WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Constantine

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2014-11-29 06:27:12

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Speaking only for myself as someone who attempts to follow Christ's teachings - as well as Buddha's - part of Keanu's appeal for me in that way is that while he does not express any single religious belief, he appears to follow the basic tenets of having a good heart - generosity (which you yourself experienced, as have I), kindness, tolerance, compassion, creativity, humility and more. And while I try to follow those teachings, they are not the sum total of who I am. I also admire his creative energy. I also think he's a gorgeous man, inside and out. Christians are not immune to that appeal, nor "above" it.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

2014-11-29 06:34:31

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Er. I realize this is nitpicking, but... in the comics, Constantine did two exorcisms and botched both of them. That doesn't particularly recommend him as exorcist extraordinaire. Both the movie and now the tv series love to put an accent on that and present the attempts as successful, though. Guess it's indeed a movie's spectacular and all that. But in the comics, his business card reads 'John Constantine : Con man ; joker, thief…Magus '

I said Catholic religious context because given the images in the movie I was led to think so. But guess my ignorance of the matter is showing, since I never attended any church service, so wouldn't really know... I've heard that some Orthodox priests - and especially monks from certain monasteries- in my country are pretty fond of exorcisms too, so I guess the spectrum is wider than I thought. And unfortunately, it seems they still consider things like addiction / compulsion / obsession as 'possession'.
But I digress.

Again, not finding fault with the movie per se, but with the way it adapted the source material.

Re. the fandom: noticed the phenomena on various sites/forums. In Facebook comments. Not here. To each one's own, I guess; as long as it doesn't confuse the character with the real actor...

2014-11-29 06:44:56

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I said Catholic religious context because given the images in the movie I was led to think so.

Which is exactly my point! :)

If you're not a Catholic or ever been to Mass, it's easy to think that's a huge part of it.

Was married in such church and have them willing to annul it despite two kids and 10yrs before legally divorced. [a big change in the dogma and this was after JPII - during Pope Benny's short reign of ehem terror!] Am very much enjoying how much more Pope Francis aka Pope Frank in my house - represents the mainstream, world-wide congregation's POV on social issues like LGBT, equality and income inequality. He is a Jesuit after all.

Mme, that makes sense.

2014-11-29 07:01:48

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Re. the fandom: noticed the phenomena on various sites/forums. In Facebook comments. Not here. To each one's own, I guess; as long as it doesn't confuse the character with the real actor...

Yeah it's prevalent in the US fandom it seems, not exclusive of it. Been a fan for a long time but not part of the fandom long. 2.5 years now, active bursts of participation - not consistent.

It is noticeable to me after moving from California to Australia then to the US and not just deep south of North East Florida. [it's Georgia/Alabama north of I-4/Orlando in Florida that's why the saying is "Florida, the more North you go, the more South it gets" ]

Around here, religion is very cultish and prevalent in the culture; does not like outsiders. Not used to it at all. Not even after 15yrs!

Though many of my friends belong to one they are more open minded in general. Myself and my son in particular, are not represented in anyway by policies here. For those unaware, I have a son who is gay and openly so. It's not easy here but it is getting *better* all the time. Done through hard work, only.

2014-11-29 07:03:56

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Thanks, Axie. I think Pope Frank is very cool. When you say "Bene's reign of terror" are you referring to the Emperor Palatine? ;-) eeek.

I've never ever heard a Catholic in my acquaintance even mention exorcism. or demons or hardly ever anything remotely eschatological.

Much of the trouble is around language - but even HH the Dalai Lama says "we're all poor sinners" not in the sense of Going To Hell! but in the sens of doing what we really don't want to do and know we shouldn't do because it will cause harm. It's this sense in which I find the religious / theological context of the film interesting. It's why, despite very much liking the filmmakers. I HATED Dogma - way too jokey. Living a decent life vs harming self and others is a big, serious theme.

YMMV! :-)

2014-11-29 07:06:51

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Axie, the church where I'm music director just voted to become Open and Affirming - ALL people are welcome to participate however they like! Someone stood up in church a week later and said they're leaving the church because we're not following the Bible, and instead of people freaking out, they were like "thanks for sharing. bye."

VERY proud to be part of that!

2014-11-29 07:14:21

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Ironically, I loved several scenes in Dogma.

In my defense George Carlin is my hero [another lapsed Catholic, he'd like Pope Frank but would point out that 'The Church' is a business, afterall!]

The bit with him and 'buddy Jesus' is spectacular - maybe it's a Catholic thing?! It wasn't the best movie as a whole but that bit, I do still love. "A kinder, gentler-church?!"

Papal PR IS a thing!

*fingers-crossed* its real this time.

