. I met a lovely lady named Agatha at "Reel Pieces" (more on chapter 2) who was at the show. She is not a fan but her son is. He has a broken leg and is 11 years old. During the 2 minute break KEANU came over to pose for pictures with him. They got 2 shots. She was so happy for her son and was totally taken aback how wonderful and kind our KEANU is. It's always the same sweet old thing, right guys? Chapter 2 - Reel Pieces First and foremost please understand I am living in heaven right now with KEANU. My #1 ANGEL is lizzy. I saw her post on Tuesday, the 16th for "Reel Pieces" on Wednesday, the 17th. I quickly acted upon the situation and got tickets held for me at the box office. there are no words to THANK YOU enough lizzy. You have no idea what an impact that post has done for me....OK Got there....W-H-E-W. No lines, no waiting, got right in. Row 6 OMG. Remember Agatha (the mom) that's when I met her and she told me of her experience at the Regis show. She showed me the 2 pictures of her son and KEANU. (Her son wasn't there tonight). She told me she thinks she is really going to be totally into him now. Another new fan YEAH!.... Here's how the program went.... 1. Annette Insdorf director and narrator of this prestigious series of screenings and onstage interviews with major fine artists. 4. Screening of The Private Lives of Pippa Lee My View and Take on Things: 1. I didn't know WHAT to expect. Seeing KEANU was all I needed to know. Snippets of Interviews (not exact words) Rebecca was asked why she chose KEANU for the part "......he doesn't fit in.....", he cracked up as did the audience. Rebecca stated they filmed the love scene in a tiny truck....KEANU responds with a huge smile and laughs "That was a good day". KEANU was asked, how tough are rehearsals, how do they work for you? KEANU used A Scanner Darkly as an example: He explained that you sit around a lot with each other reading and rehearsing and you don't get to go on location during that time. A few words were said about working with 4 female directors. The narrator pushed KEANU asking about the prestigious directors he worked with and who did he like working with the best. KEANU responded by saying "You are asking me to choose. I can't choose." However KEANU did say working with Bernardo Bertolucci in Little Buddha was life changing for him, and he continued to explain the changes. Another question was about deferring his salary to Gene Hackman and Al Pacino, does he look up to them? KEANU replied, "I have great respect for them, they are great actors, and it was a privilege to work with them, but for many years Peter O'Toole is my inspiration, I admire and respect his work very much". Then KEANU went on to say how much he loves Shakespeare and in 1983 got an agent while playing Mercuito, and mentioned other Shakespearian parts. However, he didn't mention Hamlet. KEANU was questioned about his role and working with best friend River Phoenix. KEANU stated that River came to him to do MOPI and it had the undertones of Shakespeare which he has a passion for. One last question I remember Rebecca and KEANU were talking about, working with director/actor...KEANU said, and Rebecca also agreed, it is all about trust and agreement. He made his point again by emphasizing "trust and agreement". That is part of the process with directors and actors working together. 5. Other Happenings....At one point when again, it became all about KEANU, he looked over to Rebecca and extended his arms and told the narrator it's not about him. "It's Rebecca, let's talk about her and her film", and shifted the interview over. My sweetie pie just doesn't stop....S-I-G-H...Also during the interview people from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th row started leaving (it was a long night - except NOT for me) and KEANU smiles and yells out "Thanks for coming", the room exploded with laughter and then he said, "No seriously, thank you for coming and taking the time, I appreciate that". Trust me, with his tone, he went for the laugh, but then respectfully thanked them....He just sprinkled the night with funny little things. He was so serious; after all he was talking about filmmaking, he was happy and very laid back and relaxed. I was ecstatic just seeing another layer of his real personality. I am not talking about his "personal persona", just one more layer of who he is. I know I am very detailed when I write but because I don't think Reel Pieces will be posted anywhere, I am trying to get you so called "in". No cameras were allowed. There was only one professional photographer there snapping away at the 3 people on the stage. That's it. Chapter 3 - My Personal Adventure with KEANU --- w-h-e-w --- When part of the audience left I was "bare-naked" in front of him. The narrator chose people that were sitting by me for the Q&A, so his attention was always my way. I started shaking. My head spun as I tried to compute, I needed to ask a question and real quick. I had to think of something just so he would talk to ME directly. All of his 50 films reeled through my head faster than a speeding train. THINK CRAZY PERSON THINK....All of a sudden I slumped into my seat and was totally exhausted, I came up with nothing....NOTHING....WHY-WHY-WHY. Also part of the problem was I am a shy and a very private person, (I know guys, let's not get into that again) so I was embarrassed, I didn't want to stammer and stutter in front of him of course, but in front of the entire auditorium, I think not....But I do try to forge ahead and then just be a VERY HAPPY embarrassed (ha-ha-ha). I also must draw a line and show KEANU respect, and know my place, and be calm around him, and never to be in his face, or anyone else's for that matter. When you are in the proxmiity of KEANU REEVES, there is a very fine line that you CANNOT cross. Let me tell