WINM Forums :: The Films of Keanu Reeves :: 47 Ronin

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47 Ronin
2013-11-20 05:41

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2013-11-20 10:42

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This thread started 4 years ago, kinda fun to go over it now that the world premiere has come and gone.

2009-12-05 05:11

2013-11-20 10:55

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@Blue Gem

Wouldn't it make sense for the world premiere to be in Japan? Or is that a totally crazy idea?

2013-11-20 22:02

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Hi guys! It's been a long time since I was here last, but I hope some of you still remember me.

I must confess that I had been fooling around ( in my imagination lol) with other actors like Gaspard Ulliel and Mark Ruffalo while I had been away (no connections or similarities whatsoever between them), but that doesn't mean I have forgotten about Keanu. How could I?

Anyway, I won the invitation for the red carpet event for 47 Ronin and was there last night! Can you believe I was only like 5 meters away from him?!?! Even I still can't!!
He looked just gorgeous and I thought I would faint, seriously.

But you know what, my sister and I were so stupid or we just didn't know how this red carpet thing actually works, when we were allowed inside we just took the spot right in front of the fence facing the stage, hoping that we would be able to see him close. But later we realized that the red carpet were there so that the actors would give fans autographs and shake hands, and oh yes, Keanu being such a nice guy he did that wholeheartedly, it seemed. No wonder many of other people took the spot arownd the carpet.
And when Keanu finally got through with the carpet after more than an hour, he was only like 15 minutes on the stage.

I'm happy and should be thankful that I got to see him so close and hear his real voice ( he even said a few words and a sentence in Japanese, soo cute XD), but still can't help regretting that I should have tried to take a spot near the carpet, because so many people there were getting autographs.

And also I wished if I could see the movie afer the event, too bad I found out about the premier ticket(and how to get it ) after they were already sold out.

But anyway, I'm happy!

2013-11-20 23:46

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I remember you were from Japan! How exciting that you were at that event! I think everyone with a Keanu encounter has some regret about how they would have done it better...You must tell us about the movie when you've seen it!
Anakin McFly
2013-11-21 00:31


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Thanks for sharing! Did you manage to get any pictures?

when we were allowed inside we just took the spot right in front of the fence facing the stage, hoping that we would be able to see him close.

omg this exact same thing happened with me at the Star Trek Into Darkness premiere at NYC. I asked my boss to let me off early in exchange for extra work, so I was one of the first to arrive, and then I took the spot right by the fence thinking that that was where all the celebs would be going past. And then I ended up being right at the back instead, while all the latecomers were the ones who managed to be close enough for autographs and things. ;___; plus 90% of them were there for Benedict Cumberbatch, whereas I was there for Pine and Quinto (...mostly Quinto), who were being sadly neglected and I couldn't even get to them. :(


2013-11-21 20:53

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... reading the comments to that article is highly entertaining, to say the least. Especially since I've read them before, in other places...
eh, some things never change...

2013-11-21 23:58

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Ah, join the club, Anakin! I should have visited here earlier and bragged about how I won the invitation, that way you might kindly have given me some tips... I guess this is how I am being punished for having neglected the Keanu fandom for a while(;_;) I can't overcome the fact that I have ruined the once-n-a-lifetime opportunity... I mean, how many times would Keanu star in films which happen to hold the premire in Japan?(;_;)

Anyway, I do have some pictures, but most of them are out of focus. I could post a few, but actually I don't exactly know how. Now, does this ¨ has to do with the procedure? If so, what am I supposed to put for the "image" part?

@Arya, I hope I could see the film, but in fact I'm moving out to another country in December and I don't know if I will be allowed to go see the movie while things are alreay hectic as it is now... I should, somehow, though.

2013-11-22 00:04

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@robin, I use imageshack for posting pics here so it might work out for you too.
Please try to focus on the fun of your experience. Nothing has been ruined. OK? :)
Good luck with your move and with your busy life. Have fun!
2013-11-22 00:17

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Ah yes, the comments. This is a somewhat encyclopedic list of the usual suspects:
"I don't like your handle, what's that supposed to mean?"
"You're a NOOB!"
"But it's not exactly like the source material"
"Oh yeah and you suck"

Et cetera

[editorial comment] the amount of CGI in this film looks pretty important to the story, just my opinion.

2013-11-22 02:05

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@Arya, thank you for your kind words. I'll check imageshack and see if I can do anything about the pictures.

my earlier words
[quote]I should have visited here earlier and bragged about how I won the invitation[ /quote]
"brag" may not be a proper word here... I was just hoping to be funny but afterall I ended up getting nothing anyway and guess there is nothing funny about it. Sorry :/

Anakin McFly
2013-11-22 13:57


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that way you might kindly have given me some tips...

Nah, I wouldn't have been able to. Every event is different, as is the best place to stand.

'brag' was a suitable word choice. Come on, you got to be near Keanu! :D

For the image part - you need to upload it to a photo hosting service like Photobucket or Imageshack, then copy and paste the direct links.

2013-11-23 06:27

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2013-11-23 07:28

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Thanks, Joke, that is lovely.
2013-11-23 08:17

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Keanu Reeves Discusses The Challenges Of Making 47 Ronin

Keanu Reeves Shares His Love For Japan; Talks Learning The Japanese Long Sword

2013-11-24 00:02

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@Joke, that vid starts out breaking my heart! "An orphan in love with a princess" and then he charms through the rest of the commentary. He is too much... and I am learning to live with it.
2013-11-24 03:02

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@ARYA ;)

Christine2013-11-24 04:15

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After all, as well as looking incredibly good,(I love his black suit & tie!!)
he breaks my heart with his inner beauty, the way he talks, the way he laughs, the way he moves....t.b.c.

Yes Arya, he is too much !

2013-11-24 13:17

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@LucaM, that would be mostly true for me. And in my defense I did not love Gravity like Keanu did.
@Christine, you'd think I'd be used to it by now...
2013-11-24 23:41

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