WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Constantine

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Amy Farrah Fowler2016-05-28 11:22:08

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This is my ultimate favorite Keanu movie (and one of my favorites in general.)

And I have always insisted that if John Constantine were a real person he would be my soul mate! I still hold out hope that I will someday meet his equivalent before my life is over.

2016-07-29 13:38:52

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OMG, I'm a first-class idiot. I've seen this movie eight zillion times and ONLY JUST REALIZED why Francis Lawrence staged Izzy’s death the way he the shape of a cross because Izzy sacrificed herself for the good of mankind.

Also, just picked up a new level of meaning in the business with the lighter. It's a way for John to vent his soul-level anger and bitterness on an object, almost as though he's punishing it for killing him even as he continues to choose to smoke. Basically, "f*** this lighter, f*** these cigarettes, and f*** my life. Imma do what I want because I'm dead anyway."

No other actor has ever rewarded me so deeply.

2016-07-29 22:06:49

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Amen! :-)
2017-03-24 02:05:01

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for those with a thing for screencaps ;)

2017-03-24 02:09:12

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and for those with a thing for dvd commentary

Constantine (Featuring director Francis Lawrence and producer Akiva Goldsman)

Why Listen: This audio commentary has far more jokes than the movie itself. That’s not uncommon, but Lawrence and Goldsman are clearly having a ball discussing the film. A lot of thought went into the world, which they wanted to present without a hint of irony. If you want to know how to convincingly build a comic book world with some subtle touches, this commentary offers up some good suggestions. A part of the joy of this commentary is, with most of the dialogue drowned out, watching how much Lawrence accomplishes visually. It’s especially stunning how he frames his leading man. Keanu Reeves is, especially in a close-up, an innately watchable screen presence, communicating quite a bit without saying much.

A Day on the Job: There’s no romance in Constantine. There’s a trust that grows between Constantine and Angela Dodgson (Rachel Weisz), but that’s all the film needs. Anything more than that wouldn’t have been believable. While there’s no kiss in the rain, the sequence Lawrence calls the film’s “equivalent of a sex scene,” where “she’s bared all for him,” is when he submerges her underwater so that she can experience hell.

Constantine doesn’t have too many lighthearted jokes, so when it came time to finally shoot a joke, everyone was nervous, Lawrence says:

This was in our second week of shooting; it might’ve day seven or eight of shooting. This was one of the first jokes we got to in the movie. “Do I have to take my clothes off?” Everyone on set suddenly got very concerned. They didn’t think I covered the joke properly. I remember I said, “Just wait for the dailies.” We all watched the dailies, and they got an audible laugh, but I remember getting speeches. “Make sure we get the jokes.” Now it’s our biggest laugh in the movie that nobody thought existed.

What’s Said: Constantine doesn’t have the most winning or sparkly personality for a comic book hero. He’s a severely damaged hero Lawrence and Goldsman responded to right away. For them, the character allowed them to venture off into dark, sometimes unusual places. Says Lawrence:

This is also why I also loved this story: this movie goes to places you wouldn’t believe or expect. You get to this moment where your hero props himself up against a couple of doors and slashes his wrists. You’re just thinking, “What the hell is going on?”

Adds Goldsman:

If your lead character’s triumphant return is to kill himself, you know you’re in uncharted territory.

Trivia: The shot where Constantine is dead and the camera zooms in on his face and then pans up to show John entering heaven in one shot was influenced by What Lies Beneath, where Zemeckis “did a shot that dollied along the floor and then went down a level beneath the floor.”

2017-03-25 01:00:46

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We may all still be reeling from the news that The Matrix could be coming back for a sequel/reboot/remake, whatever it might be, but there's another Keanu Reeves movie that we'd love to have a follow-up. And so would Gavin Rossdale.

The Voice UK judge and Bush frontman starred as baddie Balthazar in the 2005 comic book adaptation, and he told us that he was bummed that a sequel was never made.

"I loved that movie," Gavin told Digital Spy. "When I drove to that set, I considered that even the janitor had more experience on movies than I did. I had no experience.

"I'm a true artist, in at the deep end, not sure how shallow the water is. My heart does hurt that it's the only big film that didn't get a sequel. I feel robbed."

yeah, so do I, Gav.
But Warner is first and foremost in the business of making money. For them, movies are just a means to achieve that purpose...

2017-04-22 01:41:55

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Keanu Reeves As John Constantine In 'Constantine' (2005)
If I am being completely honest with myself, this movie was not a good representation of the #Constantine character. But, that doesn't make this performance bad. Take away the name of the movie and look at it as a supernatural noir flick, and you'll have a whole new perspective about how great Keanu Reeves was. Reeves has proven that he is at his best when he can broody and angry, so this was a perfect fit.

2017-04-22 19:27:22

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Amazing to see the dumbasses who get paid to write - this guy can't spell:
"Jim Carry"
can't write proper English:
"Trying to become Earth's Mightiest writer or at least one that people look for."
Where's my red pen?
AND calls RDJ "underappreciated"and not as respected as Leo and Denzel? By whom? I don't know a single person who doesn't think (correctly) that RDJ is a brilliant actor.
I can't have much respect for anyone's opinion who thinks that Nicholas Cage is ever anything but awful, possibly our worst actor, one always playing a comic impression of himself, usually in terrible movies. "Face/off" was not only a crappy performance by Cage, a lousy movie in general, but also John Travolta at as very worst, which is pretty dreadful.

Keanu is at his best when ACTING, hello, and is every bit as good at comedy, compassion, vulnerability, you name it (OK, British accents? not so much) as he is at being "broody and angry."

I give this article D for dumb.

Anakin McFly
2017-04-23 05:28:00


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Nicolas Cage, no 'H'.

I like Face/Off.

2017-04-23 05:35:47

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Ooops, sorry. I wondered and didn't bother to check,

I still can't abide Face/Off. Just too too too much.

"Chacun a son gout," n'est-ce pas?

2017-08-30 00:50:35

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Peter Stormare interview - he mentions working on Constantine

2018-04-12 03:11:48

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2018-08-02 00:41:19

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2019-05-22 00:59:58

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2019-10-24 00:44:29

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2019-11-03 01:51:02

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... so this is happening

2019-11-03 03:01:04

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No thanks. Only Keanu.
2020-02-20 02:06:56

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2020-06-27 00:25:46

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2022-02-20 19:15:38

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'Reeves says bluntly that he's tried to make the sequel happen, as he's more than happy to play John Constantine once again. The problem is that his efforts alone aren't enough to spark the sequel's production.'

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