2014-11-29 07:27:44

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You're in the North though, right Mme? Far north? Even many of those part of fundamentalist churches up there are socially progressive. That's great your church is being open about supporting all members.

Think yin/yang - the opposite is true down here!

We have a church on every corner. Hundreds in this county of 250k people; but little in charity. That part breaks my heart and makes me confused on why they bother to call themselves 'Christian' at all. They expect everyone 'outside' of them to follow the Old Testament - but only the bits they like. Not like one would if one was Jewish.

The problem as I have seen it is the idea that they represent mainstream Christianity. They don't.
They do masquerade as mainstream to push *their* policies through lobbying organisations [Values Voters is one and so is Family Research Council, backers like Falwell - deceased, Robertson and Olsteen - listed by Southern Poverty Law as a hate group for their stance]
The Duggars are classic of one part of it called Quiverfull. I could go on, there are really creepy reasons why they want to be taken as mainstream and not obscure, snake-handler side of christianity and it's working to a large degree!

2014-11-29 07:59:36

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Yup, I'm in Maine. I used to work in an American Baptist church -sort of liberal, but everyone always confused us with Southern Baptists.
That is absolutely a problem - this fundamentalism being seen as "Christian." It's well worth remembering that those people do NOT follow Christ's teachings!

Constantine (the movie) certainly confronts the hypocrisy of the institutional Church with its "impossible rules."

Anakin McFly
2014-11-29 10:12:05


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from how many vocally Christian fans he has... I am truly curious as to his appeal to them since he's never expressed being very religious at all

He looks like Jesus. It's the hair and beard.

Misty2014-11-29 17:35:31

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Speaking of which
2014-11-29 18:38:24

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... that deserves a place in the WINM archive.
not kidding.
2014-11-29 20:12:12

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Anakin, you're right - well, not sure about historic Jesus, but in a lot of images, yes. I have an icon of Christ Pantocrator and the resemblance is rather startling. That, and the immortality thing, of course.

I get really cross (heh) about the blond, blue-eyed Jesuses

And Misty, thank you. That is just beautiful - definitely one for the archives!

Misty2014-11-29 22:51:27

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Glad some enjoy it! but I'm not sure on how to archive, is it the same as been instructed by Anakin on this? When I tried to create the post, the result was php instead of html could it because of my browser? Besides, the source was a blog I thought WINM restrict only taking from news.
Anakin McFly
2014-11-29 23:19:16


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Nah, I'm the only one who can post to the archive; that page is just for formatting purposes. We take articles from all kinds of sources. I'll take care of it!
2014-12-01 23:23:30

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Yup, I'm in Maine. I used to work in an American Baptist church -sort of liberal, but everyone always confused us with Southern Baptists.

About 15-16 years ago I did bible study while reading the whole book cover to cover at a Baptist church walking distance to my apartment. They knew I was planning on moving to the US and had to battle the ex in court. They took great pains to explain they were nothing like Southern Baptists and were in no way affiliated with them.

In the end, church/religion wasn't for me. I just don't enjoy watching people be 'christian' on Sunday and harpies on a Monday. Too often that is the case.

I'm more an agnostic today. Figured if I have it wrong about it all then He should know what is truly in my heart. :)

Semi-Constantine related, the TV show is likely getting canceled. They halted production at 13 episodes have not announced that it's officially canceled yet.

Misty2014-12-02 09:02:26

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Thank you Axie for sharing your spiritual journey, however I apologize if my lack of insights on the subject holds me from giving a proper response. Regarding the TV series, I guess this could be a good sign and time for Keanu to unravel our dreams for the next Constantine movie
2014-12-02 09:23:22

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I never saw the TV series, got mad when they had ads for it - Keanu owns this role!
2014-12-10 03:31:23

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I know I've been criticizing the Constantine script quite a lot.


currently reading The Exorcist novel ( I know, I know... East European here, lots to catch up with ;)) and found these dialogue lines:

How would you like to be eleven?" mused Sharon.
"That an offer?"
"Would you take it?" asked Sharon.
"With the brain I've got now?" All the memories?"
"No deal."
"Think it over."
"I'm thinking."

Now this was one wicked smart homage :)

harmony2015-09-02 08:10:29

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Has anyone heard this recent (I think) podcast about Constantine? I hope I'm not duplicating but I thought I'd share anyway.
It's an interesting listen (long) and the host of the show appears to be a big Keanu Fan :-) obviously I disagree with the guest's opinion on Keanu's performance :-(

I love the bit at the very end-you need to hang on even after the interview appears to have finished-about Keanu's hands. My husband watched Constantine the other day with me and he said the very same thing about his hands :D

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