WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: 47 Ronin

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47 Ronin
2012-04-30 21:39

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When I view a movie that is particularly awful I follow it up with one of Keanu's films as an antidote. :)

Lol,Arya,you cracked me up.

2012-05-01 01:16

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I am happy to entertain you Chiara :D
2012-05-08 23:10

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Special sneak preview of the movie.

When= Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 7 PM (must arrive at 6:159

Where: Universal Studios Lot

100 Universal City Plaza

Universal City, CA 91608

In order to attend you must RSVP here

Use the screening ID and Pass ID that shows up on the pic bellow

IMPORTANT Present the invite printed when you go:

2012-05-08 23:14

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Let me see... airfare would be at least $500.00 so that would be THE most expensive movie I've ever seen. It's not happening for me and let me guess...they will swear everyone that goes to secrecy so we'll hear nothing.
2012-05-08 23:28

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... I somehow don't like that. It means they want to test the public's reaction/opinion. This sort of screening tests usually don't end well for the movie.

... at least they can't change the ending. that's safe. :|

2012-05-27 20:57

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a good training to prepare us to 47 ronin? going to Pitti Palace in Florence.

two weeks ago, I went in Florence for a workshop and during a break I visited the Pitti Palace ( the palace where who had the power in Florence lived - the Medici, the Asburg-Lorena and the Savoia royal family).Now it's divided in three Museums. there are affreschi, statues, and paintings from all the centuries. every years they celebrate a culture or a country. this year they celebrate Japanese art and culture. the choice of the Pitti Palace is not caused by a case, in fact, the Florentine palace, as far back as 1585, welcomed the first Japanese ambassadors to reach Italy.

the exhibition is called " Japan. Land of enchantments " and divided in different artistic pathes 1) The elegance of memory - The decorative arts in modern Japan 2)Of Line and of Colour -Japan, its arts and the encounter with the West; 3)Japonism -Evocations of the Far East from the Macchiaioli to the Thirties.

it's an amazing experience. and every time I saw a Kimono or a Katana or a Tea bowl I think of the upcoming movie Ronin, Keanu and all of you K-fans. :)

if you're planning a holiday in Italy this summer you'll must go here in Florence. ;-)

2012-06-03 16:23

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there are dark clouds in the sky from months.

I don't like what I read.

I worry about 47 ronin.

2012-06-03 18:27

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gulbie - call me paranoid, but I think most of those clouds are created intentionally. Yes, Rinsch has done only commercials so far. But those are brilliant. And I sense a lot of professional jealousy. After all, before filming Constantine, F.Lawrence was a director of music videos...
this comment says it better:
Carl Erik Rinsch isn't a pg13 director. His whole thing is cerebral and very "smartsy". Give him 175 million bucks to make 47 Ronin, dude ain't gonna use it to make MI:4, he's gonna make Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut and probably did.
... I hope he did ;)

I don't like what I read either, seems like an orchestrated campaign against the movie.
But... che sera, sera ;)

2012-06-03 18:42

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I hope he did...too!'re right, eventually: que sera sera! whatever will be will be, The future's not ours to see... ( can you see me dance with my 50's style skirt?)

2012-06-03 18:44

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yes I can :)
2012-06-03 18:47

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I don't know about you guys, but a movie where at the end (almost) everybody commits ritual suicide, doesn't sound like a prime candidate for a PG13 movie to me. ;-)
2012-06-03 18:57

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well, the ending is the one thing they can't change, otherwise might as well go for the Disney version.
2012-06-03 19:31

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Which reminds me of this.

What if Jaws was a Disney Movie ? :

2012-06-03 19:47

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... this reminds me why I never liked Disney movies. Not even as a child.
lizaird2012-06-03 22:22

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Disney scares me - especially now that it is trying to take over the world.
2012-06-03 23:22

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I am off disney too. Too much consumerization. And I did give them a whirl at one time...when I was young and didn't know any better.
Anakin McFly
2012-06-03 23:47


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2012-06-04 05:00

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... THAT banner... :|

2012-06-14 02:13

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not new.

2012-06-20 03:45

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Just came across this article through Topix

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