WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Henry's Crime

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Henry's Crime
2009-09-01 15:34

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Anakin McFly
2009-09-01 15:48


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Is there something wrong with the site, or did you mean to make a blank post? :\
2009-09-01 17:03

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Oh, what in the world happened? I posted a note about Henry's Crime, and added links - but I forgot to format the links with the url tag. Now everything's gone. Hmmmm. Could it simply be because I forgot the tag?

Anyways, what I wrote was that it now looks as if Our Man is getting ready to go to Buffalo (of all places) and start filming (and producing) Henry's Crime. They're due to start in November, and I wonder how the weather and temperatures are in Buffalo at that time of the year. I remember how they struggled in freezing wind in Chicago while filming Chain Reaction.

Here are the URLs again, *with* the correct tags:

PS: I never knew that South Park had an episode with strong references to Keanu, but the Collider article has a picture of a statue of him from the "Best Friends Forever" episode from season 9:

Anakin McFly
2009-09-01 21:00


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gah, turned out there was a typo in the programming. Your introduction post was blank too. :( Sorry. I've fixed that.

Thanks for that South Park clip. :D

2009-09-02 02:05

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Are you paying attention Lindawn? He'll be somewhat closer to your neck of the woods won't he? Maybe you'll manage a day trip (or three) ;). Weather will probably hold for this, if they do any outdoor stuff early on. Wet maybe. Of course the year has been a little weird to this point, so who knows ;)
2009-09-02 22:50

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Of course I'm paying attention. I never thought he'd get so close. Just 1 1/2 hours drive from me. I am just stunned. I want details though. Buffalo's a big place. I just can't go driving around aimlessly searching for him. Also, I can't just ask for a leave of absence from my job for the whole month of November. Can you picture the look on my boss's face if I did that? "I need a leave of absence to go stalk Keanu Reeves:)" So I need some more specifics on time and place.

Yes, hopefully the weather will be good at least thru the beginning of November. Last year my daughter got married Nov 8 and it was sunny and in the 60's, got great outdoor pictures. But by the following weekend, we had a blizzard and about 8 inches of snow on the ground.

2009-09-03 14:09

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"I need a leave of absence to go stalk Keanu Reeves:)"

I wanta watch!

Your boss I mean, not your stalking ;)

2009-09-20 15:36

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I'm looking forward to this movie. I wish I was in Buffalo to even get a glimpse of him.
2009-10-29 15:38

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Finally! Here are the latest news regarding the casting for Henry's Crime:

Romancing Keanu: Here's a romantic comedy cast we never thought we'd see: Keanu Reeves, James Caan and Vera Farmiga, in Henry's Crime. Reeves will play a man falsely accused of a Buffalo, NY bank robbery and Farmiga will play his love interest. It's disconcerting to see Keanu play a character forced to navigate the snow-covered streets of Buffalo. This man was born to surf. Someone get him a wave! (Variety)

And here's more in-depth info directly from Variety:

2009-10-29 21:41

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It'll be good to see Jimmy Caan again - and something feels very right when thinking of him and K playing opposite each other - pray that the powers that be let those two play off of each other on their own instincts.. This one is going on my 'must watch' list :).
Anakin McFly
2009-10-30 09:57


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and of course the fish won't stop:

That one comment isn't much better.

2009-10-30 13:22

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It's all your fault Ani for pointing that thing out to start with - that kind of fish seems better left alone to die it's slow dull death.. but like that proverbial train wreck that we can't seem to help staring at it's just SO HARD to let such idiocy pass unremarked upon ;).

Anakin McFly
2009-10-30 16:53


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guh. They closed comments for that post, just when I'd typed up my long rebuttal:

Okay, you know what? I was almost inclined to believe you, but after reading all your posts, I'd say that you have some major issues and I am seriously doubting the validity of your posts. For one: "what is the use of Keanu Reeves, if he has got no woman to please!!!"

Is that how you judge a person's worth? By how much sex they have? Then I guess I'm useless, seeing as how I'm a virgin and intend to remain that for many years more because I have better things to do wiht my time. One day I will be old and unmarried too. And I guess impotent people are useless, as are children and the old, and anyone else who isn't having sex.