you it is so hard, because you are terribly excited and have to behave yourself. But let me tell you, it is all worth the exploding emotions. Just ask anyone else who has ever met him. At the end of the night as KEANU got up and started to walk backstage, I was right there and called "KEANU". He kind of turned around and looked but started walking again. Oh so, so close....I called again 'KEANU". He turned and came over to me. I asked if I can have an autograph. He stooped down like trying to get level with a child (he was still on the stage) and said "Sure". I opened my bag to pull one of about a dozen pictures and a pen. While doing so, he was waiting and said "You sure have a lot of stuff in there". While he was signing I was pulling out a DVD for him to sign, and when I asked him to do so, all of a sudden a bodyguard came over and said "No he has to leave now". My sweetie pie took the DVD and signed it anyway. (It was Speed). I can never pick, so I just take them with me and pull one out and give it to him. I then gave him an 11x8-1/2 envelope, and just said "This is for you", I was completely flabbergasted. He took it and said "Thank you". In it was a fan letter, a copy of the story I wrote with the titles of his films and the first KEANU crossword puzzle I made for CK. Whew....excuse me, my heart stopped for a minute there. Then Agatha asked if he would sign the picture he posed for that morning at the Regis show. He took both pictures and said to her "Oh you were at the Regis show this morning". He was a little puzzled and so very unpretentious he asked, "Do you want me to sign both pictures?" Oh so cute! He then proceeded to go backstage carrying my envelope!! Anyone have a mop, I just turned into a puddle....End of story...Not quite.... When I left I decided to stand outside and wait for him like any fan would and I saw a car marked "Miller" (for Rebecca) and an "un-marked" car in front of that one. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know whose caar that was for....Before I knew it, he was standing in front of me talking to some people, and still holding my envelope. My insides were freaking out. (And yes he had his "now famous" hat on and of course the grey scarf.) I couldn't stand it anymore, I was terribly nervous, my knees and hands were shaking. But I persevered and tried to snap away like a crazy paparazzi and take pictures. The opportunity was fabulous. Then OH NO, please no, no. I fumbled and couldn't get the camera to work. I was shaking so much I almost dropped it. when he finished speaking I asked if I could take a picture with him, he said "Sure, why not". I practically "tossed" the camera to a stranger standing there and asked her to take the picture. She fumbled for a minute, which was fine by me; I was standing with KEANU waiting together. The lady then said "I don't think I got it" and KEANU replied, "Yeah you did". And she most certainly did, he had the sweetest smile that just lit up the night. (I made contact with his arm, that's how I knew the jacket was "velvety soft".) The strange lady's name is Sylvia whom I told that she was my 2nd Angel (lizzy being first) because now I have a beautiful picture of KEANU and me thanks to her. After the picture, I pointed to "my envelope" and started to tell him what was in it DUH!!! Now.....I have heard this before and it is true....He just looks right at you while you are speaking to him. Like he zones out his surroundings and he focuses on you. Not in ANY suggestive way, but just you being there, as a person having a conversation with him. Let me tell you, he was intense. After our thank you's Rebecca hugged and kissed him good bye....she got in her car.....he got in his (alone, no Cheryl) WITH MY ENVELOPE and I floated back to heaven..... I HAD A TERRIFIC TIME WRITING THIS AS I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYED IT AND "FELT THE GREAT EXPERIENCE" I HAD.....;topicseen | ||
2016-04-10 22:15:21 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | I wanted to share something with you. Last night I saw a story posted on ck. It was a fan story from a girl who attended some kind of show, man to just live somewhere where stuff like that is going on and you could just go, and not have to take off from work, drive all kindsa miles, or worse fly, but I digress.. Ok, I wanted to copy and paste key lines but I'll just make reference. If you haven't seen it please go there and check it out. Now the one part where she's trying to think of something to say to him and she says to herself, THINK CRAZY PERSON THINK! well I just want to tell you that that is exactly what it feels like in his presence. You are just so pumped up a bundle of nerves and he is well, him. Cool, calm, and collected is cliche' but sometimes they fit. and, the part about he just looks at you when you're talking to him, I don't know if I had time to process the 'like he's taking it all in part' I don't know if I could have rationalized that but he does look at you and it is unnerving. Like when people ask for his autograph he looks at them, he doesn't just take the paper and scribble, and if you happen to have a hand extended he doesn't just take that and shake it either but he looks at it, and then looks up at you, and he makes you so nervous because he is looking at you that you want to scream, what are you looking at me for, shake my hand +dammit+ and not cuz you want to curse at him but because you are so d*mn nervous.. So, what I wanted to say, and Seer, I am sending this partially in response to talking to you yesterday, in case that thought didn't come automatic ;) that her story, the experience, is 'exactly' like that. I couldn't have said it better (lower case) crazy person that I am. [...] And after reading that one little part, that funny part about people leaving early from the audience and it