WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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2014-09-22 05:14

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2014-09-22 11:00

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2014-09-22 19:13

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OMG, that new poster...I need a minute to catch my breath.






...Sorry, the hotness shook me to such an extent that it took longer than I thought. And all these amazing reviews...


Another review, which I don't like as much:

Just adding some counterweight:

2014-09-23 19:54

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Austin Monthly Interview

The Action Elite, video interview

Just for the sake of another poster (the review is positive but...)

2014-09-23 20:49
[ Post deleted by poster ]
2014-09-23 21:28

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That video interview is interesting because it made me realize the similarities between his expressiveness onscreen and off. We've commented here before about his extensive physical vocabulary - looks, gestures, larger movements - and how they convey so much emotion onscreen without his saying a word. Watching that interview made me realize where some of that might have come from. He's much quicker to reach for a gesture or show on his face that he's puzzling out the answer to a question than he is to come up with the actual words to respond to the question. And when he does come up with them, ten gestures and three looks later, they are good and to the purpose but not necessarily eloquent and precise. Yet another confirmation that there are worlds inside him - or rather a whole universe, as another poster once said - that run so deep he's left quite without the power of explanation.

But Lord, that review. Idiocy abounds. The writer calls it a "charismatic star performance" by a star of "blank-faced Zen passivity." A blank-faced, passive person can't give a charismatic star performance. These critics are so unwilling to go against the Prevailing Critical Wisdom on Keanu that they contort their logic into unrecognizable shapes to avoid acknowledging his talent.

He can act. Deal with it already.

Anakin McFly
2014-09-24 10:04


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2014-09-24 19:17

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@Jack: That's a beautiful and perfect analysis. Sort of felt overwhelmed with deja vu reading it because just the other day I was conversing over the phone with my friend and she said she had seen one of his earlier interviews and THIS, is EXACTLY what she said. That little gap between the question and the answer, he comes up with a great response but after a lot of thought.It has happened a lot many times before and I guess that also fuels the not-so-good-opinions(I prefer to call it that, do not want to use names that interviewers use). Unfortunately not many are willing to go that extra mile(heck even a centimetre) to catch the expressions or understand the beauty of the responses. Patience is a vanishing virtue and poor visual perception of the conscious kind is a prevalent disorder .

Yeah, People need to deal with all of this and of course the fact that he has a library (for God's sake why is that even a news, someone broke in and they are debating about a library!!)

2014-09-24 19:30

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Thank you, Jack, a very elegant post!

I think that Keanu does not speak lightly (except when that's his intention, in settings where it's appropriate). Words matter,and he chooses them with great care. I also think he is, like many great actors, a bit of an introvert.

His acting style seems to me much more naturalistic than the full-blown method that is the unfortunate norm. Most of us don't go through our days at an absurdly, melodramatically high emotional pitch. Overwrought emotion (aka scenery-chewing) is NOT good acting. He comes across onscreen as a normal guy and I find that very refreshing. People also express emotion, even profound emotion, very differently. The idea that there's one way to convey emotion is absurd. I believe that Keanu wants to convey genuine emotion, and if he doesn't feel it, he won't do it. He's being truthful, and I love that.

2014-09-24 19:52

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Article and interview

What about my Constantine?!! :-(

2014-09-24 22:07

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Thanks, y'all. :)

It occurs to me that I should clarify something. I didn't mean to say, nor do I think, that he's one of those actors who plays himself in every role and that's why so much of his best work is nonverbal. The precision and elegance I see in his acting is completely absent from his real-life mannerisms. (Not a slam, just a thought.) That tells me that onscreen and off, he's a guy with much to think and little to say, which I'll always find intriguing.

And I really don't get how no writer mentioned the guy reads Proust for fun. But nope, it's easier to go for the stupid Bill & Ted jokes.

2014-09-25 20:59

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September 30th AMA for John Wick

10am PST/1PM EST

‘John Wick’ filmmakers and veteran stunt performers Chad Stahelski & David Leitch will be here in /r/movies September 30th at 10am PST for an AMA, where they’ll debut an all new poster & trailer for their Keanu Reeves film (self.movies)
submitted 1 day ago * by girafa[M]

I have to say, there's something oddly satisfying about being excited again for a run-and-gun revenge film. Especially one made by veteran stuntmen.

Should be good.

If anyone needs assistance to use reddit or navigate during an AMA, mention it here. Myself and Ani can probably help - maybe others as well?! [sorry to volunteer you Ani but you're good with reddit too]


2014-09-25 22:50

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Does anyone know what the budget of the film was?
Just asking, cause I thought it was a low budget movie, but it looks awesome,
like a big studio production :D
2014-09-26 00:29

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I'll probably need help Axie. The internet hates me.
2014-09-26 03:55

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No worries, Spirit_Haze. Do you have an a/c on reddit now? If not, go ahead and create one in the meantime. I'm axollot as mentioned. I'm no reddit guru by any means but can find my way around. Ani is *MUCH* better at reddit. hint-hint. One way or the other we'll make sure everyone who wants to join in can do so and navigate - which can be the hardest part of the site.

No idea on the film budget BICto22 <--like how I shortened it? heh.
I'm sure the info is in one of the links. Digital?! It does allow more $ for other aspects of the film that used to go towards film and developing costs.

2014-09-26 04:16

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Account created and axollot found. Next...?
2014-09-26 04:25

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"I love John Wick's grief and his power," said Reeves. "For me, when I really first felt that was in The Lord of the Rings and you would read about Strider, and you'd think, 'Wow, here he comes.'"When Wick kills, it is for good reason, and with merciless efficiency, Reeves explained, "which I think helps him be not the reprehensible, pathological, sociological killer that he could be. He's just really capable."

Reeves is a Fantastic Fest veteran, unveiling his directorial debut Man of Tai Chi there in 2013. That was about a good man trying to save his soul; with the bloodstained Wick, "there's a bit of a swing in the pendulum here," he said. "For me, it was fun telling this mythological, Old Testament, revenge tale. But I don't quite think of it as revenge. I think of it as reclaiming."

anita7722014-09-26 04:39

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He really chooses interesting roles, doesn't he? My friends and I (some of whom are not even fans) are really excited to see John Wick. I respect that he gives full thought to interviewer's questions before he answers. So many actors just ramble, he actually comes up with cogent replies.
2014-09-26 05:37

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Spirit_Haze - book mark the link and hit the small subscribe on that page over halfway down on the right hand side.

In the mean time, click around the page and the site overall. Explore by using 'search reddit'

you won't break anything. ;)

2014-09-26 20:40

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@axie:  I 've been very clear about abstaining myself from using social sites and discussion forums. Just a personal decision. I don't have any external accounts anywhere and this is sort of the only place i believed i belonged. So, was just wondering that, if my brain is sharp enough to cook up some question, may i shoot it through one of you?

Does it work that way?

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