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Fan and non-fan encounters, stories, anecdotes, etc.
Anakin McFly
2016-04-13 11:10:18


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I was in Spoonbill & Sugartown, a bookstore in Williamsburg, Brooklyn


2016-04-15 05:02:25

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When I went to watch Birdman at the Landmark Sunshine Cinemas in Manhattan, Keanu Reeves happened to walk in and sit right next to me. He was by himself, and at first I was like "No shit, that's Neo" (In my head).

Then he coughed through Birdman. All. The Way. Through It. Did I like Birdman? Don’t know. Couldn’t hear it. Sad Keanu.

2016-04-16 17:30:21

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Di Keanu Reeves, con cui sto lavorando in questi giorni qui a Roma, posso dire che è una persona meravigliosa, ha un’umiltà e una generosità che ti lasciano senza parole. La prima sera che girammo qui alle Terme di Caracalla, mi accorsi che lui, durante una pausa era seduto in un angolo, circondato da stufe fungo. A un metro- due da Reeves c’erano alcuni generici seduti, avvolti in delle coperte, faceva un po’ freddo e l’umidità della notte si faceva sentire. Io da lontano osservavo quando vidi che lui si alzò e cambio la posizione di tutte le stufe che lo circondavano in modo che il calore arrivasse soprattutto ai generici che erano lì. Questa cosa mi ha colpito molto. Lo spettatore lo considera oltre che un bravo attore, un gran bell’uomo, soprattutto il pubblico femminile… beh io posso dire che la sua bellezza interiore è molto più grande.

About Keanu Reeves, with whom I'm working these days here in Rome, I can say he’s a wonderful person, he has a humility and generosity that leave you speechless. The first night we were filming here at the Baths of Caracalla, I realized that, during a break, he was sitting in a corner, surrounded by patio heaters. At a meter or two from Reeves there were seated some extras, wrapped in blankets; it was a bit cold and the night was damp. I was watching from afar when I saw that he got up and changed the position of all heaters around him so that the heat radiated mostly towards the extras that were there. This impressed me a lot. The audience considers him not only a good actor, but an incredibly handsome man, especially the female audience ... but I can tell you that his inner beauty is much greater.


seaninhdtv I dared #keanureeves to ride the train with me for 10minutes (I was surprised he had no security). Riding the A.train the fastest way to harlem. #thematrix.

2016-04-20 03:29:44

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Diana Prince Congratulations, Keanu! I met Keanu when I was 18 years old while he was filming Devil's Advocate on a freezing NJ day in 1997, he was kind and gracious to a group of giggling star struck girls. I have wished him well since then for making my day all those years ago. Arch bikes are beautiful, it makes me happy to think of the happiness this endeavor has brought him. Mazel!
Like · Reply · 6 · October 1, 2015 at 2:01am

2016-05-04 22:14:45

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#KeanuReeves# reliving old happiness & recapture magic friendship,after 24 years and still a humble human being .

4:58 PM - 4 May 2016

This is man I met 24 years ago 1992 and he still is the same- test of humility in a celebrity#KeanuReeves.
5:26 PM - 4 May 2016

2016-06-01 23:09:50

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meyferdinand When you meet Keanu Reeves.
And he is the nicest person, who stands up and talk to you and say "nice meeting you". His movies made me want to be an actress when I was a kid. I had to say hi and thank you ❤️ #keanureeves

2016-06-05 01:44:04

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grain/s of salt and all that ...

Posted on 06/03/2016 at 8:05 PM

Suzy McCoppin Suzy McCoppin

Keanu Reeves homeless man dinner buyer, waiter, confidante, all round super nice good guy..

Just when you thought you couldn't love Keanu Reeves any more, he goes and pulls a stunt like this.

The Matrix superstar was bowling with some bros at Lucky Strike in NYC on May 29, and, on top of being supremely gorgeous, rich, and talented, he's also a pretty good bowler.

But that's not the good part!

The 51-year-old took some time out from rolling strikes to step outside and chat on his cell phone.

That's when he noticed a homeless guy begging for change.

Keanu reached into his wallet and handed the man some bills, but his generosity didn't end there.

He asked if the guy was hungry and then basically took his order!

The guy wanted a burger so Keanu went inside and placed the to-go order.

When it was ready, he returned to his new friend and hand delivered his dinner!

"The guy was so grateful," an eyewitness tells Popdust exclusively.

"He had no idea that it was this huge Hollywood star that was acting as his waiter.

"He was so just happy someone was showing him some kindness and recognizing him as a human being."

According to the eyewitness, Reeves sat with the homeless guy and chatted with him while he ate his dinner.

Because, Keanu Nicest Guy in Hollywood Reeves.

And, continuing in that spirit, when Keanu finally headed back to Lucky Strike, he graciously posed for photos with several fans."

"They just lined up and he posed with each one," the source says.

2016-06-20 16:44:42

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From comments at 'Underappreciated Actors Reappraised: Keanu Reeves':

aintnothingtoit: GUYS, KEANU REEVES HAS SEEN ME ACT. He's the godfather of a girl I went to middle school with and came to our 8th grade arts final (where I performed a monologue from my terrible play about the British suffrage movement).