having been a long day and K calling out, Thanks for coming! as the first few rows emptied out before they were done. But hey if you're not Luca maybe you don't wanna hear all that about the movie, etc. ;) and then after that K said a really sincere, no, but thank you for coming, or however he said it. I guess this man really is as gracious as they say and no we are not being biased. He really has respect for others in a way that I guess a 'star' doesn't have to. He would be so great to make a movie with, to collaborate on a project with, that is so awesome he is pumped up about producing and starring in his next movie (Regis and Kelly). Kevin Smith did a stand up routine - or a lecture about movies, or both, on a 2 disc dvd set I rented from Netflix. He said, no one goes to film school to be a producer. It's either a director, everybody wants to be a director or a screenwriter, no one wants to be a producer. He went on to say that - KS has written in and starred in some of his own movies in case you don't know who that is, and he made some movies with little cash to get started and he was pretty revolutionary in the business. So he went on to say, "I can write Jay and Silent Bob crash into a wall, and hehheh that's funny, but the producer gotta make that happen”. The producer is the hardest job there is. So, of course,[...] he takes the hardest job there is.
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2016-04-10 22:20:23 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | I always enjoy driving into the city to catch the latest indie flicks at the Angelika so pulled up their website to see what was playing. There was to be a talk after the Private Lives of Pippa Lee with Keanu Reeves and the producer (?), which intrigued me. I have always thought Keanu Reeves knows more than the average person about the reality of life based on the choices he makes in movie roles, so was kinda interested in going to read his energy in person. I bought a ticket for the 7:25 show and figured I'd decide later whether to actually go. When I saw parts of it were filmed in New Milford, a town in which I used to live after moving from Venice, California, I knew I should go.
The movie itself was totally o.k. It was more fun for me to see scenes from the town. Damn, how I hated living there and cried constantly. I still own two houses up there and hate going there so much I may give them both back to the bank. Driving through the town actually turns a good day to a bad one for me. Years ago I was told there are several vortexes in the town that had been taken over by dark forces, so whether or not that is true, I definitely feel an energy shift when I even enter the town. I sat in the second row and got NO read whatsoever on Keanu Reeves. It was really weird. I can read everyone and pick up on so much information going on within them. But, with him, it was a blank. I don’t know why. I wasn't even compelled to ask him any questions or have my photo taken with him or get an autograph like the rest. Well, hell, why would I have a photograph taken with someone I don't know. Just to show others, "ooooh, look who I met." How stupid. I don't know him. Or, get an autograph, what the hell would I do with it anyhow. This obsession we have with celebrities is so silly. People overlook they may be living next door to a walking God and are instead obsessed with someone they saw on television who may be completely vapid – not to say that about Keanu because I think there's alot going on under the surface. But, it's all so skewed. Anyway, he's in New York filming a new movie called Henry's Crime. My intuition on him garnered prior to being in his presence says he knows much more about alternate realities. Whether it's a deep interest or an actual knowing, it's there. I would have loved to have been able to talk to him about that but it was neither the place nor the setting. Instead, I volunteered to take a photo of him with these two old ladies sitting in front of me who were part of some keanu fan club. They were beyond thrilled like giddy school girls, then I left. I did Wikipedia him in the car ride home and read he's had quite an interesting life to date. I wonder why he's not married yet. Maybe he is like me and is waiting for the right person. He's the perfect age for me and I would forgo a younger guy for someone like whom I fathom him to be. Why couldn't I read him though? Odd… | ||
2016-04-10 22:21:19 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | I wanted to see "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" for some time and was waiting for it to come to the states. So Wednesday I was browsing and saw that Keanu Reeves and producer Lemore Syvan would participate in a Q&A. I was unsure what exactly that meant. Ten minutes later, on a whim I purchased two tickets online. Very simple and I thought, wait... it can't possibly be so easy to meet him? I was hesitant to go, (something like this was definitely out of my comfort zone), but my husband and sisters persuaded me to go. Suggesting it would be good for me. So I got a babysitter and headed out with my sister to the the movies. When I got there it was pretty full and there were seats in the front but I opted to sit further back so I could sit with my sister. The movie wasn't actually what I thought it would be from the trailers but I liked it. It made me think, laugh, cry and confirm my belief that the most important thing in life is to live authentically. The movie ended and about a minute in they stopped rolling the credits and who should walk in... Mr. Reeves with the producer. There was, I felt, this feeling of excitement and a little disbelief in the air. Keanu introduced himself, hoped the movie was liked and welcomed the audience to ask any questions. There were some good questions, some that weren't so good, but