WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Constantine

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2010-07-03 04:19

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and more comments about the possible sequel

Anakin McFly
2010-07-03 09:41


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The comments make me happy. Well. Some. Not:

I think even his supporters would admit that works best in roles that require a "zenlike" demeanor.

...was Ludlow zen?

I lol'd at "Best onscreen middle finger of all time."

2010-07-03 19:03

Forum Posts: 4842
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" ...was Ludlow zen? "

... in 'The Path of the Phonebook ' way, maybe... XD

"Best onscreen middle finger of all time."
heh. THAT. ;)

2010-07-03 20:41

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There might be some hope ...
Nice comments on both links BTW
2010-08-16 12:47

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My soul searches for John Constantine. . . please let there be a Constantine II. I admit it, I'm in love with John Constantine. . . I feel like a dirty cheater, even if he is just a fictional character. I might have to ask my boyfriend to put on a suit, light a cigarette and absolve me of all my sins - again:P
2010-08-17 14:32

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He may be fictional in this world but in another universe, he's real and you don't exist. :D According to Real World anyway.
2010-08-18 13:42

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You mean like a parallel universe or a different realm of existence? I think that in a parallel universe, I could know Keanu, and that would be awesome:)Maybe only in a another realm of existence, though could John Constantine be real. Then maybe I could be a hungry demon in heat taunting him as he sends me back to hell in a mirror, and you could be - I don't know . . . a delicious citrus fruit growing on a beautiful Keanu tree standing serenely in a field in constant meditation, perfecting the art of just existing... Sorry, suffering from insomnia . . .:(
2010-08-18 13:54

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XD perfecting the art of just existing...

Read this. NOW. Don't stop until you're done. It's the second one, called "The Not Particularly Excellent Adventure of the Keanu-Spawn"


Anakin McFly
2010-08-18 14:56


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XD thanks!

Main page:

There's also Be Here Now! by a different author, which dumps a bunch of Keanu characters together in a reality show. It's amazing and hilarious, but it's incomplete. If you want a copy, just ask.

2010-08-18 23:56

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Can I have a copy?
2010-08-19 14:20

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Put me in for one too :D
2010-08-20 14:39

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Whoa Dude,
That was. . . I don't know . . .hilariously ludacrous! Delightfully violent! Thank you for that:)
2010-08-20 22:02

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Which one, the reality show or the not-so-excellent adventures of the Keanu spawn? I don't remember the not so excellent adventure being so violent... uh, except when Dem tricked Griffin into cutting his own arm with a chainsaw, or if you count the part where Keanu shoots himself in the head. And the dead rotting bodies thing.

Okay, maybe it's a little violent. :/


2010-08-21 13:47

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I was referring to the "not-so-excellent adventures of the Keanu spawn", but I just finished Be Here Now! Who wrote that one? I loved it! There was more Constantine! I LOVE Constantine . . . I guess we knew that, sorry :\\ Anyway, I think you are both very gifted, creative writers. Keep up the good work, and help feed my addiction. Life is hard and this stuff is sheer comfort food for the soul with a much better kick than chicken soup. I really loved the way both stories tied all the characters together, I enjoyed the conflicts, the mischief, the verisimilitude of one man meeting himself at the crossroads of reality, destiny, illusion and imagination. It was hallucinogenic yet some how speaks to the human psyche in a veritable way. Thank you both. I can see there are many cool people on this forum, I'm glad that I decided to be a gushing fan girl openly, despite how much it bothers me. Sometimes I wonder what HE would think if HE actually read this stuff. I guess I'll wonder forever. I hope he doesn't think we're a bunch of losers who need to get a life. That would be the ultimate blow, wouldn't it? Another fan said it best when she said there is something about him that touches deep within the heart, I guess that's why a lot of us are here. That, and I'm guessing there are some conspiracy adherents here who may believe that we are in the Matrix as we speak ;) Free your mind, right? My theories lean more towards Constantine, but again, I'm sure everyone knows that by now. Anyway, I'm rambling erratically, but you get the idea. Thanks again :) <3 Adrianna

2010-08-21 14:14

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Um, about him reading this stuff? He almost would have... I would have mentioned the Keanu Spawn fanfic if I had seen him in Beijing while he was here on the China trip. He was seen a few times near the place I was staying at. :D

Keanu would probably have mixed feelings... maybe that Anakin is one crazy fan, or that his characters are totally cool in Kenselton hotel. However I'm not sure how he'd react to the part about the wooden actor and the message in (Jonathan Harker's) blood. :/

Anakin, could I get a copy of Be Here Now? thanx...

2010-08-21 14:29

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WOW! Have you ever met him before?
2010-08-21 14:35

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Nope. Close encounters though... I went to the same place as him once but didn't know he was there until I got back to the hotel on the computer.

If you're in America you're up pretty late. :D It's 14:30 in China right now.

2010-08-21 14:40

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I have some serious sleeping issues lately :( But yea, do you think anyone on this site has ever met him?
2010-08-21 14:52

Forum Posts: 385
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Um... LucaM's friend's friend has met him before, but otherwise, I don't think so.
Anakin McFly
2010-08-21 16:20


Forum Posts: 3076
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Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed the fic. :D

Some people have met him, apparently:

TheTangerine - I sent Be Here Now! to your bobtheclarinet e-mail address; do you have another one?

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