Also Señora Valazquez said very loudly that he looked better in movies and needed to wash behind his ears and WE THINK HE HEARD BUT WE HAVE NEVER BEEN SURE.

mowinda: I just came here to talk about the time that I saw him on my way to work (!!!) just hanging out outside his trailer taking pictures with the little old ladies from the neighborhood, and looking super tall and happy as a clam.

Iris: I saw Keanu Reeves play Hamlet, and I watched some of the rehearsals. Keanu knew all his lines before rehearsals even started. During rehearsals he listened carefully to the other actors and helped them with their scenes, modulating his interpretation so they made sense together as characters.

Onstage and off, he seems aware of every person in about a 50 foot radius, he's aware of every person and doesn't think one person is more valuable than another.

Onstage, he burns with a pure light, and speaks directly to you, and you understand completely.

He isn't anything like the character on Slings and Arrows. He knows what he is doing, and he is thoughtful to every one.

And the "Keanu Watch" in Winnipeg fell through because all he did was work, constantly, consistently, as hard as he could.

beachlass: Trufax: the very first time my boyfriend asked me over to watch a movie at his apartment it was 47 Robin. The man knows the dialogue for every Keanu movie we have ever watched. He has a John Wick ringtone. #soulmate

hainamoration: Keanu Reeves commissioned a desk/table from the artist Sebastian Errazuriz, who then suggested the desk/table be a life size dissecting table with a naked photographic representation of Keanu himself, looking dead, as a meditation on what fame and fortune mean after death, and Keanu agreed to it. You can see a bit of it in this press release:

Latest comment ever, but this post has filled me with joy.

And to all those inquiring: yes, he is completely delightful as a human being. He was a regular at my old bookstore, and is super well-read and was always bouncing on his toes to talk books with me. Just... the most, most delightful. He is probably the thing I miss most about that job, quite frankly.

2016-06-21 19:22:40

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I noticed that at Dogstar shows - he absolutely does bounce. It sounds a little odd but it isn't, it's like he's just so thrilled to be there that he can't contain himself. It's a lovely quality.
2016-07-06 22:00:27

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I pinched my nose and whispered so the taxi driver couldn’t hear. “Either this taxi needs a bath or there’s a chicken-fried steak hidden under the seat.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ashley laughed. “Where are you?”

“Just getting into the city,” I groaned. “We sat on the tarmac for three hours.” I stared out the window at a wispy-thin man riding a bike and balancing a six-pack of Heineken over the handlebars. “And someone stole my chicken sandwich while I was asleep.”

“How’d they do that?”

“I sat directly across from the toilet, and passenger butts were in my face like some weird pornographic jigsaw puzzle.”

“Ewww!” Ashley said.

“They must have grabbed it after the whoosh of the constant flushing lulled me to sleep.” I watched the red light ahead. “At least the inflight movie was ‘The Matrix.’”

“Just get here,” Ashley said. “You might make it to dinner if you hurry.”

“Don’t wait,” I sighed. “I have to shower; otherwise, I’ll be the girl that smells like a toilet bowl of blue liquid. I’ll try to catch up with you guys later.”

“*&^%#@ you stupid slow sewer tube!” I thought. “I’m going to miss all of the fun!”

I laid my head against the window.

“Hey, lady!” the cabbie yelled. “This your hotel?”

“Oh, sorry,” I said, as I jumped out of the cab. “Can you pop the trunk?”

But instead of hearing the latch pop, I watched the cab drive away with my luggage – still in the trunk.

My face twisted into a violent snarl. I threw my purse onto the concrete. I let loose an unearthly growl and spat out a stream of obscenities. “You *&^%#@ Nacho Cheese *&^%#@, Big Bird *&^%#@, Yellow Matter Custard Dripping From a Dead Dog’s Eye *&^%#@!”

“Ma’am,” said a calm voice from behind. “Can I help you?”

“No!” I snapped, as I chased my favorite red lipstick tube into the street. “I’ve got everything under control!”

“I see that,” said the voice with a chuckle.

When I raised to snatch my bag away from the amused stranger, I shrunk.

The helpful stranger was Keanu Reeves.

I stood speechless, fanaticizing about drowning in the blue sanitizer of the airplane toilet. I wondered if I should apologize for my outburst. I racked my brain for some meaningful response. But like “a splinter in my mind . . . driving me mad,” the only thing I could say was:

“I know kung fu.”

2016-07-16 03:12:18

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Point Break (1991) - "Tyler"

AVC: Was filming a fun experience?
LP: It was fantastic. What the studio didn't understand is that surfing is about a billion times more dangerous than skydiving. They would not allow the boys to skydive, but they allowed us to surf in pipeline in Hawaii. Nine-hundred foot waves. So we're out there in the middle where the greatest surfers in the world surf. They have these long lenses on from the beach, so they can't see anything. They are just shooting our faces. I start feeling cold and I look up and there's this set wave coming in. It's just going to kill us all, we're all going to die now, that's the end of that. There were these local Hawaiian men who would just tread water all day out there. They were huge. They were like, 350-, 400-pound guys, 7-foot tall dudes, just huge. They would tread water all day, and would be our safety guys. They were locals so they knew what was up. I was like, "Dude! Dude!" He's looking around and he goes, "Go get them!" They swim over. He's like, "Lay on your board!" I lay on my belly and he lies on top of me. Then he says,"Okay, when I tell you, you hold your breath. Just hold your breath until I tell you that you're okay." I’m like, "All right." So he pushes me down. It's called duck diving—they push you down way under the waves so you don't get sucked up in it. So then we come back up, but it felt like 50 feet of foam. Somebody didn't get Keanu and, the poor thing, we're looking for him and looking for him, and he comes straggling up the beach, dragging his surfboard. Yeah, he got dumped on pretty good. But he was awesome. He was like, "Well, that happened."