Keanu went out of his way to fully answer everyone and even something that could have been summed up with a simple yes or no, he would go into explanation. He was beyond generous and humble in this way. Ensuring that on his part people left the session feeling satisfied and that their inquiries were respected. Through out everything though the one thing that stayed in my head, that would sum up what I felt about him most was how incredibly obliging he was. You hear things about his gentlemen behavior & kindness. But to be witness of it in person... He is beyond sincere and the definition of gracious. Not something you'd typically expect from an A-list movie star -but we who admire him know him to be better than that Hollywood persona. There was some interesting moments like when he talked about the 'Truck scene'. It wasn't really fleshed out in the script. So when he was with Robin and Miller rehearsing, in the script it called for his character Chris to bring Pippa to relief... and then she cries. He said that he and Robin didn't quite know what to do until Miller called action and then they just kind of let things happen and figured it out. Now if you know the scene to which I'm referring to I thought 'Oh My'...(wink). When he was asked how he was like his character he replied, "I can not tell a lie". He also was asked about his journey into acting and he said he had the courage of youth and that now he found it all quite different. He talked about his desire to get more into directing and producing. He mentioned his production company and his current project which brought him to NY, "Henry's Crime". He confessed his wish to do Broadway. I found him to be quite funny as well, twice he did an over exaggerated NY accent- the second time when replying to someone saying, "I do what I gotta do when I gotta do it". Anyway twenty minutes later it ended. Some audience members left. Others stayed behind to meet him. He was patient with everyone in the situation and as I looked at him the thought came into my mind again -so obliging. Part of me wanted to leave, I felt almost intrusive on him and to see him so open with his fans and giving I didn't want to 'ask' him for anything. Just be grateful for what he gave. My sister however was determined to give me something to remember, (as if anything would make me forget). We made our way to the front very smoothly. As I was waiting, I saw a small fuss three feet to my right. His god child was there with friends and she was trying to figure out how to reach sanctuary through the crowd. She attempted to jump a row of chairs but I'm guessing being a young lady thought better and opted a different route. She was very pretty and I remembered that it was Thanksgiving weekend, which made me feel even more appreciative that he was with his family and still took time out for his fans. Amazingly enough I was very serene. I always assumed if I ever got the chance to meet him I would be a complete mess, unfocussed and a bit queasy. I was actually the opposite; I guess you never know until you are in the situation. I'm sure it helped that he was so open and cheerful. My sister spoke to him and after taking his picture for another woman asked if he would take a picture with us. He said sure, not wanting to infringe on his space I said "no" to which he stopped short and looked at me. I then said, "If it's okay?" He smiled and leaning in for the picture said, "of course". I remember standing very still and thinking don't lean on him and leave space for my sister :) We told him we liked the movie and thanked him and he smiled again saying, "I'm glad... take care". Before leaving we used the restroom. There were other women there, quite emotional recounting their experience, I decided to wait for my sister outside, (I had a horrible migraine most of the night). He was right there exiting with his family and security- I stood back- it was over and I was satisfied. My own little moment of quiet bliss. Thank you CK for the part you played and I hope the retelling of my 'sweet adventure' makes someone smile. PS. The theater remained dark with some really strong spot lights, (I'm sure which contributed to my migraine), but I have a couple of pictures that I will send in as soon as I get them from my sister's camera. DD | ||
2016-04-10 22:23:03 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | Sit back, relax, here we go for a ride....let me just start by saying I was completely beside myself so let me get right to it...I got there about 1-1/2 hours before the film started. The security guard realized some of us were there way too early, and we were there for KEANU. He so very, very kindly took the seven of us (we were strangers) before any more people assembled on a line and told us to step aside, sit down and wait. When the announcement was made for the Pippa line to form the guard came and got us. He brought us through the employee's entrance, up an elevator and through the back hallways to the proper theater. We got our bearings and to our seats before anyone else was let in. THANK YOU. (Another ANGEL for me.) I sat in the front row, aisle seat. There were only 3 seats on each side of the front row and only one aisle center. It was a movie theater, no stage, just a big screen....I was getting terribly, terribly nervous because I was looking around to see where KEANU might sit.... I knew it had to be very, very close. After the showing of The Private Lives of Pippa Lee 2 chairs were placed RIGHT there. KEANU was the first one to walk through the door, then a producer Lemore Syvan and 2 security guards. (then the guards left) KEANU took the first seat YUP!!! closer to me. Truthfully, if we both stretched our legs out they would touch. I swear I could see the scar on his upper lip. It was absolutely amazing sitting there but also very terrifying.
