WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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2014-11-01 03:24:02

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Toward the end of the film, a menacing Russian mobster remarks that the veteran hit man John Wick looks very much like the John Wick of old. Keanu Reeves looks very much like the Keanu Reeves of old, as well. Elegantly handsome and athletically lean, he looks fantastic at 50 and is comfortably, securely back in action-star mode. Not that he's been gone that long–or deviated that much from his persona–but this later-stage butt-kicking does call to mind Liam Neeson’s recent resurgence in movies like "Taken," "The Grey" and "Non-Stop."

After all these years, though, he's still quintessentially Keanu. He radiates a Zen-like calm which makes him simultaneously elusive and irresistible, especially in the face of great mayhem. There's still a boyish quality to his face but it belies the wisdom of his years. He's smarter than he looks but he's in no great hurry to go out of his way to prove it to you–at least, not on screen. He just … is.

A character like John Wick is right in Reeves' wheelhouse because it allows him to be coolly, almost mythically confident, yet deliver an amusing, deadpan one-liner with detached precision. (This is when traces of the playful characters of his youth–Ted "Theodore" Logan and Johnny Utah–take a moment to surface.) But when the time comes–and it comes often in "John Wick"–he can deliver with a graceful yet powerful physicality.

2014-11-01 21:00:38

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2014-11-02 01:34:55

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btw, those of you who already saw the movie - did you notice the ringtone of John's phone? :)
2014-11-02 02:25:32

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Now I'm curious! :D What is it?
2014-11-02 02:26:22

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may I 'spoil' it? :D
2014-11-02 02:58:42

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Yes, please! :D
2014-11-02 03:05:01

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that 'analog phone' 'ring-ring'. the old fashioned one. like the hardline phones in the Matrix :D

on Nokia phones, it's 'nostalgia' ringtone.

.... fitting :D

2014-11-02 04:05:24

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Yeah, noticed that not whilst watching the movie, but instead when I was repetitively listening to the Marilyn Manson song on YouTube. Guess the connection took a while for me to make.

Never really noticed the Nostalgia thing, but now I'm considering making it my ringtone ;)

Very fitting indeed Luca.

2014-11-02 04:09:12

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I noticed only on the second viewing.... and mostly because it's also my favorite ringtone :D
2014-11-02 06:48:29

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oh yeah, I hardly noticed because (surprise!) it's always BEEN my ringtone, because it's "nostalgic." I wonder why I like Keanu?
2014-11-02 21:42:57

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One of my favorite ringtones as well! :) :)
2014-11-03 23:13:49

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I don't care that much about the official points but
- according to Rotten Tomatoes: critics & audience 85%
- according to IMDB: rating 8,0
Box Office: 1. Ouija $20M, 2. John Wick $14.2M, 3. Fury $13M, 4. Gone Girl $11.1M, 5. The Book of Life $9.8M

Anakin McFly
2014-11-04 10:12:50


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I just watched John Wick yesterday. :D

It had pretty much no plot to speak of (other than "people kill John's puppy, John kills everyone"*), but it was fun. One of the most fun movies I've seen in a while. Plus the cinematography was beautiful, which is unusual for a shoot-em-up film. And it would make an awesome video game.

*yes, I know it was more than just a puppy. ;)

Anakin McFly
2014-11-04 13:38:18


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I love this thread. :'D

There may be spoilers, though!

from the linked article: "Reeves's ability to hint at multitudes while his features remain relatively blank hasn't lessened since the Matrix trilogy..."

TheNoobScopers: Keanu Reeves is probably the only actor that delivers bad/cheesy lines with such cadence that it becomes good.

zappy487: Saw it last night with the wife. That's how you fucking do an action movie. John Wick is who you send to kill Liam Neeson from Taken.


maynardftw: John Constantine.
octopus_from_space: Then it'd be a murder-suicide.

SadlyOptimistic: Neo
Thegreatjaygatz: Bill and Ted
theduderman: That sure would be an excellent adventure.

zappy487: Usually the Boogeyman checks his closet for Chuck Norris. But Chuck Norris checks his closet for John Wick.

CatNamedJava: He does real depression and self hatred. Where it smolders in you but only shows as emotional blank.


Worthyness: Everyone on Reddit just wants him to be successful because he's literally one of the nicest people on the planet and does what he loves to do.

submarinesoup: After seeing this last night, I'M THINKING KEANU'S BACK

Anakin McFly
2014-11-04 13:57:07


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...okay and this whole subthread is hilarious. XD (no spoilers)

2014-11-04 19:15:51

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Both of those posts are f'ing brilliant, Anakin! It is a fun movie, and I love that Keanu clearly had FUN making it (and how many people besides Keanu define "fun" as fighting in the freezing rain and then sitting in an ice tub?) Not only are a lot of people besides ourselves "getting" what Keanu does, but all of this shows that people really love him and want him to be successful. That makes me so damned happy.
2014-11-05 00:53:49

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... this just makes me love reddit even more :D

Just watched the movie for the third time. Tuesday afternoon, 4 pm showing, about 14 people in the theater, half of which were seeing it at least for the second time and dragged friends or girlfriends along. And were saying some lines loud, together with the movie. It was fun .

Now, I know I'm gonna pause screen the hell outta that DVD after it will be released, but until then, question for everyone and especially Mme Renard who saw the movie more times than I did : what's that book the airport guard is reading? Is it by any chance Trevanian's Shibumi?
... that would be something :D

Anakin McFly
2014-11-05 09:52:50


Forum Posts: 3075
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oh, reddit.

hoorayfortoast: People keep asking me if I'm going to see this movie.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm gonna see this movie.

poopsonsheets: I know it usually gets downvoted if you comment on how funny you think a comment it but this seriously had me dying laughing.
My friend and I have been doing variations of this line back a forth all day and we just got out of the movie so it feels like an inside joke that you are somehow a part of.

Shady666King: An inside joke between millions of people . . .

souldonkey: Kind of like your mom.

arrkane: Oh.

2014-11-05 10:17:08

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Luca, that question came up on the movie's FB page and someone who'd seen it once caught that, Chaad & Dave (or whoever at 87Eleven confirmed it - it is indeed Shibumi by Trevanian* Some smartass :-) said it might as well have been one of the John Rain novels :-)

*I wonder whose idea THAT may have been?

2014-11-05 16:22:36

Forum Posts: 4842
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MmeRenard - thanks :)

I think we can pretty much guess whose idea that was ;)

well, there's a difference; Wick is more like Nicholai Hel than like Rain ;)
Also, the movie itself is more like Shibumi...bit of satire and parody.

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