2016-08-10 03:50:56

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Luke Evans with Morgan Crawford.
August 10, 2014 ·

We met keanu reeves so theres that. Coolest dude ever.

2016-08-12 23:46:35

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In addition to directing with your stomach, "You cast with your stomach," Frears says in the "FilmCraft" book.[...] In the same interview, he says of a particular Dangerous Liasons choice, "Christopher Hampton thought I'd gone mad when I cast Keanu Reeves. He thought I'd lost my senses. But it worked."

2016-08-19 23:09:23

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hector__espinal#tbt coolest guy ever #keanureeves Bryan Burk is a close second.
kirito2087Yea that dude is mad cool. Mad lucky you got to meet him.
ninacipWhere were you?
hector__espinal@ninacip in battery park
kaylakathawaAh was he nice?
hector__espinalSpent a hour and a half with him, nothing but a humble down to earth guy @kaylakathawa
kaylakathawathat is so awesome to hear. was this a long time ago? sorry for the 20 questions I'm a huge fan

2016-09-09 02:15:30

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[–][deleted] 33 points 5 years ago

honest-to-god true story about Keanu: My good friend works on movie sets doing something called Kraft Catering. These are the guys who cook little meals for the people working on the set. They start working several hours before everyone else arrives so that they can have breakfast ready.

Apparently Keanu either has insomnia or just happened to get up super early almost every morning because he would show up in the little kitchen and hang out with the cooks.

The first day he talked with the guys for about 30 minutes and then asked if he could help out. So the put him to work cooking. Just about every morning for the rest of the shoot Keanu would show up and help the guys cook.

My friend has been working this business for about a dozen years and knows many people in the industry. He said that Keanu is the coolest guy he has ever meet in the business.

Just wanted to share.

2016-10-13 03:07:29

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At the age of 8 my father put a VHS into the TV and told me "You're too young to watch this movie, but you have to see this." What I watched was a five minute behind the scenes video of the bullet time sequence from The Matrix. I stole that VHS. I watched it every night for a week until my dad found out. 16 years later, here I am with my film degree and hanging out with the actor that convinced me making movies is what I want to do with my life. #blessed #thematrix #nycc #newyorkcomiccon #keanureeves #johnwick #afterparty

2016-10-24 22:22:56

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I don't know if this makes anyone except me mildly crazy, but the whole "I just had my picture taken with this guy...I don't know who he big deal" shit is just fucking rude. Excuse my bluntness (or not). THE GUY IS SWEET ENOUGH TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU? THE ONLY PROPER RESPONSE IS 'THANK YOU VERY MUCH, KEANU!'
And yeah, it makes me like him that much more that he STILL does this all the time in spite of assholes like this:
2016-10-28 01:15:18

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I went to the twitter page you named, but all I found is this note to the pic with Keanu.

"Nice bloke this one. Very intimidating though"

I guess she knows exactly who he is. Why should she write his name as anybody knows who he is. "The One" *grin*

And I totally understand why she says - very intimidating though - because he really is when you meet him in person - he just comes across larger than live and has a huge aura around him. You just stand there and stare in awe.

Although I totally understand your point, there are certainly some d*cks who don't f*cking care and leave without a thank you.

2016-10-28 01:42:30

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Ungrateful people who take selfies are the WORST. I think she's just young and stupid.

I sort of get the "intimidating" thing, but it's not exactly that, I think. He's actually more handsome in person than onscreen - rather breathtaking. He's a physically BIG man (though thin). He does have a powerful aura or sense of presence. What I found intimidating for a moment was that he looks RIGHT at you, in a way that's pretty unusual - but after a moment, I felt like it was OK, he wasn't discriminating, he was SEEING.

However, he is VERY aware (I think) of people's intentions, and if someone is trophy-seeking or, God forbid, a paparazzi, he'll see that and be not necessarily thrilled. It's quite possible to piss him off - I've seen it happen a few times around Dogstar concerts when people were being twerps - but it takes a LOT more than it would for me.

2016-10-28 04:13:26

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Yeah, you are so right about the breathtaking thing. Wow, was he beautiful in London when he was sitting 4 ft in front of me chatting about Ode to Happiness. You could see how he was absorbing anything around him like a sponge.

And even though he meets at these events hundreds of people, he manages to make it special for each and every person. As I attended a signing session in Basel I was very surprised when asked where my name comes from as he heard it for the first time. What a lovely man!

I have only praise for this guy!

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