He cut his hair short again and his lightly scruffy face got a little scruffer from the week before at Reel Pieces. He was positively gorgeous. I was mesmerized. My heart just pounded out of my chest a little too much for comfort. I had to keep telling myself that this is real and not a figment of my imagination. That's how lucky, blessed and overwhelmed I was. WHEW....Ssorry...wait a second, I have to catch my breath again. I noticed he had on an undershirt under his (again) black T-shirt, worn jeans, his scuffed-up boots....the jacket was the same soft velevty/suede, but it was dark brown this time, and "worn" at the elbows. He is a creature of habit with his clothes, but looked oh so perfect and put together. He was S-O-O "KEANU". After the salutations, KEANU asked if we had questions. There was no moderator, just a guy with a mike in the audience. My heart dropped because no one anaswered. KEANU just sat there very calm and relaxed. I guess from experience he knew it would pick up. I'm so sorry Annabelle, I wasn't ready to ask yet either. I was still trying to wrap by brain around WHERE I was sitting, TDTESS Premiere was good chaos, screaming, and paparazzi, The Regis show was LIVE TV, controlled and structured, but these Q&A's are very relaxed and "up and personal" with discussions. The feelings are all so different because of the different situations. I thought this meeting would be easier, but it was the toughest with the exploding emotions. Grateful, but tough all the same. Finally the questions slowly started to roll. A lot was said about the film and his character, but I'm sorry guys, I couldn't comprehend any of it yet. I was still stuffing my feelings down. After all you can't act like a lunatic, and at that time all I could do was compose myself....But wait....I got in there.... KEANU was asked why did he choose to do this film? He replied (not in exact words) "I read the script, got together with Rebecca and Robin and we discussed the concept and Chris' character and it all meshed and melded together." Another question....What was the hardest, easiest or most memorable part of the film you had to shoot. KEANU stated "While being in place and ready to shoot quietly in a tiny truck, Robin and I were rehearsing our lines, about lets pray for Pippa's husbands soul, and not really knowing what to do, but we figured it out. Then Rebecca the director pops in and says "Hi guys, OK lets do this" and then proceeds to direct every move and turn." I don't remember if he said it was hard (ahem), easier, or memorable. Then I tried to focus on the Q&A and the audience. The next question went like this: It was weird the way the theater was lit. There was random spotlight lighting on the audience and not on KEANU and Lemore. An audience member asked, "It's very dark up there how do I know you are really KEANU REEVES?" I shouted "Trust me it's him." KEANU laughed and then pointed to me and said "Just ask her over here, she will tell you." And I raised my arm and said "Oh Yeah he's for real....It's definitely him. Oh Yeah it's him alright!!!" I kind of surmised that KEANU knew that he was going to get that kind of reation from me. Now he made me feel very comfortable so I raised my hand to ask a question. Annabelle, here was my chance, I was waiting to ask your questions. Another question asked (maybe by another CK'er) "Do you have any advice about the most unusual way for someone starting out to get into acting?" KEANU responded by laughing "The most unusual way, the most "unusual way" what does that mean? Well the way for me is I started very young, it was my youth, youth and perseverance. I got a car and at 20 drove to Hollywood." KEANU responded to my raised hand and I KNEW the answer to my question but I wanted to get it out there about Henry's Crime. His face lights up when he talks about his project. I said "First, I love your haircut." He gave a short smile (oh-oh move along) "And I'm a PROUD member of Club KEANU, he acknowledged by smiling and said "Oh it's called Club Keanu", then I froze, I just froze, not a word came out of my mouth. I was so calm and comfortable when I started talking, then all I coluld do was nod my head yes. Then I felt compelled to stop chatting and ask the question....ask the question.....he asked if we had a question....don't be chatting....ask the question...the man was talking to me and I stop chatting and went for the question. I was extremely nervous I was becoming numb, so I quickly went into my question. "What's next for you? Are you doing another film or working on anything else?" KEANU spoke of producing and starring in Henry's Crime and also that Lemore was producing