WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: Generation Um

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Generation Um
2010-09-18 12:28

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The Coffee Guy is back in NYC filming Generation Um:

2010-09-23 08:41

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A Man And His Cupcake: Keanu shooting a GenUm scene with very clear references to some memes we all know and love(?):

2010-09-23 08:54

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I wanna cupcake :) badly

2010-09-23 10:57

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I wish I was that cupcake :D

2010-09-23 11:13

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Something weird about the quotes (or "quotes"?) in this article. "Gazillion"? I saw that MTV interview but can't remember him saying that. Nor can I recall him talking about being too old to play Spike. Did I miss anything?

2010-09-24 00:17

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Apparently they brought their own cupcakes for the shoot. Talk about carrying coal to Newcastle!

Facebook - sugar Sweet sunshine Bakery
They had cupcakes that were Gluten Free or Sugar Free for him to eat during the shot. Anyway, they didn't like the icing color on the cupcake & asked me to scrape it off and put ours on. So, not our cake but yes, our delish creamcheese -shot him eating it in front & on our bench.

2010-09-24 01:35

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I knew it ! Ever since I saw those 'no loitering' photos, I suspected he was already filming, that he was probably 'in character' , 'cause something just didn't fit. Something wasn't really K.
Suspicion confirmed. That is the character's outfit; those are the character's vibes.
Somehow relieved that I wasn't imagining things. so far so good ;) :D
2010-09-24 16:48

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A guy named Landon Beard (@Landooner on Twitter) just finished a scene for Generation Um. Here's what he tweeted:

# Well kids it's off to bed... shooting with Keanu in the morning. Details to follow. (8:14 AM Sep 23rd via web)

# on my way to Westchester to film this hotel room scene. Hehe!! (about 18 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone)

# Day of the shoot! This should be interesting. Let's just say I've been rehearsing my BJ Face... (about 18 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone)

# My new character name in this film. "Mr. Big". Seriously. (about 11 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone)

# Aaaaannnnnnddddd iiiiitttttt's NAKED TIME!!!! (about 8 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone)

# What a day. What a cast. God bless Bojana Novakovich! We had so much fun. (about 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone)

Edit: This was added a little while ago:

This AT&T commercial captured the text convo from the girls on my film set last night...

2010-09-24 17:08

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Meanwhile, on Reddit:

mme_deviance: I found him a few days ago at this filming location. I was just walking to work, turned a corner, and there he was. Just sitting there by himself. I stopped to say hi and he was nice enough to let me take a picture with him.

Everyone I texted to tell I had just met Keanu responded with the question, "Was he sad?"

Anakin McFly
2010-09-24 17:16


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Everyone I texted to tell I had just met Keanu responded with the question, "Was he sad?"



2010-09-27 04:14

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I haven't seen these here on WINM, but I apologize if they're here and I'm just too lazy to look properly. (Which is likely true.)


The intro text is in Portuguese and reads:

Looks like the directing bug has bitten Keanu! He was photographed properly dressed and with camera in hand, giving his point of view on scenes from the film Generation Um. Can it be that, in a not too distant future, we'll see Mr. Reeves directing a film? Can it be?

2010-09-27 04:33

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well, when asked at the Toronto press conference about directing he said ' I ... we'll see'
guess we will ;) :D
HOPE we will ! :D

thanks for the pics !

2010-09-27 04:42

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Nice pictures! Thanks!
2010-09-29 00:31

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Anakin McFly
2010-09-29 08:50


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haha, Ludlow.


2010-09-29 23:08

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yeah, I noticed that :D

2010-09-30 04:21

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Fresh photos of Keanu on the GenUm set on Manhattan Avenue. Taken about 1/2 an hour ago:

Edit: Just had to add this, because of the LOL-worthy comment:

"If Keanu were hanging outside my place, I’d bring him in like any other stray. At the very least set out some food."

2010-10-02 16:12

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OK, so a guy on Twitter, an actor in GenUm, just reported that he was "Chasing after Keanu Reeves in a cowboy outfit... fun stuff!"

I'm picturing it. I'm loving it. :-)

Anakin McFly
2010-10-02 17:20


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I asked him for pictures. He said no. :(
2010-10-02 17:42

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Ani - don't think he's allowed to. I think actors have to sign a confidentiality clause or something like that. And from what I've read in various books about the movie business, I understood it's a no-no.
"A" did send to keanuweb on set photos of K ( Street Kings set), but I think that was an exception to the rule ;)

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