WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Generation Um

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Generation Um
Anakin McFly
2013-10-27 21:32


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Cupcake Indifference Disorder (CID)

Individuals with CID show an abnormal indifference to cupcakes and/or the enjoyment thereof, as manifest by at least two of the following:

- Lack of interest in cupcakes within individual's visual field (e.g. avoiding eye-contact with cupcakes, walking past a cupcake shop without so much as a glance, etc)
- Failure to express adequate (verbal or non-verbal) enjoyment when consuming a cupcake (e.g. smiling, saying "mmm, cupcake," face lighting up when offered another)
- The presence of cupcakes incites no visible positive change in the individual's mood

Individuals with CID may or may not be willing to consume cupcakes.

In addition, the following criteria must be met:
- Individual must have been exposed to cupcakes at least once in their life.
- Individual must not be allergic to, despise, or otherwise dislike cupcakes.

2013-10-27 23:17

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Thanks, I was sure it had to be there somewhere. So I wonder if the correct treatment is massive consumption of cupcakes?
2013-10-27 23:27

Forum Posts: 2836
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Welcome to this cyberspace MmeRenard!
2013-10-28 00:20

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Thank you very much, Arya.
2014-01-12 18:19

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EastEndFilmFestival @EastEndFilmFest

"I was writing a hero but when I was rewriting it I stripped all the hero out." @MarkLMann on GENERATION UM.

1:10 AM - 7 Jul 13

2014-01-16 05:47
[ Post deleted by poster ]
2014-01-16 06:04

Forum Posts: 4842
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Generation Um..., explained.
well, maybe ;)

billion thanks for posting it :)

2014-01-16 06:10

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It was kind of the Russian Club to take us into consideration. And thank you Tatiana Kart!
Anakin McFly
2014-01-16 22:37


Forum Posts: 3076
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Thanks! Added to the archive. And this is the first time I think that maybe I'll eventually watch this movie.
2014-01-19 10:34

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I've seen this twice since I first viewed it and was pretty sure that I didn't like it. I realize that that's not it - it is brilliant stuff, but it difficult, uncomfortable and demanding, like a really demanding book. I first saw it as another dark indie film, but it goes so very far beyond that. It has a heart, it has real caring just expressed with enormous difficulty and awkwardness. And seeing it again, I'm struck by the fact that Keanu is incredibly fantastic in this, just layers and layers of character with amazing subtlety and nuance. This is a case where the commentary helped me, because the first time I saw it, I just had no context for it and it was simply uncomfortable. I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with it, and that's OK.
For Keanu, for all of the actors, director, producers, this is bold, brave stuff, expecting and asking a lot of the audience, also really trusting the audience - a particular audience - to follow, to try to understand. I really, really appreciate that.
2014-03-13 08:46

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Mark is at vimeo under User 103167 if you've not seen the vid extras.

2014-03-13 17:30

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Cupcake Indifference Disorder (CID)

Individuals with CID show an abnormal indifference to cupcakes and/or the enjoyment thereof, as manifest by at least two of the following:

- Lack of interest in cupcakes within individual's visual field (e.g. avoiding eye-contact with cupcakes, walking past a cupcake shop without so much as a glance, etc)
- Failure to express adequate (verbal or non-verbal) enjoyment when consuming a cupcake (e.g. smiling, saying "mmm, cupcake," face lighting up when offered another)
- The presence of cupcakes incites no visible positive change in the individual's mood

Individuals with CID may or may not be willing to consume cupcakes.

In addition, the following criteria must be met:
- Individual must have been exposed to cupcakes at least once in their life.
- Individual must not be allergic to, despise, or otherwise dislike cupcakes.

Ani, I hadn't seen this when you posted it, but thank you for making my day. This really cracked me up :D Brilliant!

2014-03-14 05:41

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- Part of what I am considering in “generation Um...” is the idea that if you were to catalog all the things that draw a person's attention in a day, then you would be able to paint a very intimate portrait of who that person is, and what place that person occupies, or feels they occupy, in the world they live in-

Oh, this is Gud! I read that the majority of our thoughts daily repeat thrmselves.., like an old record. Most thoughts are not worth thinking... Odd that we do. Like even painful memories become familiar...comfortable.

Thanks for posting the article, I loved it, Arya!!!

2014-03-14 16:59

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I certainly don't suffer from CID...... Thank goodness! That cracked me up! :)
2014-03-31 01:39

Forum Posts: 2836
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this poster has a lot of Gen Um up and I think it's because it is Mark Mann.

2014-03-31 01:42

Forum Posts: 4842
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thanks. I needed to be able to watch that on a computer, not tv. :)
2014-03-31 07:00

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I think it's because it is Mark Mann.

Probably, does it also list his twitter? There is one that does. He follows back, seems pretty down to earth as well.

2014-03-31 22:23

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CID? this reminded me of one of gen um's scenes wherein Keanu was eating a cupcake, what struck me was the nuances while eating it, it is as if he was just forced to eat that cupcake and he had no choice but to eat it, an allegory to the kind of existence he was in.
2014-08-13 23:47

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Best thing to take from Generation Um... on this day when we are all missing Robin Williams so terribly - "NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP" Winston Churchill - may we all remember that!
2015-08-28 02:09:53

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