the film with him. I replied, "I think it's great you are doing another film together." Their replies were "Thank you." W-H-E-W that was incredibly hard for me. Another audience question...."Why did you decide to produce?" KEANU stated "I've been acting and wanted to try new and different things and also go in an additional direction." He also mentioned he would like to do Broadway. Question: "Over the years you have worked with other actors more than once and if so how have they changed over time?" KEANU answered "I've worked with Winona Ryder 3 times." I then chimed in "Monica Bellucci" and he replied "Oh yeah Monica Bellucci 4 times." I was shocked that he even heard me, I just "said" it, and I don't remember hearing the rest of his reply." During the course of the evening Lemore dropped her empty water bottle. It landed at my feet. I instantaneously went to pick it up. But in show business if you make a mistake you usually ignore it and just move along. I didn't want to bring any attention to it or me, so I slipped back into my seat. I figured if it was to be picked up KEANU being the gentleman that he is would do it or leave it there. He picked it up OMG whew. Now I need everyone to congratulate me that I DID NOT put my hand on his head. What great restraints I had. I wanted to just pull him on my let's continue....Annabelle as you can see, your questions were answered....There were a few more....another one.... "Did you write the screenplay?" KEANU answered "No Sasha Gerversi wrote it. I helped out with it, with a few suggestions but that was it." Somone had asked "Which one if any of your films resembled your real personality." He thought and thought and squirmed. Then looked over and asked Lemore. She said "No, you didn't do any films that resembled the real you." KEANU knew that she just "saved" him, he immediately sat up, and with this huge big smile, and being funny and looking for a laugh, he said "NO." The last question asked was, "Are you planning to do a sequel?" KEANU looked over to Lemore and she said "No, there won't be a sequel." Then it was over....well....the Q&A anyway.... KEANU hopped off his chair and I asked "KEANU may I have an autograph?" With a big smile he replied "Sure why not." While I fumbled for my picture, DVD (the Matrix) and a pen (he signed both), he was signing and taking pictures with everyone who asked. He took his time with everyone and spoke to everyone. He was so cordial and gracious. When I was posing with him for a picture I had nowhere to put my arm except around his waist. I (ahem) didn't want to be intrusive or disrespectful so I just did it lightly, and boy he really is pretty thin. I then returned to my seat which was on the side of and behind KEANU. So I just stood at my seat and snapped away taking more pictures. They all have someone's head or back or arms in them. Not very good....Get this....KEANU and his bodyguard were in MY space. I was trapped between them and the wall and KEANU's chair....oh poor me....ha-ha. The bodyguard couldn't tell me to move anywhere, there was no place to go and like I said...he moved into MY space....I should have sent out a distress call....NOT!!....While KEANU was accommodating all of his fans and chatting he said "Boy, I didn't expect to have all of these people stay here tonight." I knew what he meant. Remember last time the audience started leaving before the Q&A was even over. Show business HA you never know. Finally...ahh gee....when it was time to leave, KEANU had to go by me, so while he was on his way out, I stuck my hand out and said "The best of luck to you on Henry's Crime." With that adorable smile of his he replied "Thank you" and I shook his hand. Like I said from the Regis show, his hand is huge. I was really surprised that it was so cold. The theater was comfortable and being in a crowd it was warm. Maybe he has poor circulation, but that's IMO, I don't know. While in L.A. he always has a jacket on. I thought that was a "security feeling" and his creature of habit. Maybe he is usually chilly, I did see that undershirt under his T-shirt....OMG...KEANU really IS "A Cool Breeze Over The Mountain." Oh by the way, I floated again on Cloud 9 up to heaven with KEANU and yet another angel....the "security guard"....It's getting crowded here.... So that's my story. I hope you enjoyed the ride. I sure had a great time telling it.
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2016-04-10 22:28:48 | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forum Posts: 4842 Comments: 381 Reviews: 13 | The Keanu Report (Ridgefest, 2004)
July 25, 2004 Sunday |
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