"that's why he doesnt keep a galfriend for longer than a month or two and the ones that do hang around......don't know any better when it comes to hot sex! "

You know them, do you? And he was with his girlfriend Lynn Collins for at least two years, maybe four. He's been on and off with Amanda de Cadenet since 1995. He had a daughter with Jennifer Syme, but she was born dead, and then Jennifer died in a car accident. Do you have any evidence to dispute all this, or are you relying on nothing more than idle speculation to fit your deluded theories?

"EWWWW is to the fact that he has to pay for it because he cannot love a woman he only knows how to use them!"

And you know this how? Because ONE prostitute told your brother who told his best friend who told you that Keanu allegedly paid her $50k for sex? And even if it were true, does this make every person who hires a prostitute someone who does not know how to love? Are you a mind reader who can tell that Keanu has never loved?


Keanu has been very generous to charities, in particular those for cancer research, because his sister Kim is suffering from leukemia. What's your explanation for his desire to help her, seeing as you claim that he doesn't know how to love a woman and his sister is, presumably, a woman? Does he not love her? Is it all a pretence? Keanu is one of the few celebs who doesn't flaunt his charity work, and I don't think that's reason to blame him for allegedly not doing anything to help the poor.

Keanu also has the right to look like a hobo if he wants to. What business is it of yours, anyway? Many of us fans respect him for not being one of the vain, preening masses of Hollywood.

and now I can't post it. :(

They just closed it! JUST!

Should I inform lflipout? She'd have a field day working this into her gay theory. :|

2009-10-30 17:34

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Ani... it's a good rebuttal, and I'm sorry it could not be posted for people to read it. But as for the fish... it's just not worth it.

and don't get me started on the love=marriage=kids and white picket fence+all that stuff socially accepted and promoted image. It's passe. Obsolete. Time to bury it.

And as long as someone's sex life involves only consenting adults, it shouldn't be anyone's business but those involved.

PS - no, don't inform lflipout! the link is probably up at Ugossip anyway...

Anakin McFly
2009-10-30 17:50


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and don't get me started on the love=marriage=kids and white picket fence+all that stuff socially accepted and promoted image.


PS - no, don't inform lflipout! the link is probably up at Ugossip anyway...

Surprisingly, it's not. :\\

2009-10-30 18:14

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I just sent an e-mail to Katey Rich at Cinemablend and asked her to remove the slanderous comments that jemmaj posted. I think those comments are way beyond what should be allowed. Hopefully they'll be deleted. Hopefully.
Anakin McFly
2009-10-30 20:35


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I earlier sent an e-mail to Katey asking her to reopen comments so I could post my rebuttal. :\\ I'm all for free speech, generally, as long as people are allowed to argue. Burying stuff never helps, because the thoughts are still there and if wrong, they should be corrected.
2009-10-30 23:39

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I believe there should be a limit to what people can write under the claim of free speech. Even if jemmaj should be telling the truth -- which I seriously doubt -- it would still constitute slander. Wasn't there a case recently where a website/forum owner had to disclose the IP address of someone who slandered some celebrity? I know I read about it somewhere.

Edit: Here's what Wikipedia has to say about defamation of character:

The paragraph about Defamation per se is particularly relevant in this case:

Defamation per se
The four (4) categories of slander which are actionable per se are (i) accusing someone of a crime; (ii) alleging that someone has a foul or loathsome disease; (iii) adversely reflecting on a person’s fitness to conduct their business or trade; and (iv) imputing serious sexual misconduct. Here again, the plaintiff need only prove that someone had published the statement to any third party. No proof of special damages is required.
[edit] Singapore

Anakin McFly
2009-10-31 22:54


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One of the comments has been removed.
2009-11-06 18:17

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Something tells me I should stay well away from this but...

I am sorry but I cannot believe a story told third hand by a woman who sells her body for sex.

I personally, me, myself actually know, I had coffee with the guy in question and his wife a couple of weeks ago.

Someone who used to work as a porter/valet at the hotel Keanu lived in while he was in Australia filming the Matrix sequels. I remember him telling me at the time how impressed he was with Keanu's work ethic. Most mornings leaving the hotel around 4am and often not returning until 10pm. He also thought it amusing that this guy who "could probably get any girl he wanted" spent a lot of his time alone and reportedly told one ardent admirer that he could not have any distractions right now. When I first read this I wondered what this woman was smoking, so I called my friend and was politely but firmly told that "After 15 years working in hotel concierge I can spot a prostitute the minute she steps out of her car and NEVER once did I see Mr Reeves with any women of questionable morals"

Make of that what you will

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