WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: JOHN WICK?

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Misty2015-03-27 06:23:22

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Aaahh ... thank you LucaM
2015-03-28 03:17:36

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Picture - Keanu Reeves at London London United Kingdom, Wednesday 25th March 2015

Keanu Reeves Leaving London Tel After John Wick Screening â

2015-03-28 03:25:22

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Keanu Reeves Talks About Action Man Role In 'John Wick'
2015-03-28 20:24:40
[ Post deleted by poster ]
2015-04-04 20:00:02

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'A sequel is already in the works and Iâ
2015-04-05 03:44:25

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if you ever need to make a 'dinner reservation' ;)
2015-04-05 03:58:36

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perhaps I should get one to set next to my Little Sad Keanu or my Tiny Sad Keanu - "cheer up, Sad Keanu! John Wick will avenge you!"

Can one get a dinner reservation for a fish?

2015-04-05 04:26:17

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I'm guessing so, but the fish needs to be 'neutralized' first. :|

2015-04-05 05:25:56

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oh, that's right - hence since *ahem* we don't yet have a John Wick emoticon
2015-04-05 05:26:18

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or a dinosaur - whatever THAT means
2015-04-05 05:49:58

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Anakin McFly
2015-04-06 09:23:23


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or a dinosaur - whatever THAT means
2015-04-06 23:57:28

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Thank you. I totally agree that 'Speed 3: VELOCIRAPTOR' sounds wicked awesome and I would totally pay to see it in IMAX.
2015-04-08 02:51:13

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2015-04-08 15:16:29

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2015-04-10 02:53:10

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2015-04-10 16:35:11

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2015-04-11 02:55:12

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Director Stahelski said Reeves was as committed as ever on set, despite his advancing years.

"He's still like a cat to us! He is a workaholic. We've had to send him home. During one of the nights while filming the club fight, it was after 14 hours of gun fights and jujitsu and he was sick, he had the flu, he had a fever and he was like 'one more take' and we were like 'no', we actually had people take him downstairs and take him home."

2015-04-11 06:17:22

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This is the best part. I'm not kidding: John Wick is played by Keanu Reeves (47 Ronin, The Day the Earth Stood Still). Dude has been unfairly maligned his entire career, but even all the nastiest things that have been said about his talent and his screen presence - which, I hasten to underscore, are slander, I tell you: slander - are perfectly aligned with this character. Wick so embodies noirish hardboiled stolidity that Reeves' entire body of work could well have been leading to this performance. Even more so than The Matrix. This is Reeves' at a prime that is like a new prime, because who could have seen this coming? Fifty - yes, Reeves is 50; I hope that makes you feel as old as it makes me feel - 50 is the new awesome.

But wait, there's more. The way Reeves moves onscreen in this movie in the fight scenes is like nothing I have ever seen before in an action movie. It's a subtle thing, not like martial arts - or at least like no martial arts we've ever seen onscreen before - but like dancing. Deadly dancing. But not even like any dancing we've seen before. From a purely cinematic perspective, it's thrilling. Because it makes the brutal violent bloody mayhem feel innovative and inventive.

2015-04-14 01:42:41

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